View Full Version : rt, pf questions

05-19-2002, 03:40 PM
I resently bought a used automag with a standard feed. The rt valves are expensive and I was wondering if I could get just the back part of the valve instead of everything kinda like the ans phase 2. Also, I was looking at the store and I saw the blemished powerfeed bodies. Are they any good? And is a powerfeed really necessary?

05-19-2002, 09:48 PM
ok ill try to ansewr everything here to the best of my ability no u cant get put back half of rt in ur air valve u can trade your air valve in for aa retro valve in the go reto program for 200$
from what ive heard the blemed bodies are very good and most people can hardly notice any blem at all and power feed is a wonderfull thing it decrease blowback by a lot and makes your gun feed faster it also alows you to set up a warp feed in a more compact position
just my .02 hope i was of help to you

05-19-2002, 10:26 PM
I saw the blemed really weird body. It looked very strange but i was wondering if it was worth it and if it's any good. Help me out.