View Full Version : i need help dying my warp

05-28-2002, 05:37 PM
ok i got the rit dte and i was taking apart the warp then i got to the cervo and board and realized that i cant get them out of the warp unless i rip the wire off of the board or cervo and then soder it back on when im done dont really feel like sodering it so anyone have any ideas. tell me how you have done it. i know people have done it because i have seen people talking about dying theres please help me!!!!

thanks to all that help


05-28-2002, 05:55 PM

05-28-2002, 06:03 PM
Just dye the out side shell, no one sees the inside shell..

05-28-2002, 06:05 PM
i guess they dont if they dont look at the warp but i want to dye the whole thing up

05-28-2002, 07:57 PM
Your gonna have to do the soldering. It's time to learn anyway. Do I sound like a dad? I can't help it.

05-28-2002, 08:24 PM
Everyone that dyes their shells with RIT dye end up taking out the board, motor and all other parts. It's just something you have to do. If you don't want to do it, then see if you can find someone that knows how to solder. They don't have to be really good at it, just competent enough to hold it on the connection until the solder melts and then pull the wire out. All that needs to be disconnected are the two wire leads going to the motor. The wires for the 9v snap stay on.

05-28-2002, 08:29 PM
i would juz buy a shell...

05-28-2002, 08:48 PM
i can solder so i dont have to learn but i did that and it worked thanks for the coments.

05-29-2002, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by paintbattler
i would juz buy a shell...

65 dollars for the shells

1.28 for rit dye??

dying will just have to do oh yeah how do you get the sensor out if yuo leave it in will it ruin it or just let it dry??? i am dying my warp to so i would like to know.

up up up

05-29-2002, 03:19 AM
If you have one of the old style Warps, you can knock out the rivet through the screw hole for the back plate. That is if your sensor is cut on one side. If the sensor is completely round and has it's own hole for the rivet to go into, then you need to drill it to get it out. That requires getting a new rivet. You can dye it with it in there and dry it out, but the best thing to do is take it out. Depends on what you can do. I'd just setup intellifeed on your gun and not worry about the vib sensor.

05-29-2002, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
If you have one of the old style Warps, you can knock out the rivet through the screw hole for the back plate. That is if your sensor is cut on one side. If the sensor is completely round and has it's own hole for the rivet to go into, then you need to drill it to get it out. That requires getting a new rivet. You can dye it with it in there and dry it out, but the best thing to do is take it out. Depends on what you can do. I'd just setup intellifeed on your gun and not worry about the vib sensor.

well right now i am running an intellifeed so i only have to unsolder the wires going to the servo and i will just let the vib dry out my cuz hasn't got his i-frame yet so he can either punch it out or let the vib dry and how do you reuse a rivit??????

i edited because mac's keyboards suck and i misspelled every other word (i am at my cousin's)