View Full Version : Evaluation of Boo-yaah Frame and story

05-23-2002, 01:34 AM
Downside I purchased a e-lcd for my mag wanting a quick way to upgrade attached it and it didn't work :-( I looked around and called mako, they told me to play with the syliniods. I did and with no prevel. I sent it to them after 2 months of college work and laziness.

Gotback After 20 dollars for the repair and 20 dollars for a sear (which was the problem they said it finally worked.

The Test Some friends and I went out side and risked being caught by campus safety to test this thing out. It fired nicely, though the triger was a bit to senstive, which I think I can change. I had my co2 bottle pluged directly into the vertical adapter causing it to freeze up and missfire. I haven't evaluated with nitro or a expantion chamber or see it work in daylight. We broke a ball or so, though overall i was really impressed by it. I just hope I never go up against my own gun.

Only Problems Only problems I can see is a missfire problem fired a ball when it was off, shot a burst while in semi, and fired with out touching trigger.

Solutions Making user it doesn't freeze up, i think when it froze up it caused it to missfire when itis off, the other two problems can be solved by adjusting the trigger pole.

Let me know what yall think, if yall have any stories or postive recommendations then post something!

05-23-2002, 11:06 AM
Everyone says it chews up bolts/sears.
Could you play with it a couple times and tell me how much wear you see?
I'm sort of looking in to a mako frame.

05-23-2002, 04:17 PM
no problem