View Full Version : mags vs. cockers

05-25-2002, 08:10 PM
Ok so tell me the good about mags and the bad about cockers and why i should get a mag over a cocker

05-25-2002, 08:27 PM
:( Please let me tell you this before anyone else goes ballistic. This is an age old debate. This thread has been brought up over and over again. The information you desire is right here already. Go to the top and do a search of the forums you will find all the information you need. On a personal note welcome to the forums, you can find all the information you need here on pretty much ever marker out there. I shoot a mildly hotted up Minimag. I really love my 'Mag and can easily shoot just as fast and accurate as most cockers out there. It is very reliable and easy to maintain. It is a very well all around design. Alot of people like autocockers for different reasons. They are very customizable, fast and accurate. The major downside of the cocker is all the parts is contains. If you are new to paintball or not very mechanical you might have problems with it down the line. They are very picky about how they are treated. I have never owned a cocker though, so I don't know from experience. I am trying to trade my extra Minimag for a stock 2k or newer cocker to try it out.

05-25-2002, 10:08 PM
Everyone else,
Please fight the urge to reply to this thread.
Blazingace has covered all the bases. (just my opinion)

05-26-2002, 08:40 PM
I spent 800 on a KAPP cocker. It never ever worked properaly. We've all heard so many horror stories about cockers look it's just not worth the worry. MAgs are unbelievably reliable, fast, light and small, and very very upgradeable (just look at the image gallery)

I would reccomend a Mag over a cocker any time.

05-26-2002, 09:03 PM
automag gets the job done faster with less moving parts

05-26-2002, 09:08 PM
Not this again.. tired of this.

05-26-2002, 10:51 PM
Cockers have 20 thousand parts in it. That's why cockers get expensive because people upgrade those 20 thousand parts. To me thats a waste of money. It's easy to short stroke a cocker. You have to pull the trigger all the way back or youll chop a ball. Then you have to take the bolt out, get the paint out and stick the bolt back in. Plus they are easy to break. If you take it apart and you don't know what you're doing, the cocker won't be put back together unless you get someone to do it for you.

With mags, You gas it up, you shoot it and you can field strip it in 10 seconds if you have to. (if you have a q/disconect)