View Full Version : decisions decisions...why!?

05-24-2002, 11:27 PM
Adding onto a post I made the other day, to sort of "ok" my Mag setup that will be here in a few days, I've been kicking myself again, and again...

You see, my original intention was to save up some green, sell both of my guns, buy an RT Pro, and get a Flatline for my upcoming birthday. Then, I shot my friends Classic PF and I thought "why am I buying such an expensive marker? I don't really play tournies, not yet at least, and that's a lot fo money to spend on a paintball gun, I think I'll get a normal Mag instead" So, I went about, in my particular manner, making a list of everything I needed and wanted, and was preparing to rally my wallet for an upcoming attack on it when...

...Yet again, I turned around... I thought, well, you know, getting an RT is beneficial. Its actually a better investment, and cheaper in the long run than a Classic with a ReTro, Intelliframe, barrel etc. So why don't I just save money, plus the cash that I'm undoubtedly getting from relatives for my birthday, and get the RT instead?

So here I am, torn between Mags. Anyone have any inspirational or enligtening words? Whats the general concensus here, RT or Classic? They both shoot great, and I like the lower price of the Classic, but can't shake the "RT is a better value" from my head. you see, I'm just one of those people that has to have the best...anything else just isn't good enough, I don't know...

05-24-2002, 11:48 PM
hmm... I say save the money get the RT PRO. why you ask, well

1. the RT PRO has the retro valve already on it and it has a cooler looking body then the regular mag does

2. it comes with the intelliframe(diffenately a GOOD reason to go RT)

yes, in the short run its more money and it might take a lil while longer to get, but if your like me, if you've had your mind set on gettin an RT PRO and then you get a regular mag(even though it is a GREAT gun) you'll always have that little voice int he back of your head saying "i shoulda waited, why didn't I wait. I can't believe i rushed it." etc... so I say wait, get the RT and be "happy"

05-25-2002, 07:54 AM
yea,definitly get the RT PRo and flatline...no question about it...

05-25-2002, 08:20 AM
I would say get the RT Pro as well. If the “value” part keeps sticking in your head, it is clear that it matters to you.

Simply put, if you go Classic you will always wish in the back of you head that you went with the RT Pro… but if you get the RT Pro I seriously doubt that will be an issue in reverse.

05-25-2002, 09:51 AM
Well, thanks. I was excited about getting a Classic Mag, but there was that little voice saying "RT is a better value, what about resale in the future? Classic Mag'll cost more, RT performs better, RT looks cooler... etc." I would've been happy, no doubt with a Classic, but I think all my questions will be allayed with the upcoming purchase of my RT Pro.