View Full Version : Secrets of the Trigger...

05-22-2002, 10:23 PM
Well, week 2 of my emag experience was superb... Just like the first. :D

However, durring the first game, my safety was stuck. Nothing a good barrel smack wouldn't fix, but needless to say I had to fix it afterwards.

I really had no idea, so I dissasembled the body down to the point I could look at the saftey device. While wiggling it around, it came out. Unfortunatly, so did the spring and ball berring that holds it in. At this point I really didn't know about them, so it was quite surprising. :p

Anyways, I found the spring, but had no clue what happened to the berring. OH well I figured, I'll just remove the whole safety till I can order the part I need. While I had it parted down, the guys wanted to see the magnets. At this point I looked at the little magnet on the underside of the trigger, and there was my ball berring!

Another use for the trigger... A parts saver! ;)

05-22-2002, 10:24 PM
You sure lucked-up there! :)

05-22-2002, 10:57 PM
Dude, you have way better luck in EVERYTHING than I ever do. Do you go to church?

05-23-2002, 07:09 AM
Hey another "feature". Tom's gonna have to list that in the video! :D

05-23-2002, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Hey another "feature". Tom's gonna have to list that in the video! :D
Hehe, that would be cool!

We were laughing ourselves silly when it happened... :D

Temo Vryce
05-23-2002, 08:58 AM
Man that makes me wish my old mag had magnets in it somewhere when I took it apart to clean it. You wouldn't believe the ammount of time I spent with my nose to the floor looking for some small little part that made the mag work. I'm still upset that you got one before me though. Oh well I'm glad that you're happy with it.

Now remember that you need NEW batteries for your Revy or your just going to keep chopping paint like you did at practice. About all it needs now is a drop, a warp, and a new Halo. :D Just get the wife to buy it all for ya. Just don't tell her I said that. :)

05-23-2002, 10:17 AM
Only a small amount of time, and then I also will have a emag, and I already have the warp. Of coarse I still have to get a good tank.

05-23-2002, 11:21 AM
Man that makes me wish my old mag had magnets in it somewhere when I took it apart to clean it. You wouldn't believe the ammount of time I spent with my nose to the floor looking for some small little part that made the mag work. I'm still upset that you got one before me though. Oh well I'm glad that you're happy with it.
The only downfall is the speed at which I go through paint! I'm either going to have to live with shorter Wednesday nights, or buy more paint. :D You actually missed a good night last night. Both Mike and Mike were there AND playing...

Your time will come... I can see it now, Shail, you and I ripping up the tourney scene with warp'd emags! <i>Ends Dream Sequence</i>

Now remember that you need NEW batteries for your Revy or your just going to keep chopping paint like you did at practice. About all it needs now is a drop, a warp, and a new Halo. :D Just get the wife to buy it all for ya. Just don't tell her I said that. :)
:rolleyes: Yeh, I know. Another tip would be not to leave your batteries in the cold all weekend. Actually, Mike and I are going to get some Plainview 9 volts. That'll solve my problem!

As for those upgrades... I think I need to wait a bit before I buy *more* stuff! I ordered my Armson barrels Monday. The warp is probably next... ;)