View Full Version : Day at PBLI

05-18-2002, 09:02 PM
Was a pretty good day overall has some equipment trouble in the begining but I eventually worked that out.

Problem 1: My smart parts HALO crapped out, I dont know what went wrong but the thing would not feed at all. I would literally have to bang it against somthing to get the thing to spin. No problem whipped out another HALO from the back of the van and we were back in business. So I thought...

Problem 2: The new halo did not feed as fast as my old HALO and yes the batteries were fresh. Usually I could empty the whole hopper on 20 BPS on top of the warp without chopping. The new halo seemed to chop at around 100 rnds in. Hmm no good. Probably needs to be broken in. Demos that were conducted the rest of the day were limited to 3-4 second bursts at 20 BPS to reduce the likelyhood of a mess.

Problem 3: My "new and repaired" nitroduck SS4500 reg started pissing air. I started to get really POED after waiting 5 months for PM to get thier but in gear and fix my tank and it leaks. Finally figured out the reg nut was too far out. Problem solved. Ran the 20 BPS demo at 650 psi input... Yes you read right 650 psi input. No problems, the balls were landing one right on top of the other.

Famous quotes for the day:

Tourney Players:

"I gotta get muself a warpfeed"
"Im definately gonna get a warp for my F5 now that was incredible"
"Holy &^%$ my whole impression of mags just changed"
"Ill trade you my sister for it"
"Ill trade you my impy and cocker for that"
"WOW that is DEAD accurate"
"You mean to tell me the internals are STOCK!"
"Oh wow yeah Im definately gonna get the e-magnum conversion for my SFL."


"is that with paint ?!?!?!"
"You know you aren't allowed to use that in the feild"

05-18-2002, 09:10 PM
hahah like the quotes there very cool

05-18-2002, 11:06 PM
HMM... perhaps my use of half black shelled paint would have contributed to my halo problem

05-19-2002, 08:54 AM
if that is the problem then why was it chopping around 100rounds?

also,why would the second one not spin as fast as first one,when they both where run off the half black shell..

05-19-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Jonno06
if that is the problem then why was it chopping around 100rounds?

also,why would the second one not spin as fast as first one,when they both where run off the half black shell..

To tell you the truth I have no Idea. Perhaps the new halos have improved eyes. The halo spins faster once its nice and broken in. The new one just didnt seem to spin as fast. I just know the problem went away when I used green paint.

05-19-2002, 11:04 AM
yeah black shell very bad for HALO

05-19-2002, 05:41 PM
My halo likes to chew on Marbelizers. Pink shell. Have no idea why. :(