View Full Version : Rec tourney results.......pics.

05-18-2002, 08:40 PM
First, kind of off topic, i saw butterfingers there with his emag+warp+halo setup shooting 20bps. Pretty cool thing to see. He got a vid of it so get him to post it up.

Now, my field had their annual rec tournament before their big game(tomorrow). My squad placed second out of 25 teams. Not to shabby. We should have won the Finals, but i was playing super sloppy and got taken out. Lost communication and we fell apart. We got cheesed on a call, One guy made a break to the 50 and got nailed, but stayed in, wound up taking out our last guy, but it's only a rec tournament, i wasn't going to sit there and fight with them to get a couple of cheesey points to try and win something of no consequence anyways. All in all, we had a good time. A little tired, and wet(slightly raining early on), but after all is said and done, a good day.

Last and not least, some pics. I'm the big doofy guy in green. Busted out the camo's for today. Nothing like making people think you're a newb with camos and a carbine. Oh well, here we are.

Off the break.

05-18-2002, 08:41 PM
Me in the back mid left

05-18-2002, 08:42 PM
Ed in the mid right lay down.

05-18-2002, 08:43 PM
Me again layin some heat.

05-18-2002, 08:45 PM
My team, we're with Paul Sattler, awarding trophies for the teams. Again, i'm the big doofy guy towards the back.

05-19-2002, 02:14 AM
My cousin better bring that copy of adobe premire tommorrow. We got some hot cuts in that video. My friend decided to take video of random crap, like 20 minutes of the sign he taped to my back and another 15 minutes of the ground so we almost ran out of tape. I swear he would loose his head if it werent firmly attached to his neck :). JK Pete you know I luv ya!

Don and his wife just hung back and started handing out business cards. He was drugged out on pain killers from getting some of his teeth extracted this morn. Easy job for him, the FA fire and the ropes of paint drew crowds.

I was running off 3 hours of sleep I just came back from college friday night and by the time I got the e-magnum ready and got all unpacked it was 7 AM.

Look for us again tomorrow during the big game. My HALO has been fixed. It was in fact a black shell paint problem. Ill be needing to find non half black shelled paint. Unfortunately Don ordered like a skid of that stuff and I can't use it! It works in revies though so if you need quality paint...

Should be able to get that long awaited video of 180 rds FA.

Great meeting people on AO by the way nice to see friendly faces. PLEASE I insist if you want to try the e-magnum just ask. If I seem zoned out slap me in the face a few times and throw cold water on me cause you can see by the post time I don't belive in sleep. :)

I would like to put on a show tomorrow but I lack ideas. I was thinking a "pidgeon shoot" but given the restrictions on the firing range that could be dangerous. Perhaps I should just draw stuff...

05-19-2002, 08:43 AM

i would like to shoot it,would you come to FL???

05-19-2002, 10:08 AM
Nice pics. :D

05-19-2002, 08:21 PM
The big game is finally gone. After a nice and long 13 hour day today, i am done. It was a long hard weekend, and i'm in due for some sleep. Still kind of pumped from the good day of play saturday. Today i was pretty much the go-pher boy. That was only after I unloaded 13 skids of diablo blaze. Being the biggest guy at the field does have it's disadvantages. I didn't mind it though, it was just somewhat tiring. Especially after the rec tourney the day before and the 5 hours total sleep since friday. Oh well, i lived.

There was a fairly good turnout this year. A nice day to counter yesterdays rainy start. We had to have had at least 1300 people there. I saw quite a few girls/women there which is always nice. It seemed we had more younger kids than usual. I think it might have just been me, but it seemed like it.

I saw a few AO'ers there. I met butterfingers on saturday(sort of). I saw Manike and Bill Mills roaming around. Not to many, but hey.

One thing that kind of took me back is the number of mags i saw. Even at the tourney, i saw quite a few. There was an SFL, a few warps, quite a few RT's and a handful of classics. Always good to see Mags out there tearin it up. I wasn't able to get pics for today. I forgot my camera at home. I was very upset about it, but these things happen. All in all, not a bad weekend. Tiring none the less, but worth it.

