View Full Version : Tom, what is going on?!?!?!?!

05-22-2002, 01:13 AM
What the heck is AGD's existing product line and what has been discontinued(besides for the RT which was the greatest gun)? Is the original E-mag still being produced, and if so, for how long before that is discontinued too(I know it is coming)? Will there ever be any updated versions for AGD's guns, for example, a 2002, 2003, 2004 model like WDP, WGP, and Smart Parts make for their guns? Why are you rushing to release the Extremes if they are not completely 100% ready to be released (wouldn't this do more harm than good to AGD's reputation)? AGD's product line has become increasingly ambiguous. The products are being rushed more and more, which is leading to their post-release date problems in quality and performance. When is AGD going to release the new batches of Intelli Z-Grips, since they are the best grips in all of paintball? Before you can say that the Z-Grips didn't sell at all the first time they were released, you should realize that the reason for this is that AGD's marketing was, and still is for the most part terrible! How can people buy something they don't even know exists?!?!
P.S.- If you are going to flame this thread, you don't care about AGD. These criticisms are being directed to Tom to help him understand the opinions of many people. Hopefully, this will be used as positive insight in order to improve AGD.

05-22-2002, 01:25 AM
Ok... constructive criticism on your post... It does tick me off but there's a reason... Tom wouldn't have rushed or packed schedules if people stopped asking these kinds of questions. We only ask this stuff because we're impatient and Tom understands that so he tries to make us happy by getting the product out into the market earlier... I know you want a lot of stuff AGD is trying to get out right now but it's only going to be worse when you pester for it...

05-22-2002, 05:38 AM
you talk about discontinued products, like the rt. this was replaced with a newer, better model, the rt pro. the z-grip was discontinued because there were not many sellers. sure you say that people loved the z-grip, but AGD is a business and making things that don't sell doesn't help it. oh well, its early and i have to go take my finals, i will continue this later.

05-22-2002, 07:08 AM
well you know what screw all you people i want a gun thats flaw free when its released i could care less whos whining about what they want when as long as its done when its released dont rush things the markets still gonna be there when it is done jeeze some people need to learn paitence(talking to about 75% of ao in general not anyone in this post):eek:

05-22-2002, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by dansim
well you know what screw all you people i want a gun thats flaw free when its released i could care less whos whining about what they want when as long as its done when its released dont rush things the markets still gonna be there when it is done jeeze some people need to learn paitence(talking to about 75% of ao in general not anyone in this post):eek:

THAT'S ME! I'm the little impatient one... lol

05-22-2002, 11:54 PM

05-23-2002, 12:44 AM
Yeah i dont like recalls but i also dont like having to wait cause that angel is staring at me. But a better product in a longer amount of time is worth the wait.

paint magnet
05-23-2002, 08:50 AM
I think what he meant was AGD discontinued a good product (the z grip) because it didn't sell, and thinks that it didn't sell as a result of bad marketing/ advertising.

05-23-2002, 10:14 AM
The Z-Grip didn't sell because it's too different. People do not like things that are that different. Look how long it took for people to realize the warp is a good idea, and there are still MANY people out there that have never used one, but swear that they suck.

05-23-2002, 11:07 AM
Yah, and then there are people like me who use them, swear they're the greatest thing, but will never buy one because I'm po and blew all my money on stuff i don't need.

05-23-2002, 02:29 PM
"good things come to those who wait"

05-23-2002, 07:32 PM
Can somebody please try to answer my questions specifically.

05-23-2002, 10:57 PM
SPECIFIC answers to your questions.

Is the original E-mag still being produced, and if so, for how long before that is discontinued too(I know it is coming)?

--Tom said it will not be discontinued.

Will there ever be any updated versions for AGD's guns, for example, a 2002, 2003, 2004 model like WDP, WGP, and Smart Parts make for their guns?

--WDP doesn't do it by year, the Angel owners CALL them that. In fact, even within a year there have been model changes. Smart parts doesn't do model years. Only recently when they have been making a lot of changes have they needed to, and a lot of those were simply cosmetic. AGD does have model changes. Each gun has a different name, and the operative parts are rated by "levels," and have since the beginning.

Why are you rushing to release the Extremes if they are not completely 100% ready to be released (wouldn't this do more harm than good to AGD's reputation)?

--I dunno, EVERYONE ELSE does it. The angel circut boards would fry and the push button regs sucked. In fact, their regs STILL suck, but hype has given them an advantage. The shocker was absolute crap. The autococker didn't work for the first TEN YEARS it was in existance NIB. The first impulses had a different threading and completely different body design, and SP left the owners of those out in the cold. Bushmasters had problems with the snapring in the first ones, and the regs sucked for YEARS. The first intimidators used to eat bolts, and the two fron regs (built to mimic palmer regs) used poor tolerances and in many cases had to be replaced (Palmer would service these by literally gutting them and just putting their reg guts in the bodies). The Matrix used to have the bolt stick, and got worse gas mileage than any other tournament gun.
But for some reason all of these were accepted. Some of these were released with KNOWN DEFECTS simply to get an edge on the marketplace. AGD has never released a product with a known defect, but sometimes problems arise. Are you going to chastise them for that?

AGD's product line has become increasingly ambiguous. The products are being rushed more and more, which is leading to their post-release date problems in quality and performance.

--Show me where. I dare ya. The Superbolt was the only one I can name, and that wasn't exactly standard equipment. People KNEW they were experimental. If they didn't, they should have, since AGD told them.

When is AGD going to release the new batches of Intelli Z-Grips, since they are the best grips in all of paintball?

--depends. When are people going to buy them?

How can people buy something they don't even know exists?!?!

--I dunno, how come palmer stays in business? he refuses to advertise or sponsor any team other than his own. he has to raise prices to slow business down. Paintball is a close enough community that advertising is less effective than one would like, and word of mouth is king.

If you are going to flame this thread, you don't care about AGD.

--Likewise, YOU made this thread deliberately inflammatory. You wanted to cause a controversy, and this little "disclaimer" doesn't change your tone. You wanted to be a martyr. Maybe your questions weren't answered specifically because you were rude. Hmmm....

05-23-2002, 11:28 PM
Perfect, thei3ug.

Great answers, great reasoning. It's amazing how quickly people forget all the others manufacturers problems and only remember the finished product.

I've seen lots of perfectly functioning stock mags, they work so well some fields use them as rentals. I have yet to see a stock cocker work anywhere but new in the store, and I've never seen a stock cocker on ANY field. Everyone puts different parts on them to hopefully make them work better. Everybody talks about "custom cockers", but they have to be custom to get them to work. At least that was true until the 2K cockers, since then they seem to work better. They are great guns, but need lots of care. Level 7 mags, on the other hand, just work, stock, all the time, unless someone REALLY screws with them. No need for year to year changes, they work right the first time.

As for the rest, Kudos to you, thei3ug. You've answered them better than I could.


05-23-2002, 11:33 PM
Kudos to you Thei3ug!

You took the time to answer all the questions!! :D