View Full Version : Shatnerball ?

05-19-2002, 10:21 AM
umm this is prob on another thread but i couldnt find it(im too lazy to look) i was wondering how long there would be an open spot on TK's team i should have the money with in the next 2 weeks to register i was just wondering if i would still be able too and another thing which redroof inn location is the nearist one to the feild and about how much is a room with the spplat discount sorry i asked so many questions just wondering what i was getting myself in to thx :confused:

05-19-2002, 10:32 AM
Not sure about TK's team, but I think if you do it pretty quickly , you'll be ok. The RRI is in Joliet. I checked earlier & it's almost full, rooms are running like $80. Seems pretty expensive to me :(

05-19-2002, 10:34 AM
yeah no kiding 80$ i may just sleep outside :)