View Full Version : Bad Sportsmanship

05-20-2002, 08:18 AM
I'm disappointed the mods here think they are more than just moderators. I'm particularly bothered by the deleting of posts saying AGD Pride was showing poor sportsmanship. When we had discussions about the attitudes of pro players there was no censorship. I would like to know the complaints of other players at the tournament and I would like to know Pride's response. Without the debate I am left thinking Pride's personal relationship with AGD is being used to cover up something dirty.

05-20-2002, 09:18 AM
I think you have the teams switched around. That was in the post about the Lions.

05-20-2002, 09:44 AM
This interests me… anyone know more of this? A link? More details?

And I HOPE it was not Pride.. dems my boyz.. :)

(Actually I hope it was neither… but good to get things cleared up either way. If they did show poor sportsmanship, it should be discussed, and prevented in the future. If they did not… Let the beatings begin! ;))

05-20-2002, 09:48 AM
Actualy the other team was whinning about it and started it. I only edited out name calling and flamming from BOTH sides. Flamming is not allowed I don't care who is doing it. I don't know of any deleted post but I did heavily edit some posts with comment and closed one. But all of the psots are still here that I saw.

So do not be coming here slandering me at all or you will be considered flamming ME!

(added on edit I did have to remove one whole section of a post as it was unsalvagable in any way - you will see that one)

05-20-2002, 09:52 AM

05-20-2002, 09:56 AM
There are two of them. And now this one as well.

One was edited by Tom himself before I got there but I futher edited it on both parties sake. A lot of name calling having to do with female anatomy...that one is the classic about the tourney.

Then this one that I closed that started up after that. A flame post in its intent. See my comments to all of them. Both sides as a matter of fact.


05-20-2002, 09:59 AM
After talking with few people this is about an incident that happen during the finals. ( We were not there) Here is what I was told happened. This is just what I heard so it could be incorrect. If it is Let me know and I'll fix it.

Team Strixeforce and AGD Lions were to play in the morning and one of the guys from the Lions was not there so the game was postponed. When they went to play the game later that day Strixeforce said that they should only be able to play with 6 because thats all they had earlier. Fair enough. The Lions end up winning the game playing with only 6 guys and Strixeforce was upset. I also heard a Strixeforce player pushed a ref after the game.

To me it just looks like Strixeforce was disappointed about losing and a little arguement broke out.:confused:

05-20-2002, 10:04 AM
For a little summary of what apparently happened.

Lions played a man down against Strikezone because of the insistance of Strikezone. (Seems to be a non-argued fact.)

This caused some bad blood between the two teams (Obvious enough)

Lions still won the game (fact)

There was some sort of smack talk going on after the game, in the parking lot or something like that (supposedly?)

Now for my opinion.

Lions were forced to play a man down, they did so grudgingly, and when they won, they rubbed it in Strikezones faces since strikezone made the Lions play a man down. Not exactly the picture of sportmanship, but considering the circumstances, its at least understandable.

It would be like if you saw someone wipe and they stayed in, and you gogged them 2 minutes later, you might rub that in.

And then, apparently, someone from strikezone came onto AO and made a comment to the Lions. Thats when flames started to fly on here.

There was some bad judgement on both sides, but it isn't a "coverup" and I think we should just let it lie, and let them both settle it on the field.

05-20-2002, 10:16 AM
Interesting… sounds like sour grapes to me.

I hope AGD Lions just let it pass… being a sponsored team means that you have to put up with crap that otherwise you can get into pissing contests over. And I hope the other team gets over it and takes their final position with grace…. After all, keep in mind that you don’t have to win every game to be popular and make a good name for yourselves. “Showing” and having good sportsmanship as a consistent is often more important than winning every game.. and even less so if you are a jerk, even a winning jerk.

Just points to ponder.

