View Full Version : What's wrong with autocockers???

05-22-2002, 02:27 PM
Honestly, i dont see what the big deal is. cockers VS. mags.
I've shot them both and enjoy the aspects of both.(i.e: mags kick forward rather than back. and cockers just feel nice to shoot. i'm actually thinking about getting a mag. just gotta find a decent price.:SLY

05-22-2002, 02:36 PM
There's nothing wrong with Autocockers. Great guns! As long as you don't mess with them. Problem is, everyone who buys one is immediately a cocker expert and tries to mess with the trigger and operating pressure and stuff and usually mess them all up.

A good cocker is rather expensive - more expensive than a good mag. There are more parts to wear out and mess up and its a lot harder to get it adjusted right. But once one is set up right IF YOU LEAVE IT ALONE they are great guns.

Mags are simpler and easier to work on and less expensive. They are both great guns.


05-22-2002, 02:55 PM
I can't believe this is here again. Use the search feature to find the other 50 threads on this subject.

05-22-2002, 02:58 PM
heck i have a cocker and plan on getting a mag also its not because i think my cocker sucks(lol that sounds funny) i like the high points of both guns

and im not a cocker expert but i did manage to make my trigger pull 1/3 of what it was b4 and i could have gotten it lower if i wanted to

05-22-2002, 03:18 PM
I can't believe this is here again. Use the search feature to find the other 50 threads on this subject.

50? Nah more like 5000...

I personally think that there is to much hype surrounding the autococker. Sure its a fine gun, just as good as most guns...

05-22-2002, 06:34 PM
umm i like both guns they both have their high and low poits i own a mag right nowand after i get an emag i lan on getting a cocker

05-22-2002, 10:11 PM
must we honestly get into this again?!

05-23-2002, 06:31 AM
The ONLY problem with a cocker is, it's not a Mag............ :D

05-23-2002, 10:16 AM
You people have to be crazy to even think about this.

You are telling me that a mag stands any chance against a cocker?? You have to be kidding me.

Not only would i take an autococker over a mag, but i pass wind in the general direction of a mag.

How you love me now

05-23-2002, 10:32 AM
Ah.....another ignorant marker snob know it all... Unworthy of even a response. Come back when you reach puberty and actualy know something! :rolleyes:

05-23-2002, 11:09 AM
the reason im going AGD products only is because ive had nothing but probablems with cockers, ive owned a cocker and 2 mags, i just enjoy myself more using a mag and i do better, my cocker just went bad at a tournament so i used a mag and finished it out great :D

05-23-2002, 12:15 PM
I mess with my cocker all the time. and does it screw up?? nope. I enjoy tweaking and learning. can you constantly tweak with your mag and have it work better than before?? i suppose that it come down to how much you like to tweak.

also, does anyone know where(or who) i can get a cheap base model minimag(i like the bodies) that is still under warrantee???

05-23-2002, 12:41 PM
the main reason people compare mags to cockers is because mags can at least compete with cockers....that's why you never hear mags vs. angels, everyone knows angels are waaayyyy more capable markers.

05-23-2002, 03:37 PM
that's why you never hear mags vs. angels, everyone knows angels are waaayyyy more capable markers.

Umm.. them is fight'in words!! :mad:

05-23-2002, 04:45 PM
NO...... you hear EMAG vs Angel. Interesting thing is AGD makes a line of markers that competes all the way across the board with ALL Markers in ALL price ranges. Tell me WDP and WGP do that! NOOOOOOO! So put that up where the sun don't shine and sit on it till it hurts!!!!!! :D

05-23-2002, 05:10 PM
Whats wrong with cockers you say........

one word.


If you are a clean freak, you will kill yourself by the 2nd game. If you get hit in the block you have to totally disassemble the block wipe everything off, then reassemble. If you get hit in the trigger, its just as much as a pain. When you take out the trigger plate...WHOA!!! Where did the spring go? I had a cocker and was glad to get rid of it. The mag, unscrew field strip screw and wipe her down. Thats it. Wow.


05-23-2002, 09:47 PM
I feel its time for me to use my pro and cons of mags and cockers again...

Nice looks
Nice smooth, short trigger
Reliable if u dont mess with it
Quiet with a nice barrel
Closed bolt so no blowback
Very easy to get replacment parts
Easy to get upgrades
Decend Resale value(if u have VF)
Every aspect of the gun is tweakable
Can Run on c02 well
With a $30-$60 part you can eliminate chopping

Somewhat more complicated than a mag
You have to time it
Expensive to upgrade

Short Snappy Trigger
Good customer service
Simple to work on
Cheap to buy
Cheap to upgrade
Compact and somewhat light
Retro valve has fastest recharge/cycal rate of any gun

Heavy trigger
Plastic Frame
Not easy to find parts for
Bad resale value
Not easily upgraded
It looks like a brown tube on a peice of plastic.
Can't run on co2 well
If your gun misfeeds, that ball is annialated... no pinching with a mag...

Personaly I take my cocker but, its all preference. I like that my cocker can't chop, and looks slick, and performs nice(when it works :) )

05-23-2002, 10:15 PM
Dont go with a cocker or a mag get a Shocker. Just kidding i would go with an Emag if i had the money. But i am poor so i went with the Shocker.

05-24-2002, 09:44 AM

There is a reason why they never compare Angel's to Mags is because that isnt even a logical comparison. Anyone whos in thier rite mind would know that an Angel is soooo much better than a mag.

