View Full Version : We Can't Play Anymore?!?!?!?!

05-19-2002, 05:40 PM

Anyone ever showed up to play somewhere and been turned down the privelage to play on the field you've been playing on for a long time?

I have. My team and I go to play at Team Zero Tolerance's field every weekend. Not this weekend though. Field owner says WE can't play because somebody else was being a A-hole.

We almost got stuck in the middle of no where if it weren't for some nice people (Dave).

05-19-2002, 05:59 PM
Funny how just 1 letter can make your post make no sense:D at least you got out of the mess.

05-19-2002, 06:11 PM
Yes, it's happened to me before. Me and a friend of mine were "kicked out" of almost every field around here.

05-19-2002, 06:27 PM
just out of curiosity, why were you both kicked out of local fields?

05-19-2002, 06:41 PM
Yup, max-mag tells the truth.

We all showed up nice and early to walk the field and get aquainted as a team, when the property owners' son came down the road and told us; "My Dad works Saturday's now, and because of the fight a couple weeks ago, nobody plays on the field without him being here, no exceptions".

Now, we play every other weekend there religeously (well, not me...), so it's not like a bunch of rec-players that don't know each other. Brad, the owner, built three fields for small local tourneys that he sponsors, along with the two local Pball stores. It's a shame that two guys couldn't get their act together long enough to remember, that this is a GAME!

Guys, this could happen to you too. Play safely and responsible. Remember that it IS a game, and games are for fun only. You could lose your field just as quick.

MAX-MAG, you should have gone to Daves field, south of Paso Robles. Sarah and I joined about 12 other guys for some great speedball. This is Breakout's team field, so the competition was pretty good. You COULD have shot the Emag, buddy! Oh well, we'll do it again soon. Dave

05-21-2002, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
just out of curiosity, why were you both kicked out of local fields?

Because I "shot up the rookies". Funny thing is that 1. I NEVER over shot anyone. 2. I had a pump and the rookies all had semis.

It was when I was playing tounaments and I was near the top of the game. There were those who didn't like getting beat by two guys with pumps. Hard on the old ego! :D

05-21-2002, 07:47 PM
ya, Max, Deren, and the rest of us all went to Jason's house and played some junkyard ball, we made a field out of oil barrels,bathtubs,sinks, and other junk.

the sink fell on one guy, and it weighed about 40 lbs.

I WOULD have gone to Dave's field to play against breakout, but Jason couldn't leave home and we had no cars to drive their in unless we went 3 at at time.

thanx for taking are stuff on that "10 minute" adventure that took 30 minutes to Jason's house.

05-22-2002, 02:14 AM
i hope you guys arent talking about the same breakout i think ? the team break out i know just played a tourny on the 18 ... as rookies , when every one ( from around here 0 knows they are novices with more then a year and half on tourny Ex. under their belt.

sorry im just pissed becasue this team just shoot up a bunch of teams that where just starting up.

05-24-2002, 02:40 PM
do you live in central cali? if so, Breakout is a store team (Breakout Paintball Supply)

We WERE King's Men (Paintball Palace Store Team) but the guys who got in fights were from King's Men, so we left that team (not for that reason) and started our own team with Army,kinda.

There's one guy (Dereck Rapp) who's a complete Jerk A**. We hate him and his hickish ways. He hates us now and puts some in-experienced 4 year old on the team, now he (kind of) kicked us off the team and put his not as skilled friends on the team. Max and I, realized this and said "Smoke YOU!" and got a team that can play with old Zero Tolerance guys, and is trained by a Check It guy.