View Full Version : Q: Z-grip for emag?

05-19-2002, 07:05 PM
I just got an emag (it'll be here tuesday or so)

and I'm a big fan on the Z-grip.

So, the question is, can I gut the internals of the stock grip of the emag and fit them into a z-grip?

Emag/zgrip setup?! OMG!

05-19-2002, 07:20 PM
i would NOT try this,but it is YOUR emag,and YOUR z grip,so go ahead and try...

05-19-2002, 07:39 PM
To my knowledge, this won't work. The Emag is connected to a Solenoid plunger at close to 90* angle. The sear for the Z-Grip couldn't connect to the plunger at that angle. It'd require some machining, but I think you could pull it off. Actually, it'd require a lot of machining.

05-19-2002, 07:41 PM
can anyone post the insides of an emag and the insides of a z-grip?

05-19-2002, 11:36 PM
I'm sure there is a way. The question is how much research, time, and money are you willing to spend on accomplishing it? If you can pull it off, Great! Post pics on how you did it. :D

05-20-2002, 08:21 AM
I've thought about it, and it could be done. It'd require a lot of time though, with lots of milling. You'd have to mill out the bottom of the grip for the LED, and then the insides. You'd also need to modify the sear and solenoid plunger to an angle that would hit the solenoid correctly. The main electronics could be placed longways down the grip (with a little milling). It could be done, I think. If you've got the time, equipment, and money, go for it (taking pictures along the way).

05-20-2002, 08:53 AM
If tom is making a new z grip way cant he make it so that you can put the E-mag bord in them

05-20-2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by bob87
If tom is making a new z grip way cant he make it so that you can put the E-mag bord in them

the reason being is due to the angle of the selinoid (yup my sp sux)

the noid in the E pulls down to make the marker fire.... on a Z it would have to push but now you also need to find a sear that would work with that.....

belive me... if they ever come out with a Z for the E then i would drop the cash to get one.... esp seeing how it is the only thing stoppin me from getting one at this time.... 45 style frames and my wrist dont like each other...... i cant get the ful potential of a marker with a normal grip... i'm to used to the Zgrip =)

05-20-2002, 12:08 PM
if the solenoid works as I think it does, then push or pull wouldn't matter. it's just there to develop current (again, if it works as I think it does). or you could replace the solenoid with one that works.

You don't even need the lcd - let's just get the barebones trigger in place. again...if anyone can post the inside pics of a z-grip and emag grip, just so I can take a looksee, then I'd be happy. I'd post mine, but I don't have it yet.

05-20-2002, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by alee@usma
if the solenoid works as I think it does, then push or pull wouldn't matter. it's just there to develop current (again, if it works as I think it does). or you could replace the solenoid with one that works.

I don't think it works the way you think it does. The solenoid pulls the sear just like your finger pushes the sear.

The problem is how the z-grip is shaped. While I don't doubt a EZ-grip is possible, the current deisgn of the E-mag sear makes it a non-trival task.

However, all I need is a z-grip and I can try to make one... anybody wanna help a brother out? :)

05-20-2002, 06:48 PM
if you cant mill yourself ask doc over at docsmachiene or wahtever its called i think he could probably do it if anyone