View Full Version : few questions

05-22-2002, 08:53 PM
1. if anyone is using the Smart Parts Gadget Grip can you tell me if its worth buying and what you think about it (comfortable, right length, etc)

2. what should i get first, freak or intelliframe? (have stock frame and barrel on my gun right now)

3. sanding the body to make it look chrome make it rust over a period of a time because its bare metal right?

4. people with the SP venturi barrel... is it worth getting? whats the distance and accuracy it gets?

05-22-2002, 08:59 PM
venturi barrel is great. I wish I had one for my emag(center feed). I only have one for my retro mag.the distance grouping is pretty decent You will be impressed. it is loud. easy to clean. looks cool. The bore is about .690-.691 I actually sold my freak because I liked this barrel so much.

05-22-2002, 09:05 PM
i could care less how loud my barrel is, do you suggest that i dont buy a freak, save 150 dollars and get the venturi barrel instead? if so where can i get one?

05-22-2002, 09:06 PM
for #2. do you want more accuracy or more comfort and speed? You need to decide for yourself what's more important to you. I'd say get a decent 30 buck barrel (CP) for now, and get a intelli too or save up for a week or 2

05-22-2002, 09:09 PM
i'm pretty comfortable with the stock frame right now but i shot my friends mag with intelliframe and liked it a lot more then the stock frame. i'm thinking about getting the barrel first... does the venturi barrel shoot well through diff bore size paint? we use a lot of diff paint at the field i play at

05-22-2002, 09:12 PM
save the cash and buy an intelli frame. dont get a freak yet. you will be fine trust me. Believe it or not eliminations are possible without a barrel kit. It amazes some people because I dont use a kit. However when I upgrade to an extreme body for my emag I plan on getting an equation barrel kit. For the venturi Barrel you will want to talk to RogueFactor. He is an awesome trader. I know him personally. he will hook you up. Let him know that I sent you. I belive you can get it for close to 30 bucks. I love the fact that you can shoot through breaks in like three shots. I got mine for like 25 bucks off some guy. I was soo lucky with that deal. it is worth way more than that to me.

paint magnet
05-23-2002, 10:28 AM
The way I look at it, if you buy the barrel first, you will be more accurate but can't shoot as fast. If you buy the intelliframe first, you will be able to shoot faster and thus have accuracy by volume. Both achieve the same purpose, but when you think about paint costs, it's cheaper to get the barrel.

nilloc 93
05-23-2002, 10:41 AM
I can't speak to #4, but:

#1 - if you're looking for a great gas thru grip, try a Fighter X Sports model 3.5 or 4.5 Best bang for the buck.

#2 - definitely the Intelliframe. Possibly one of the best upgrades for any semi-auto Mag. Great comfort and stylish to boot.

#3 - all the mainbodies of AGD markers are made from stainless steel (not sure about grade of material), and shouldn't rust with proper maintanence