View Full Version : Important Super Bolt Foamie Question

05-18-2002, 03:44 PM
When I put a Foamie in my Superbolt, it immediately pops out after several shots. How do I afix the Foamie to the Bolt? Or do I have a different problem?

05-18-2002, 04:46 PM
You need to get some super glue (or other exceptionally strong adheseive). Make sure that the area that the bolt contacts the foamie is clean. Very clean. Then put a bit of glue on the bolt, attach the foamie, and let it dry. Then see if it falls out.

05-18-2002, 05:33 PM
a_malfunction is right. i've never been able to get a foamie to stay on my bolt without first cleaning the bolt surface then using super glue. the foamies have little to no adhesiveness by themselves.

05-18-2002, 05:41 PM
Thanks a ton guys.

05-21-2002, 07:28 PM
Using Super Glue made by Duro, I've lost 3 foamies. I've made sure the Super Bolt is clean too. But, how clean should it be? Do I need to wipe the metal with acitone, and make is shine? I put glue on the 3 "spokes", blow-dried it a little, let it regular dry, then finally used it. It still came out. What am I still doing wrong?