View Full Version : Good Sportsmanship (funny)

05-27-2002, 12:15 AM
i played today with a bunch of friends. it was near the end of the day and i was out of air (2 20 oz empty) so i was reffing. well about half way into the game i reffed i saw tony moving up on the field going to bunker a newbie. well this is something i enjoy seeing:) so i sprint up the field. i get to a good point to watch and i notice that Beefer is sitting in a bunker 15 feet up from that one and about 5 feet to the left. Tony hasnt seen Beefer and is running for the newbie fast. he starts pounding hard on the newbies bunker (the newbie says a couple well choosen words;)) and passes Beefer. Beefer immediatly aims at Tony and says "SURRENDER BUDDY! SURRENDER" Tony Takes a knee dive right into the bunker. Throwing his RT high over the newbies head, and then gets on his knees, puts his hands over his head and says a couple well chosen words. This happened in about .5 seconds and Beefer ended up not shooting him. Tony stood up and said "great move man. youre awsome" slapped a high five and proceeded off the field.

Later we were talking and tony said if it was him he would of not hesitated lighting him up but was glad Beefer did not.

Ok that was the good sportsmanship part. now for the other funny spots.

nother game i was reffing... we were playing man in the middle and tony was the MITM. about half way through, Tony is still sitting in the middle and im talking to him. well i see Beefer start running towards tony. i move out of the way cause, well, i cant shoot back. so beefer tags tony and the like the stuupid person he is, starts running back towards his old bunker and not staying at this one. The newbie (listed above) sees this and fires one shot... not two, one. i didnt see any way he could get hit from that far from a newbie so i dont look for a hit. all of a sudden i hear Beefer YELL some choice words that can't be seen here, then i see him slump back into his bunker, fall on his knees and the flat on his face. in the jumble of words i hear, i can make out 2 different phrases and a couple more well chosen words. the phases go "OMG My Ars!" (something like that;)) and after he fell on his face he wimpers "paint check" it took me a good min or two to get to him because i couldn't move let alone walk, i was laughing so hard. i get to where he is (he's still laying there) and i see this Hott Pink blotch on his butt. well (without us looking) he checked the welt. It was a bleeder. OUCH

Next Game...

reffing again:D well the funny part of this game was the last elimination. A newbie (different one) was running up the top of the field and Tony pops up right in front of him. It seemed like slow motion. The newbie stopped dead in his tracks, said a couple well choosen words, and proceeded to say "out" as fast as he possibly could. still before he could say out there was already 10-15 balls on the way. id say about 90% of the balls hit. needless to say OUCH

Sorry its so long

Ok i forgot to tell about the game i played earlier in the day where the warpfeed was the only reson we almost won. we were playing against a local semi-pro team. 6 of them and 10 of us. i take off towards the middle on the start and almost immediatly i see two n00bs walking off the field, both of them from the left side. so i dash over there and i get behind the double spool bunker. there is one n00b in a bunker 10 feet to the left and about 3 of the skilled guys covering him. i pull out and give as small of a target as i can and wail away. they all duck and i can hear the distint words "where is he" and "whoose shooting"... they split up and one guy goes to the x bunker 20 feet in front of me. he is in it to where he thinks he is well hidden but he's not.i pop off 3 shots at him and take him out. he yells back at me "good shot, i never saw it" well there are still 2 on my side covering the n00b but still have no clue where i am. 10 min later we are still tring to fight off the 2 skilled players and i have 3 empty tudes at my feet. finaly one tries to bunker the n00b. i pop him off with no problem but get hit by the other guy in the process. i start walking along the field and i see 4 of thier guys still in and on our side.... well good luck little guy. after i get off the field i immediatly get congradulated by the two i took out and stares of awe at my warp feed. what a good game.

05-27-2002, 12:34 AM
i learned the hard way, 2 times, not to ask people to surrender. Now i rarely do, but i usually say surrender, if they move, i shoot em 3 times in the back and move on. If im bunkereing str8 on from the front, i dont even hesitate. If its a newbie, i pop em once, then if their gun doesnt go up, i pop em again, so on and so fourth.

05-27-2002, 01:55 AM
i was about to make and old guy surrender when i noticed his son and two of his friends (all newbs on a bday trip) hovered in the far right corner. now the old guy was at the far snake, so i ran up, popped the old guy about 20 times in the back, and proceeded to kneel and unload on the kids in the corner w/ the help of my friend. damn was it fun!

05-27-2002, 08:48 AM
when I am reffing,or anyone else at my field,if there is only only person left on 1 team(n00b),and a few people on the other team,when they OBVIOUSLY have his cornered,right before they shoot him,i call the game......

n00b's are customers too.....

Load SM5
05-27-2002, 09:55 AM
is this an actual field or just a field you guys set-up?

Bunkering newbies and overshooting is a huge no-no were I play.

Good stories, thanks.

05-27-2002, 09:57 AM
yea,you difinitly want to surrender n00b's,and if you bunker em,hit them in the gun/hopper....

05-27-2002, 10:48 AM
its just a field we setup about 4 years ago before i played. as for aiming for the gun... thats what i try to do but it usualy happens to be the hand or wrist. (i shot a n00b in the gun hand and wrist almost 10 times before he called himself out.

05-27-2002, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Bunkering newbies and overshooting is a huge no-no were I play.

Well.. I agree with not bunkering newbies.. But.. If those newbies wipe, like a lot of them do, They need to be overshot just to get the point across if you cheat pain will follow :)

I am guilty of overshooting cheating newbies, but don't they deserve it.

05-27-2002, 11:03 AM
added another story

05-27-2002, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
added another story

Nice Warp story BT, especially since it was a lot shorter. :)

05-27-2002, 11:28 AM
do i sence sarcasm?

05-27-2002, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
do i sence sarcasm?

Sorry it came out that way. I only got halfway through your first story and then I skimmed over to the warp story.

05-27-2002, 11:57 AM

i like hearing stories of mags tearing up the fields.....or any gun for that matter......good for you BT!(no sarcasm)

05-27-2002, 11:59 AM
i dont think i will ever surrender a noob because of what has happened to me in the past. anywwayz, it was 2vs3

05-27-2002, 12:50 PM
lol,what happened?!

05-27-2002, 01:34 PM
One time when it was my second time playing paintball, I heard my friend running up and I knew he was about to bunker/surrender me, so I popped out and he was about 10 feet in front of the bunker and as soon as I popped out my head he yelled surrender but I shot him (instinct when you see someone running at you :P) before he was halfway finished saying it. For some reason he didn't care (he was out of paint and he said you don't have to surrender when someone tells you to.)


05-27-2002, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by MrMag
i was about to make and old guy surrender when i noticed his son and two of his friends (all newbs on a bday trip) hovered in the far right corner. now the old guy was at the far snake, so i ran up, popped the old guy about 20 times in the back, and proceeded to kneel and unload on the kids in the corner w/ the help of my friend. damn was it fun!

I don't care how fast your trigger is, shooting someone 20 times is uncalled for, unless they are a wiper. I normally hit someone 3 or 4 with my warped emag, and I can knock out 10bps without trying. I am not yelling at you, and I certainly am not mad but you should think about shooting someone so many times. They are there to have fun, just like you and I know that if I shot you 20 times you wouldn't have fun.