View Full Version : global conquest

05-19-2002, 05:16 PM
anyone here going to global conquest at hellsurvivors???

05-19-2002, 06:26 PM
It's a little soon to say for certain, but I'm really interested in going. It should be fairly interesting.

For anyone that doesn't know about this read on:

June 22 (Saturday): "GLOBAL CONQUEST Y2K2 Real-Life SCENARIO GAME" This brand new format is totally different than any paintball game you have ever played. This game is not tallied by points calculated throughout the day, The winning Team/Country will be determined when they cash in their 'blue-chip dollars" at the end of the game providing the earth has not been destroyed. "There are seven teams, representing seven different countries. This game can be won in two different ways, financially as well as militarily. This game can also be lost by everybody, if six of the seven countries are destroyed by nuclear bombs. This new format features; Seven Teams/Countries, Ranking Government officials, Buying & Selling Gold on the "Global Trade Exchange" & Buying and deploying Tactical Nuclear Weapons. PLUS! at lunch break we will host the "American Cancer Society Paintball Auction" Bid on rare, unique, one-of a-kind, collectors items and much more, all auction proceeds are 100% tax deductible and go to a great cause. You can B.Y.O.P Bring your own paint! when you use your own equipment. or you can purchase paint when you pre-register, premium paintballs priced at under 3-cents a ball, why pay more? Pre-register Now! and $ave. Register before June 3rd. for only $17.00. At the gate price is $25.00. This is going to be a GREAT, FUN & EXCITING New Game Format! We'll see you in the Jungle.

05-19-2002, 07:51 PM
thats in pensylvania???

i want to go.....but probably cant...:(

05-27-2003, 12:26 AM
me and my friend are going to be there, what part of michigan are you from? i'm from cedar springs

05-27-2003, 11:40 AM
also way too soon for me to tell. i'd like to, but with the monster game being a month after, i might just leave my cash for that...

06-01-2003, 12:04 PM
i'm going to global conquest along with 2 of my friends
we signed up as team canada! HAHA this is going to be so much fun :D
who else is goin?