View Full Version : any1 play at hell survivors?

Steve Crush
05-20-2002, 07:58 PM
question... i'm goin up there to play in the big game in july. I plan on bringing a couple cases but if i need more what kinda paint do they carry and is it anygood?


05-21-2002, 07:04 AM
if you are talking about the "michigan monster" it is BYOP.

there store is 100yards down the street and they carry most all paint. and i recomend getting it there, they also sell air cards at the store, so you dont have to carry $$$ around. and you get more fills off the card then if you just bought it.

im not sure if you will need more then 2 cases, are you playing both days ?

i have played at it the last 2 years and think i used a 1 1/2 each time. you can go for awhile with out shooting anyone, while you are waiting for someone to strom your base or what not.

hopes that helps

05-21-2002, 07:21 AM
I know I'll be there and probably fred too. We should have a campsite if you wanna come hang out and have a few brews.

05-21-2002, 03:00 PM
I play there... hopefully I'll make it home for that game... but it doesn't look good.

I have to look into airfair... if I can fly home friday night and back to Kansas Sunday night (after the game... whoah), I might be able to pull it off.

Having trouble deciding though... come home for Monster Game, or Global Conquest and my Birthday... Driving 30 something hours in one weekend is a no-go.

Exotic Sportz sells all kinds of paint, RP, Diablo, PMI, Different varieties of those... and there is another store down the street (10 minutes or so) that sells paint too.


Steve Crush
05-21-2002, 05:27 PM
yea hmm wander if there is a way we can find each other :) i'll stop by and say hello for a bit. Yes i am playin both days, i was just curious what paint they had in case i ran out of paint.
