View Full Version : non ss barrel

05-23-2002, 11:37 PM
alright i'm looking for a new barrel for my mini. I decided i want a 10 or 12 inch barrel. now heres my problem i want a silver color barrel to go with my color scheme but i don't want a SS barrel because i'm tryin to keep my gun as light as possiable, any suggestions?

05-23-2002, 11:44 PM
Are you talking about matte silver (buffed aluminum with a clear anno that looks greyish) or are you trying to get a mirror finish (like chrome, nickel plated, polished stainless)?

05-23-2002, 11:46 PM
either one would be fine but a mirror finish if possiable

05-24-2002, 08:47 AM
Never shot it before, but I saw it on PB 2 Xtreemes. Looks nice, dont know about its quality.


I love how it looks!

Patron God of Pirates
05-24-2002, 10:38 AM
The Titanium Dye Boomstick should do you just fine if you don't mind the black tip.

05-24-2002, 11:04 AM
I think the silver CP one piece is nickel plated Al. Very shiney but not heavy.

05-24-2002, 11:08 AM
ok guys thanks for all the info. i am considering a CP barrel or i might just go with dye SS, but now that i think about i might just save up for a freak i've heard good things about them