But there is one thing that i see ALOT of Angel's vs. Autocockers and there is a reason for that. And that is that cockers do stand up to angel's and guess what, 3/4 of the time people would say that an Autococker is better pound for pound.

05-24-2002, 10:57 AM
No one is comparing stock Auto Cockers to Angels just like you wouldn't compare a stock Auto Mag to an Angel. Now a RT Pro or nice Retro Mag is a different story. I've seen Angels that can out shoot me on my Retro but I've also seen many that couldn't. The various E-Mags are what you should really be comparing to the Angel just like it's only the $1000 cockers that are used for comparison.

P.S. I can't believe I've let myself get into this again.

05-24-2002, 12:06 PM
ok. i'm not much of an expert but i do know that if you say that a mag can't compete with a cocker you are totally and completely wrong. yes there are some better things about cockers than mags and vise versa. cockers and mags are both good guns and both fun to play with. but from my experience this is what i have to say: give me 750 dollars and anyday i would get a automag and give it some really good upgrades such as a warp or halo, a new rt valve an intelliframe a good barrel and your still gonna have some money left over to buy some other stuff. another thing, i may be wrong, but i'm quite sure i'm not. does wgp make anything as fast as the retro valve? i'd write alot more, but i'm so tired.

05-24-2002, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by maverickTG001
does wgp make anything as fast as the retro valve?

No one makes anything as fast as the retro valve. :)

05-24-2002, 12:41 PM

There is a reason why they never compare Angel's to Mags is because that isnt even a logical comparison. Anyone whos in thier rite mind would know that an Angel is soooo much better than a mag.

But there is one thing that i see ALOT of Angel's vs. Autocockers and there is a reason for that. And that is that cockers do stand up to angel's and guess what, 3/4 of the time people would say that an Autococker is better pound for pound."

Its too bad they let you out of "special" school early, becuase now i'm going to have to learn you something. First of all its a proven fact that 89% of all internet forum users make up about 79% of their "facts" 95% of the time. I, in eight years of playing (granted the angel debates havn't been going on that long), have never seen a serious autococker vrs angel debate. The autococker has all the cons of the angel, and none of the pros. The only thing that a cocker is good for anymore is for all the cocker kids who want to play air gun tech and screw with their marker (which i used to find amazingly fun). The cocker is rapidly becoming a dinosuar, it ruled the earth once, now its dying out. As far as Emag vs. Angel, the only thing a stock Angel has on a stock Emag is weight, and a few people not able to use the mag trigger correctly, thus creating chops. Oh, and a nicer box, too.

05-24-2002, 01:34 PM
Hysperion's 7 Reasons AGD Is the best Marker Manuf. (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21841)


Originally posted by Hysperion
the main reason people compare mags to cockers is because mags can at least compete with cockers....that's why you never hear mags vs. angels, everyone knows angels are waaayyyy more capable markers.

Hysperion has officially completed Phase I of Stormfront membership: The brainwashing.

Phase II: Skill.

Hah. Of course I'm only joking man. :)

05-24-2002, 02:37 PM
Got a Minimag, Love the Minimag. Trying to trade my other Minimag for an Autococker. Want to see how the other half lives. Being a very mechanically inclined guy, I thought I would try to get a cocker and see what all the hype is about. My Minimag is supreme, can't wait for my retro valve.:D

05-24-2002, 11:07 PM
animal, you of all people should know why my views changed....spend $2000 on a gun setup (sfl e-mag) that breaks every other ball and tell me how much you like AGD afterwards.....

05-25-2002, 02:16 AM
I know, like I said, I was just joking with you man. I just think it's funny how a view can do a 180 in 4 months. :cool:

05-25-2002, 05:02 AM
Mags can compete with anything if its in the right hands, see my team went out and was playing against 2 cockers and 3 angels and we spanked them and our team has 2 mags 2 tippmans and a spyder compact 2000.

05-25-2002, 10:43 AM
"animal, you of all people should know why my views changed....spend $2000 on a gun setup (sfl e-mag) that breaks every other ball and tell me how much you like AGD afterwards....."

SFL's problems arn't AGD's problems, they are Aftershock's. And even at that, I've heard two good comments for every bad comment about SFLs. AGD is waiting to ship their cut and carved emags until they have everything right. But you are right on one account, the emag has one crappy box, and we all know thats the most important part.

05-25-2002, 11:10 AM
The cocker is rapidly becoming a dinosuar, it ruled the earth once, now its dying out.

Why do you think this? I am not starting an argument, but would just like you to explain it more. I still see as many cockers as there are electros on the fields, am I missing something?

05-25-2002, 11:50 AM
theyre boh good guns but i just dont care for autocockers... i mean they are nice guns and fun to mess around with for me but i dont care for playing with them for some mysterious reason:confused:

05-25-2002, 01:14 PM
SFL's problems arn't AGD's problems, they are Aftershock's.

First off it's shocktech not aftershock....aftershock is just a pro team financed my shocktech with people from shocktech running the show. Second off all they did was the outside milling. The internals which is where the problems are is all AGD. They didn't design the gun just the external milling. How can you blame shocktech for AGD's misshap. I never got an apology from AGD for selling me the worst marker I've ever laid my hands on...Luckily I was able to get it working pretty good so I could at least sell it in good faith.