And it does not look as if the Moderators did anything wrong… this time.. ;)

(Added…. Thank you Thordic for expanding on that. Yes… seems like some poor choices made on both sides, but ones that should have ENDED at the event. For the most part it seems like most of the “smack talk” was done in the parking lot? I hope this was kept between the teams and out of sight of the general bystanders. And I for one am sorry to hear the one of them would purposely come on AO and start crap. It was clearly a team VS team matter and not one that should be made public.)

05-20-2002, 10:32 AM
...I'll be holding my breath for an appology...:rolleyes:

05-20-2002, 10:45 AM
Yeah, there was no reason for Strikeforce to bring it onto the boards. Unless I'm mistaken, I didn't see the Lions saying anything about Strikeforce until that player showed up. Correct me if I'm wrong.

As for the parking lot, I believe I saw that somewhere, but like I said, thats a "supposedly". It could have taken place on live TV for all I know for sure. :)

05-20-2002, 10:49 AM
Well there apears to have been something said that I didn't see so all I could do was edit all of them from both sides out as best I could so as not to give one or the other an advantge...

05-20-2002, 11:05 AM
While I'm glad to see it wasn't anything major, I would still hope teams would have the maturity to let the scoreboard do the talking. You know you beat them, they know you beat them, "rubbing it in" doesn't do anything but heighten hostilities and lead to your name being drug through the mud later. Right or not, these strike force or whoever guys are going to spend some time in the future griping to whoever they can about how big of dicks the AGD team was. I'm betting they'll probably leave their role in the situation out.

"If you have to tell people you're good, you're not."

- Chris

05-20-2002, 12:34 PM
Guys, I will gladly appologize for my player replying to some smack talk with more of the same. It shouldn't have ever been brought to the board. As far as smack talk at the field, there's ALWAYS some of that. It's part of the game that I've played for the last 18 years. There were no confrontations after the game, that I'm aware of. All we did in the parking lot was pack the bags, change our shoes and head back down for the awards. Sorry there wasn't anything more exciting than that going on. Congrats to Psycho Circus on their win.

Steve D
AGD Lions

p.s. E-Mag+Warps are the shiznit!

05-20-2002, 12:53 PM
Smack talk is not part of paintball. It's just what immature little brats do to try and make sure everyone knows how good they think they are. I think it's more common in paintball because anyone and their mother can be on a team, unlike most other sports which take years of practice to compete in at even the high school level in most cases. A buncha pricks a while back were astounded with their newfound "Athletic glory" and decided to talk themselves up and people have just been following suit ever since.

And smack talk is usually just so stinking stupid anyway, it's not like anyone every really does it with any wit or charm. Like it takes any talent to tell other people how good you think you are. Smack talk is just a sign of stupidity.

- Chris

05-20-2002, 12:56 PM
Class move SteveD and thanks for taking charge of it.

Chris...shut up! ;)

05-20-2002, 01:08 PM
I read what I believe was the original post(s) in question. There was (in my opinion) comments made about the other team by one of the AGD factory teams that was inappropriate, especially for an AGD factory team. A member of the other team replied with an inappropriate comment. I reported the post to the moderators. That kind of vulgar "smack" talking doesn’t belong here. I was personally disappointed in the AGD Factory team member "talking" like that here. He should know better.

I'm not naming and names, or repeating what was said as that would be counter productive.

05-20-2002, 01:22 PM
Point is, don't smack talk, and you won't have a problem.

- Chris

05-20-2002, 01:25 PM
I don't care what anyone says, smack talk is part of EVERY sport. Usually its just friendly, sometimes its not, but its always there. You can't seperate smack talk from sports. Smack talk is part of competing. We aren't a species of mutes. It's going to happen. The best thing you can do is take it as lightly as possible, and don't let it get to you. Half of the point of smack talk is to throw your opponant off their game. If you get angry, you let them win.

05-20-2002, 01:26 PM
Oh brother...shut up Thordic! ;)

05-20-2002, 01:30 PM
if you arent going to talk "smack",you might as well be "under-water basket-weaving"...

