View Full Version : Iron Chef

05-16-2002, 09:13 AM
Sorry I needed a place to stick this image.

(picture removed by Moderator - cphilip)

05-16-2002, 09:17 AM
Sorry we are not your picture host site and without any apology from your actions in chat on Saturday I am less inclined to even have you around. Please tell me why I should not ban you from the site?

05-16-2002, 09:25 AM
Go phil!! You tell him what we do to people who cross the borg. We string up naked and shootem with a a lvl10 emag at 20 bps.. LOL

Just kidding you know we would NEVER be that irresponsible. Excuse me while I cough..


05-16-2002, 09:28 AM
Well this is nothing against the trekkies who are for the most part good people. Even they agree his behaviour was improper.

05-16-2002, 10:53 AM
Ok enough of this... Banning Websuspect now.

Nothing against all you great Trekkies out there. We love you guys. But the same would be done to an AO member and without so much notice.

05-16-2002, 12:03 PM
Hey cphilip, did you delete some of his posts or something, it looks like you just banned him out of mid-air. I have no idea what went on in the chat...so I can't say anything about that. It does appear as though he has been a questionable user.

Remember when I thought that websuspect could have been webmaster? hahahhaha boy was I wrong. :D

05-16-2002, 02:46 PM
I did delete the picture. It was a shamless use of our web space when he has his own. And it is in the wrong forum as it had NOTHING to do with paintball or any thing remotely to do with it.

In chat at the party he was invited into the +M time by Tom and told us all to go F ourselves. With no remorse shown so far and he appears to be missleading his own folks about his behaviour. He has had things deleted in the past here. In fact I think he is the only one who has demonstrated rude and vulgar behaviour out of the whole bunch of them. All the rest of them have been kind and fun. Nice folks. I realy hope none of you judge any of them by this one members behavour. AS I would wish them to do in return.

SO it was a combination of mounting violations that got him a ban. He may apeal to Webby, Rob or Tom and its up to them but he is not the kind of person I want here not do I think the trekkies want representing them.

If he is THEIR Webmaster then he is to be held to an even higher standard and should have been gone long ago.

05-16-2002, 02:55 PM
Just wondering....but what was the pic?

05-16-2002, 03:02 PM
A simple banner with Iron Chef on it...:rolleyes:

It was not the picture it was his intent to incite. So I gave him what he deserved. Now he is missrepresenting it all to his people. He appears jealous of all the comradery between the two groups and aims to stick a fork in its eye. I am only guessing at his motives. So be it. I will take him out of the picture, at least here. They will have to decide whom to believe. I think they are reasonable folks and will smell a rat.