View Full Version : Question about powder coating...

The Fuzz
05-18-2002, 01:37 AM
I'm gonna sound like a dumb *** but I have a really bizarre situation.

I've got what I assume started out to be a Minimag but now has a classic left power feed body on it. I recently took the body off and had it powder coated. I was very specific with the shop and told them to ensure that no powder got on the inside. The shop did a bang up job and it looks great.

I got the body home and assembled the marker, gassed it up and whadda ya know it doesn't fire right. It fires on the in AND out stroke of the trigger and will sometimes go full auto. I cleaned out the slot and the two holes in the bottom and re-checked the inside of the body and it looks good.

Now I'm stuck. What gives?

05-18-2002, 01:38 AM
did they powdercoat the area where the body meets the rail?

The Fuzz
05-18-2002, 01:39 AM
yeah, sure did. I was kind thinking thats what the problem may be.

05-18-2002, 01:40 AM
yep, sure is.

05-18-2002, 09:03 AM
I remember someone scoffing at me when I explained not to powder there. That there would be tolerance issues. (not anyone that has posted on this thread)

05-18-2002, 07:02 PM
I have a question regarding tolerance issues after powdercoating. I have an RT that is going to get coated. I want to coat the body rail, sight rail, and foregrip extender green, and the body tube gloss black. Where should I instruct whoever will be doing this NOT to coat?

The Fuzz
05-18-2002, 08:30 PM
I really don't know how to answer your question but I can tell you what I did so that you can learn from my mistake. I had the ENTIRE body powder coated with the excepiton of the inside.

Last night when it wouldn't fire I etched a line around the rail and then began stripping the powder on the bottom. Unfortunately this proved very difficult. I have ultimately stripped the entire body and am starting over again. Luckily the guy who does the coating is only charging $4.00 a pop so it isn't that big a loss.

Good luck!

05-18-2002, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by einhander619
I have a question regarding tolerance issues after powdercoating. I have an RT that is going to get coated. I want to coat the body rail, sight rail, and foregrip extender green, and the body tube gloss black. Where should I instruct whoever will be doing this NOT to coat?

do not get it coated where ever two tolerence sensitive parts meet. For example, the area bewteen the body and rail, or the rail and gripframe.

If you're sending it to an experienced paintball powdercoater, especially one that advertises here. (Ken at KPCustoms, or Redrider) they should know what to not coat.

05-18-2002, 08:40 PM
Any spot where two pieces interface with each other that would affect the thrigger or moving parts. For example where the rail and the body mate together. And if you are doing the rail I would mask out where the trigger frame would mate up also. Another tip would be to get masking tape specific to the powder coating process. Regular tape when baked out will make a mess when you try to peel it off. I also masked out the inside of the body and the inside of the power tube.

05-19-2002, 09:41 PM
where can i get my body powdercoated????? thank you. how much does it cost anywho?

05-19-2002, 11:25 PM
Thanks, guys! 100th POST!!!!:p :D :) :cool:

05-21-2002, 12:21 AM
joelk; I highly reccomend you contact RedRider87 on the forum, or email him at [email protected] hes done work for me before and love it to death. you can see pics of my Redrider powdercoated mag via the link below my signature.

05-23-2002, 05:27 PM
About how long did it take redrider to complete your powdercoating? From the day shipped to him till the day you got it back. Let me know.

I am thinking about taking mine to a local place, and i will make sure i have everything taped off. That should be ok if I dont sent it to Redrider right??