05-19-2002, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
One thing that kind of took me back is the number of mags i saw. Even at the tourney, i saw quite a few. There was an SFL, a few warps, quite a few RT's and a handful of classics. Always good to see Mags out there tearin it up.

Hey, that SFL was me. I would have had my warp if I could find the mounting plate. But things got really interesting when the neck of my old revy broke and I spent the last few hours of the day loading five balls at a time and playing the point. I will admit, playing like that, I had no problems chopping;) Time to get that HALO.

Also, I have to say, Don and Butters, that E-Magnum board rips. From all the talk online I figured it would be something cool. But you guys have really unlocked the potential of the E-Mag. On full auto I couldn't even distinguish between one shot and the next. Just purrs like a kitten on acid and all that without chopping a ball. Even on seme it was so fast that couldn't believe I was actually pulling the trigger. One question I forgot to ask though is whether or not it can be locked on semi for tourneys.

05-20-2002, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Jacob

One question I forgot to ask though is whether or not it can be locked on semi for tourneys.

Yep! Absolutely 2 dip switches in the gripframe and the gun defaults to semi only.

Yeah the board is REALLY responsive to trigger input. If you even think about pulling the trigger the gun will fire.

05-20-2002, 11:27 AM
Jacob- That sux, didn't realize that you were an AO'er. I was exhausted pretty much all weekend. How did your team do in the rec tourney? Either way, hope you guys had fun. For the most part, the teams were able to keep it civil. There was only one incident in my devision that got a little out of hand. Even still me and a few other refs were able to keep it under control. Someone told me some others were screaming at another team in a different division, but oh well. Some people just can't play a game i guess.

05-20-2002, 12:19 PM
the big goofy guy near the back your gonna have to narrow that down for those of us who werent there!

05-20-2002, 12:21 PM
That sux, didn't realize that you were an AO'er ao should sell banners

05-20-2002, 01:50 PM
Ok, how aboot this, i was the guy in green. When i said in the back, was talking aboot the picture. Oh well, these things happen.

05-20-2002, 02:11 PM
My team, Stingers Weasels, did decently in the tourney. Unfortunatly there were a few incidents where the opposing team was allowed to get away with some rather blatant cheating as it seems like some of the refs were trained for rec play but were not given a thorough briefing as to tourney rules. However as it was only a rec tourney, I think things went pretty well.
Unfortunately I missed out on most of the tourney because I shot my finger point blank while I was chronoing my gun. (Go ahead and make your comments now.) Spent most of the day in a van holding my left hand up as if to say "We're number one." I did manage to make it into the last two games, and in the first one we cleaned up the Bermuda Triangles field in under a minute.

05-20-2002, 03:23 PM
Nice pics:D

05-21-2002, 02:06 AM
Yeah I remember one of the incidents you were talking about. It was at the field we call timberland. He really didn't wipe, it bounced off of him. I checked his leg, he didn't have any old shots on it. The giving him the paint was a little over the top. I was the guy trying to calm everybody down. I thought for sure that kid was going to try to fight someone. He was pissed. If it makes you feel any better(it made me feel better), they got maxed their last game and didn't score any points which put them one point behind us to make it to the semi's.

05-21-2002, 06:16 PM
Actually I didn't even hear about any accusation of wiping, what got me, and actually about half of the players watching, was the passing of paint and making of calls by eliminated players. I definitely agree with Pauls decision to replace the refs after all that went down. Lets face it, if I'm gonna lose, I want to lose because I'm a lousy player;) But thanks for making enough points to keep them out of the finals anyway, and I just want you to know, when you were playing that last game in the finals, I was sending telapathic messages to the other team trying to get them to forget to hang the flag, and with the way they were ready to leave the field, it almost worked. Sorry, I'll try harder next time.
Also, Ragu, you might have a clue as to how many people showed up for the big game, my dad keeps asking me and he doesn't seem to understand that, with one finger out of comission, I couldn't count quite that high;)