View Full Version : When is enough?

05-20-2002, 12:33 PM
Tell me when you think a captain should call it quits on a player? We have nicknamed this guy Allen Iverson since he feels he shouldnt have to practice. He is a good mid player, but he thinks he is the best. He hasnt shown up to practices, and now this past weekend, we had to forfeit a tourney. I have had enough.

What do you think I should do?

Load SM5
05-20-2002, 12:37 PM
Drop him like so much dead animal....

If he does'nt feel like he owes it to you guys to show up he should'nt care if you replace him. It does'nt matter how good you are as an individual player, if you don't mesh as a team then your screwed.

05-20-2002, 12:49 PM
When the continued actions of a player negatively affects the team, it is time to cut him/her loose. This time it caused you to blow a tournament. As the saying goes, there is no “I’ in team.

Time to cut off the dead limb.

05-20-2002, 12:49 PM
I have a general rule which applies to people who are ignorant of something - in this case the need to practice, show up and participate on a team.

1. I explain it to them once because they may not know any better or were never shown/taught/explained. (They're ignorant.)

2. I explain a second time in case they need further explainations, are hard of hearing, or a little slow. (They don't get it.)

3. There is no third time because at this point you refuse to learn and are wasting your and my time. (They don't want to get it.)

If you've already explained it to him a couple times then I agree with LoadSM5.

05-20-2002, 01:52 PM
Tell him to make like Horse Manure and hit the trail. :D

nilloc 93
05-20-2002, 01:57 PM
My team's run into similar problems and believe me, it's safer to drop him now rather than later. If he gets his act together, you might invite him back, but I'd start looking for a new mid player pronto.

05-20-2002, 02:00 PM
There is no I in team

There is if you spell it "tiem". hahahahhaha;)

But seriously, It doesn't matter how good or bad any one person is. If they can't play with that team and contribute like all the rest of your team does, then he shouldn't be on that team. End of story.

05-20-2002, 02:11 PM
I agree with all of the other posts on this. I would add the following: part of the captain's job is making these decisions. He should consider the player in question (is he ignorant, are there extenuating circumstances, etc.) he should consider the thoughts of the rest of the team (are THEY ready to boot the guy?) but in the end HE makes the decision when to call it quits.

And that is the way it SHOULD be. Every captain has his own style and reasons. If his style doesn't mesh with the team, he won't be captain for too long. Some are more independent, some are into building consensus - but either way HE makes the decision.

If this is a situation where YOU are NOT the captain, then you should let him know how you feel - and THEN let him know you support him - and then let him do his job.


05-20-2002, 03:00 PM
there is no i in team, but there is a me. :) anyways, you should cut him. if you don't want to cut him right away, give him a warning that if he misses another practice, he is off the team.

05-20-2002, 03:07 PM
The next time you post, at least put an ounce of thought into it.

05-21-2002, 11:05 AM
I would have to say everybody on here is right. Tell A.I. to take a walk.I think you will make the right call you have always done the right thing in the past. Like they say there is no "I" in TEAM.

05-21-2002, 11:28 AM
I guess it would depend on the persons personality, but you might want to talk to him about whats going on. Let him know that if he wants to continue to be a part of the team, he has to show up to practices and attend the tourneys he commmits to.

If his behaviour continues, let him go...

05-21-2002, 11:50 AM
give him the BOOT

05-21-2002, 01:12 PM
woah woah woah...you've got other things to worry about than him not showing up to practice. If I had allen iverson on my team i'd be thinking about how the rest of the team will take it when I announce that we are now a basketball team! :)