View Full Version : Language and insinuation

05-29-2002, 11:03 PM
Many of you may have seen the recent posts in the "Emag-help" thread.

Though I was not one of those who originally complained about the quotes several members have in their sigs, I do agree with BlackVCG's response. My feelings on those sigs was stated in the thread.

However, I have noticed an increasing lack of respect on the site, both for the moderators and for each other. This is of great concern to me, and I suspect, to many others. It should be of concern to everyone who comes here.

When an individual begins to assert that he has a right to say something which offends others, civilization begins to break down a little. Civil liberties are just that, those liberties which a civil individual would take. Civil is usually defined as the "social or polite" thing to do, also as "what is in the best civic or public interest". No one would argue reasonably that foul or vulgar language is in the best civic interest! As a noted comedian once said, and I paraphrase here, "humor is not found in vulgar or crude language, ideas, or situations, we laugh at those because we are embarrassed by them."

Everyone here needs to remember that this is a public forum which is privately owned. The owner makes the rules and has asked the moderators to keep them, they do so well and appropriately. Many members here are young, they do not need, nor do their parents expect them to be exposed to inappropriate language or insinuation. I, for one, expect the moderators to do their very best to keep the site clean and appropriate for all ages, and have found them to do so.

Read the rules:
The first rule is, NO cussing. (capitals added)
Others state that you should not try to circumvent the cuss filters by using symbols or spaces, that you should not use sexually, racially, or religiously inflammatory material. Other problems are covered also. If everyone simply obeyed the rules, most of the forum problems would simply go away.

Finally, I see more and more people using inuendo and insinuation in their sigs or posts. Some of it is racial, some sexual. It should stop. Remember, when civil liberties are abused the privileges associated with liberty are slowly but surely withdrawn. In the world of AO, it means you might be banned, either permanently or for a time frame of the moderators choosing.

Simply put, we are here to learn about ways to enjoy are sport/hobby more, not to be assaulted with vulgar, offensive behavior and language.

Finally, I try to ignore things which are out of my control, including how people voice their opinions. I tend to state things and react to people a bit tongue in cheek myself, (you can tell from MY sig!), but please, please, watch your language for the sake of all those here who come here for a nice, non-confrontive place to relax.


05-29-2002, 11:10 PM
I agree

05-29-2002, 11:17 PM
Idealistically it would be great for everyone to get along and respect each other. Realistically it's not going to happen. :(

05-29-2002, 11:23 PM
I understand the realistic aspects of the problem, I'm hoping that everyone will simply make every effort to be on their best behavior.

The mods can handle those who aren't. Maybe if most of us set the example, others will realize that AO is a good place and try to be civil.


05-30-2002, 07:58 PM

05-30-2002, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Bwaites
(you can tell from MY sig!)

.sig ? What's that? :)

Tactical Neural Implant
05-30-2002, 10:25 PM
"if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything."

"Treat others as you would have them treat yourself."

05-31-2002, 07:45 PM
I just posted a Thank You Ao post about my feelilngs towards this forum. Bill I understand your point an try my best to be as freindly as possible. Occasionally I will be in a bad modd and I think everyone has those moments in life. But I DO NOT AGREE with using these stressful times to vent using racial inuendo's and other gibberish. This place, as you stated, to relax unwind, have fun. Hot have to rummage through post with explicits. Why can't everyone just be coo!? (Like a snowman :))