View Full Version : Jim Rose Circus Sideshow in back on tour...

05-22-2002, 01:30 PM
The Enigma (you may have seen him on The X Files with puzzle pieces tattooed over his entire body) and his merry lot are packing up their gear and hitting the road.

If you live in Boston, Philly, Charlotte, Atlanta, Houston, San Francisco or Detroit, and want to see a good old fashioned freakshow (think blockheads and tattooed women juggling chainsaws) go check these guys out.

The billing states "All Ages" but last time I went there were a couple a 90% nude 300+lb women sumo wrestling, so you may want to leave the youngins at home for this one. Grab some friends, a beer and get ready to experience the limits of what the human body can force itself to do.


05-23-2002, 12:57 PM
I saw them when they opened for NIN back in '94. Way Cool.

I think they're in town (Hamilton, Ontario) sometime soon. I plan on seeing them, gotta get my co-worker to get tickets and drive.

05-23-2002, 10:30 PM
i too saw them when they opened for NIN back in '94. i also saw them when they were on their road tour. this was when Enigma was still Sloth