View Full Version : Tell me about Matrixes

05-21-2002, 11:03 PM
I am interested in buying a matrix and i want to know more about them. ANYTHING you can tell me, stupid or not, i want to know becaues i want all different view on them...thx.

05-21-2002, 11:29 PM
They have very good triggers (similar to the Angel's), are credited to being extremely accurate (even though I think accuracy lies in paint to barrel match), extremely low kick due to low operation pressure, they are a little on the larger side though, and stock are pretty inefficient (that can be fixed).
For upgrades, most Matrix owners buy a Trinity reg to lower their bolt pressure and a Bolt kit to help their efficiency. Some other less important upgrades you can get are volumizers, new breeches (so you can use any barrel you wan't), feed necks, back plates, ASAs, triggers, and grips. www.thematrixcenter.com and www.aardvarkdirect.com are the most popular places to buy Matrix upgrades.
Personally, I think the Matrix is an excellent gun, but you should probably try one out before you buy one (IMO, that applies to all markers).

05-21-2002, 11:45 PM
"No one can be told what the Matrix is" -Morpheus

05-22-2002, 10:41 PM
i did play one at my local field for a day and loved it...i was just seeing others opinions, thanks for yours!

05-22-2002, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
"No one can be told what the Matrix is" -Morpheus

Damn it, that's what I was going to say.

Oh well, here, take this green pill...

05-23-2002, 05:23 PM
I own a matrix, and it is a great gun (backup of course, can't abandon my EMag). The Trinity bolt kit is amazing, not only will it bounce off my finger, but it handles brittle paint very well. But a friendly warning, be prepared to carry a very large tank. Even with the bolt kit (which does imporve effenecy by about 20-30%) it is still a pretty bad gas hog.

I am not real sure about the number but number of shots though, I can check if you are still interested.


05-23-2002, 08:13 PM
heres an ematrix animation

Top Secret
05-23-2002, 08:19 PM
It's not Matrixes, its Matrices. :rolleyes:

05-25-2002, 11:54 PM

05-25-2002, 11:59 PM
err heres animation my computer kept freezing

05-26-2002, 09:19 AM
if you dont have the money to upgrade it, i saw a lot of leaky stock ones

05-26-2002, 12:42 PM
I dont know from experience but I've heard they use ALOT of gas. but thats just word of mouth

05-26-2002, 01:39 PM
I dont know from experience but I've heard they use ALOT of gas. but thats just word of mouth

Stock, yes. But when you get a bolt kit ($95), that will make their efficiency mediocre (still nothing too great though). If you plan on buying a Matrix, just know that it will be plagued with a few problems if you don't plan on spending the extra $160 on a Bolt kit + Trinity. If you wait for the LCDs to come out (I think they will be about $900-$950), they will have the Bolt Kit and Trinity already installed (Plus the LCD, and I think they will come in other colors besides black).

05-28-2002, 08:48 AM
The trinity is almost a must have upgrade. It's just too good to go without. I found the Matrix to be a very reilable gun, the only thing that I found that you need to do is find some good grease, and grease the gun before a day of play. I have never had any problems with it if I did this (usually the night before).

You can go without the boltkit but then I really recomend you have your own scubbas to fill from, else you are spending way to much money on air.

05-28-2002, 01:18 PM
Dang, look at all the O-rings that thing uses in high traffic areas. IF you do end up getting one, make sure it stays well lubed up and keep a O-ring kit handy!

05-28-2002, 01:25 PM
actually,its matrixes....


05-28-2002, 02:12 PM
matrices.... trust me

05-28-2002, 02:55 PM
yeah it's matrices

05-28-2002, 03:20 PM
Dang, look at all the O-rings that thing uses in high traffic areas. IF you do end up getting one, make sure it stays well lubed up and keep a O-ring kit handy!

Mag's got 3 , 6 isn't that many. I'm still on my first set after almost a year.
lube and spares is a good idea though. but then, for which marker is it a bad idea?;)

oops forgot the RT it has 6 active o-rings as well

05-28-2002, 05:54 PM
Im not an english major, but maybe someone who is can back me up...

The plural form of "matrix" is both matrices *and* matrixes. (look it up)

But since we are talking about a marker called the "Matrix", the word matrix is a proper noun. Wouldnt the plural form for it then be "Matrixs"?


05-28-2002, 06:18 PM
But since we are talking about a marker called the "Matrix", the word matrix is a proper noun. Wouldnt the plural form for it then be "Matrixs"?

That's a good point. I heard that Diablo actually said at one point that it should be said Matrices when in the plural, but the proper noun thing contradicts that.

On the o-ring bit: Most of those o-rings don't even move (they're just there to create a seal so air doesn't escape certain passages), so only a few will only need replacing regularly.