View Full Version : Best Barrel?

05-24-2002, 04:39 PM
hey again,
i know there are other palces where it might say this, but i have A REALLY SLOW comp, so i am wondering: What is the best barrel (brand name and type) that is between 10'' and 14''?

Will Wood
05-24-2002, 05:21 PM
Freak (Diff bore size inserts to match feild paint)

Armson ( Internal rifled )

05-24-2002, 05:31 PM
the best barrel is the barrel that matches the paint you use. Since people tend to buy different brand paint alot, SP made a barrel called teh Freak where you can change the ID to make it match your paint.

as far as length goes.. most people prefer 14" because it's easier to aim by looking down teh barrel. Also if you play heavy tournaments, most likely you will find the longer barrels easier to play because on supair type bunkers, you can easily sink your barrel into the bunker and sort of push it aside. I'm not sure if you know what i'm talking about so you really have to try it to believe it. Also many tournaments have hyperball fields. Hyperball bunkers are big black tubes. Longer barrels for hyperball isn't a problem either. There are groves in the bunker were you can rest your barrel into.

05-24-2002, 08:05 PM
paint is not an issue to me, i can get any paint, i just need to know what is a good barrel

05-24-2002, 08:11 PM
Smart parts progressive or teardrop. 12in. Best results.

05-24-2002, 08:20 PM
NOT A PROGRESSIVE!!!!!!( Hated mine, broke every single ball...) a tear drop ( love mine) or allamerican (Friend Loves his)... also J&J barrles are suposed to be good..

05-24-2002, 09:32 PM
JJ ceramic = horrible. I've had a JJ ceramic on my tippman shutter and 1st automag.(the tippman and automag came with the JJ) The only way for it to work decently is if you get a good paint match. Anything else will suck. I've used he teardrop and progressive and I have to say they are amazing. Smart Parts I say are the best at barrels. I've just ordered an AA from them and I'm hoping it will also please meas well as th progressive and teardrop. My brother owns a freakand loves it to death. He just got it a few days ago and he's starting acts so immature with it, thats how great it is. Dye barrels are good but definetly overrated. I comepare the boomstick to the teardrop and I'd rather have the teardrop. But if yur gun chops don't go wit smartparts. All of their barrels are rifled through porting and will perform less perfecty than a stock barrel with it's not clean. Dye barrels can shoot through almost anything.

Hope i helped

05-24-2002, 10:34 PM
12in freak. nuff said

05-25-2002, 01:30 AM
I like my 14" all american alot

05-25-2002, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by surfer349
What is the best barrel (brand name and type)

what do u meen best? are you looking for gas efficiency?

05-25-2002, 09:57 AM
I've always been partial to Lapco barrels. They're cheap at $50 for aluminum ones, and ok at $70 for stainless steel ones, efficient with a small amount of porting, the perfect length at 11", and shoot great with most types of paint.

Smaller bore, get an Autospirit, larger, get a Bigshot. They look cool, and perform great for a really decent price. The aluminum ones are also really light.

05-25-2002, 04:25 PM
Definitely go with the DYE boomsticks. They are so incredibly quiet and accurate. Haven't used one on my mag yet, it hasn't arrived yet. But on my old gun (Piranha) it helped soooo much. It was the most accurate out of all my friends, by far the quietest, and shoots through breaks relatively well, unlike the Smart Parts. (The littlest amount of paint in them will screw over your accuracy.)