View Full Version : warp feed question

05-15-2002, 06:56 PM
Has any body had ANY problems with there warp feed when they bought it or when they were playing with it. If you had a problem PLEASE tell me what it is and how to fix it. Just in case if my warp will not work. thanx

05-15-2002, 10:09 PM
If your batteries are too low you're screwed. Solution, get plainview 9.6v rechargeables or get E2's or Duracell Ultra and replace them regularly.

Adjust your dwell and sensitivty correctly.

05-15-2002, 11:03 PM
that's about it...

but there are many solutions to the power problems with the warp. my favorite so far, and what i plan to do unto mine, is two hook up a three waty switch on-off-on, in wich you have a seperate batter connected to either side and then off is optioned in the center. this way, when one battery dies just flip the switch and rock and roll.