View Full Version : AGD Pride Finishes 5th in Centerflag Prelims

05-18-2002, 08:11 PM

AGD Pride was at the Centerflag tourney today too and did very well. They won 5 out of 8 games and came in 5th in their division. The top 4 teams went to the finals so they missed it by a hair. I have to take some of the blame for bad coaching on my part. I promise I'll be better next time guys!

Skirts was using Manny's SFL with the level 10 mods in it's first tournamet debut. His comments: "Can I use it next weekend at Challenge Cup?"

Great tourney and great games by all. Good job Pride!!


05-18-2002, 08:11 PM
The classic FACEFULL shot!

The calm before the storm...

Ready for launch!

Waiting to pounce!


The "Warp Feed Lean".

05-18-2002, 08:12 PM
Congratz to you guys as well… good job and only up from here.

Load SM5
05-18-2002, 08:14 PM
Fantastic job guys.

05-18-2002, 08:17 PM
The Hang!

Get that win in writing!!

05-18-2002, 09:11 PM
congrats guys, keep it up.

05-18-2002, 09:15 PM
Great job guys!

05-18-2002, 09:25 PM
Very nice job guys... and nice pics! Once agian GREAT job!

05-18-2002, 10:38 PM

05-18-2002, 11:22 PM
Good job guys! :D

Tactical Neural Implant
05-18-2002, 11:49 PM

05-19-2002, 12:19 AM
good job guys!!

05-19-2002, 12:43 AM
Skirts is so cute in Yellow!


05-19-2002, 01:48 AM
Great Job Guys, Way to represent AGD!

05-19-2002, 08:32 AM
good job,and better luck next time(not saying you didnt do great or anything)

05-19-2002, 10:05 AM
nice job guys , your the pride of sams:D

05-19-2002, 10:05 AM
Wow good job guys.

05-19-2002, 11:33 AM
well well well,
thankyou everyone for your support,
Yesterday was alot of fun, it was our first time playing 7-man format and we played well. We had a couple bad games and just missed the finals. The four teams that went on were BAM, STRIXEFORCE, PSYCHO CIRCUS, and our very own LIONS. We didnt get our heads into the first game and lost some of our guys trying to take the fifties (sometimes being over aggressive doesnt work). The tournament was probably one of the most fun events i have played in years. There were two 7 man fields one was a black and white Worr games field that had a broken snake on one tape and a huge centerpiece. The AGD field is the new field that tommy had built for the IAO. It was yellow and black and had lots of low triangle shaped bunkers (ideal for warps, hint, hint, for those of you playing the IAO). We acutally played PSYCHO CIRCUS in the prelims and made quick work of them. During the game butch had a great move in the middle of the field bunkering their middle guy and chad (from the spores) was on the other tape ripping the team up from accross the field. After i had gotten out of the snake i got to the back of the field and told the team that everyone was out from PSYCHO CIRCUS, right then one of their players turned around from a very nicely done "dead mans walk" and stitched me up. scooter and butch didnt let that stand and diced him up. after the third game my tank started leaking so tommy asked if i wanted to use manny's sfl. That gun RIPS!!!. With the new level 10 modification done to it i was amazed, i played the next 4 or 5 games with it and never broke or chopped a single ball NOT ONCE!!!!!!!!! I used my ricochet loader on it and it seamed to keep up just fine, although it was a little noisy. This tournament had a different format than most because we were allowed to have a coach on the field. Dennis ashley brought in a few big names from the pro paintball circuit to stand on the side lines and help teams out. To get a coach dennis auctioned off the pros and the money went to charity (very cool). Mooner from GZ was there, Rocky from the naughty dogs was there, and Bob long himself came to help out our cousin team from canada, liquid. Liquid rocked this event making the semis ranked in 6th place. Over all we had a great time and are a little dissapointed for not making the cut, but hey it happens to everyone now and then.

we will be playing challenge cup next weekend if anyone wants to come and hang out.

Thanks again guys, were just trying to make our brothers and sisters here at AO proud of our company AGD.

hugs and kisses

05-19-2002, 11:50 AM
Great Job! Congratulations AGD pride :D

05-19-2002, 01:05 PM
Hey, nice job. At the Challenge Cup, Pride and Lions should make it to the finals, and finish 1 and 2.

I'll be at the Challenge Cup, if anynoe wants to talk to me(probably not though, people hate me.:( )

05-19-2002, 03:36 PM
The LIONS ended up getting 2nd place behind Psycho Circus. Their prizes, ironically were AGD Minimags. GOOD JOB GUYS!!! Even with 6 players for the semi-finals, they ripped it up. Good job to both teams.


05-19-2002, 03:53 PM
We got 4th in finals, this just didnt click for us today, the sad part is every game the other team had 1 player left, thats what kills me

05-19-2002, 04:42 PM
Good work boys,

My congrats on a job well done. Hopefully, I'll get down sometime soon to actually see you play.

Skirts- I can't believe you got done by the dead walker. Didn't we talk about that? Got the package, body on..need one or two more things...call me..


PS- Peter is alive and doing well

05-20-2002, 12:13 PM
What Skirts didn't mention is that we both had our last game at about the same time. We were on separate fields, back to back through the netting, and we were able to do a group AGD cheer before their game started. They started first and maxed the game without losing a man before we had the chance to start off. A fantastic finish that, unfortunately, wasn't quite enough to put the into the finals. I was looking forward to an AGD 1st & 2nd (Pride in 2nd of course :p ).

Steve D
AGD Lions

05-20-2002, 12:20 PM
Congrats guys. Way to make AGD proud.