05-20-2002, 01:34 PM
You know what Chris, smacktalk is part of every game. look at any sport professional or not. Now I'm sure that you'll have some long pointless explination on how you can't compare the 2. When it come down to it, smack talk isn't always saying you're better then the other team.

Also telling people to shut up, how childish. You want to discuss this (here comes a Shartley Quote) "Tom bought AO to discuss things." let them speak.

05-20-2002, 01:36 PM
Chupas - I knew it was coming, me and cphilip were talkin all AM in the chat room, don't sweat it <G>

05-20-2002, 01:53 PM
if you NEED to talk smack to try to psych out the other team, why not just practice harder? then you'll know you can win. if you cant control your mouth how can you control your game?

also its a part of every sport because everyone does it and the american people are incredibly immature and love that stuff. doesn't mean everyone has to LIKE it or accept it as required. Chris is a part of an organization for young adults to play paintball, there is no reason he should have to sit back and let paintball move to the trailer parks of america.

05-20-2002, 01:59 PM
restola, question? Are you saying there is something wrong with trailer parks? Cause if so wouldn't that be talking smack about people that lived in them. Damn hypocrite.:confused:

05-20-2002, 02:08 PM
Chupas, let me explain my thoughts here. I did not want to turn an embarassing moment here brought up on this thread into a debate on smack talking in general. I wanted to end this particular incident with some dignity for both the teams. Thats what I was refering to asking Chris and Thordic to "shut up" complete with winking smilies and they both know it.

However if you must continue it... then so be it...I tried to save your behinds on this incident but you gotta get your nose outta joint. So go ahead let em hijack the thread then...

However you will note that I encouraged a new topic all about smack talk where both of them could go on with this. This is a very worthwile topic but not completly germain to this particluar thread as it was started to be.

05-20-2002, 02:17 PM

this issue is closed

smack talk is part of the game, if you have a problem with that then go back to playing renegade painball in the woods with your buddies.

both sides have made ammends

i will defend my team mates and i will defend my friends

if you were not at the tournament then you should not have a comment on this issue, if you want to talk about smacktalk and how it relates to paintball then make a different thread but the issue of last weekends tournament is OVER.


05-20-2002, 02:22 PM
I told cphillip to shut up (with winky smile) because he told me to shut up (with winky smile). Neither of us were being serious.

As for smack talk, I realize that many people in many sports do it, but that doesn't make it any less immature. The fact of the matter is that when you engage in that sort of behavior, the only person you're really making a fool of is yourself. There are two possibilities: Either you stink, and people won't like it because it's just some loser trying to talk a better game than they can play, or you're good, and people don't like it because you're flaunting your talent instead of letting people be gracefully aware of it. Might some people not notice you if you're more humble? Probably. But at least they won't be noticing you and merely annoyed by your loud mouth.

And as an event organizer, I can say from experience that if I have *REAL* sportsmanship/behavior problems from players, 95% of the time they come from the same people who were talking smack before or during the tournament. Not saying the smack talk causes it, more that it's just an indication that you're dealing with a "hey, look at me!" type player who is more likely to engage in poor behavior on the field.

Regardless, the evidence speaks for itself. Someone from one of the AGD teams, instead of being the bigger man and letting their talent show through their performance, chose to "talk smack" to another team, and while it did nothing to increase either the finish or reputation of the team or AGD, it did manage to get at least one pissed off player to come over to this forum to start something. Nothing gained, something lost.

Anyone can talk smack, it has nothing to do with your game, and there's no talent in it. Makes you look like an *** if you win, makes you look like an *** if you lose.

Of course, it's America, freedom of speech and all that, you're certainly welcome to make an *** of yourself if you want.

- Chris

05-20-2002, 02:24 PM
Well said Skirts...closing thread.

Please lets start a new one on Smack Talk in forum and lets discuss it in ernest! Raehl and Thordic you may want to copy paste your fine comments on over and if one of you would please get it started that would be nice. Thanks for your patience you two.