View Full Version : My new toy...

05-29-2002, 06:45 PM
Just finished the final touches on it. My front gun. Half the weight of the E-magnum only 25% slower :)

05-29-2002, 06:54 PM
Nice gun. That is a very small barrel.

05-29-2002, 06:58 PM
I hope you don't plan on using that Hard Drive now.


05-29-2002, 06:59 PM
Here is my new toy! I just bought it today....:)



05-29-2002, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by MagDog68
I hope you don't plan on using that Hard Drive now.


Na that thing is ancient. I think it only holds 300 megs.

05-29-2002, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
Nice gun. That is a very small barrel.

It was huge before I got a hold of it. 14" J&J + Craftsman pipe cutter + file + steel wool= Somthing 100 times better :) Sereously now even oblong balls fly straight. All that extra porting just gives the ball more things to bounce around on on its way out.

05-29-2002, 07:10 PM
hey i was gonna do that to one of my m98 barrels to try it out. Did it really help the ceremic? i got a j&j 14 incher too, its too long for my tastes but it performs like a dream....+they are cheap barrels

is it still really quiet??




05-29-2002, 07:14 PM
Na it's now very very loud! But I don't care I pretty much know where everybody is in speedball anyway.

I got your PM. It should ship first thing tommorrow morn.

05-29-2002, 07:18 PM
yea i figured it would be loud, speedball doesn't matter, but a lot of my friends like woods play. I like quiet barrels for that.

But if it works as good as you say it might be worth a try, i wasn't really sure how the ceremic material would hold up to cutting (if it would split or crack). Looks nice too :P

Those are some cheap, damn good barrels (IMO)

thx for all the stuff! :)


05-29-2002, 07:22 PM
patience is the key. Work the pipe cutter really really slow so it slowly eats through the barrel. The core is aluminum once you cut through the ceramic coating and polish the tip up you will have absolutely no problems the ceramic coating is pretty tough.

05-29-2002, 08:42 PM
yes.. I like the stub nose look on it. I see you were on AO at the time too;)

05-29-2002, 09:24 PM
I would probably like a shorter barrel, but the length really helps me to aim because i caneasily see thr tip over the pwr feed. I would aim on the side, but during a game its still easier with a long barrel. I also think it looks better with a longer barrel.

05-29-2002, 11:48 PM
Nice work Butter! :D