View Full Version : Emag 18v -> 12v reg+capacitor diagram - RobAGD?

05-19-2002, 04:45 PM
I know someone (i believe RobAGD) had put together a circuit diagram of how to wire up 2 capacitors with a 12v voltae regulator to solve the current problems of gettin genough current when running the warp feed off of the emag battery. I have searched the forums but can't seem to find the thread that had the link to it. Anyone happen to know where it is?


05-19-2002, 05:10 PM

Scroll down about half way.

05-19-2002, 05:24 PM
Yeap, that look slike it...

Although someone should tell Rob that his text says "100 mF capacitors" while the capacitors in the picture are 100 uF.

- Chris

05-19-2002, 05:46 PM
No, it's an m. It's actually the symbol "mu" which stands for micro. It just looks more like a "u".

05-19-2002, 06:47 PM
uF=microfarad also...thats how I learned it

05-19-2002, 07:16 PM
"m" stands for "milli", or one one-thousandth. "u" is the alphanumeric character commonly used for the "micro" prefix. "m" *ALWAYS* mens milli, as in "mm" (milli-meter) "mL" (milli liter) etc. "m" never means "micro". "mF" is "millifarrad" and "uF" is microfarad and radio shack agrees with me. ;)

As for the voltage regulator, I just blew out yet *ANOTHER capcitor trying to do this. Takes a few seconds after I give it power for it to happen. Is there any rule that this thing actually needs to be hooked up to the warp feed when you power it on?

I had the +18v of the emag to the "input", the ground to the ground, a capacitor across the input and ground and a capacitor across the output and grond, with the output not connected to the warp (because I'm trying to minimize the chances of blowing the warp to little bits) and the capacitor thing blew up into little bits, heh. (Ok, not really, a capacitor blew out one of it's ends.)

Hrm... back to the drawing board.

My alternative solution is to just use the 8-battery pack with the 8 1.2 volt high-output electronics rechargable batteries I have and just run that 9.6 volts into the warp (it's nothte 12 volts I'm after, just not having to pay an extra $3 per day in battery costs for the warp)

- Chris

Kaiser Bob
05-19-2002, 07:26 PM
Im not sure, but the capactors have a directional arrow on them, i wasnt sure if that meant they needed to be connected a particular way, so i matched the arrows to the ones in rob's pic and it works fine.

05-19-2002, 07:47 PM
I didn't mean that it was completely an "m", I meant it looked like an "m" because it is the symbol "mu". It is NOT a "u". I'm well aware that "m" means milli and that "mu" means micro. Therefore, those capacitors are 100 MicroFarads. They don't put that tail on the front side of the character to make it a fancy "u" and still call it "u".

*edit* VB won't let me post the letter "mu" so it changed it to an i... Anyway, search the letter "mu" and you'll see the real character.

05-19-2002, 07:51 PM
Wasn't Mu in the pokemon movie? :)

Kaiser Bob
05-19-2002, 07:55 PM
Mew, and dont forget Mewtwo the genetically improved clone of Mew! ;)

05-19-2002, 08:02 PM

those are electrolytic caps, meaning the electrolyte (end where the arrow points) must be connected to the negative end. Just make sure the lead where the arrow points is grounded.
