View Full Version : Intimidator Question

Krazy Ivan
05-31-2002, 07:07 AM
I was just curious, I did a search and unfortunately came up empty.

Why is it everyone likes the timmy's so much. From what I've heard it operates a lot like an Angel does. All opinions welcome.

On a second note, why did he decide to make the GZ have only an electro semi-auto mode! No burst or full auto or anything?!

Lastly, and prolly most importantly what do people do with them, parts that should/need to be upgraded from stock?

Thanks guys.

05-31-2002, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by Krazy Ivan

Why is it everyone likes the timmy's so much. From what I've heard it operates a lot like an Angel does. All opinions welcome.

They are very light weight, I use to run mine with a msx-flow 45/4500 and it was nice a light. They are incredible fast shooting (more on this later). The dual anti-chop eyes work amazingly well. Easy to maintain and quite fun to listen to when it shoots.

On a second note, why did he decide to make the GZ have only an electro semi-auto mode! No burst or full auto or anything?!

Since multi-mode is disallowed in most tourneys why not take it off. But that isnt the main reason, the main reason is that the SOB (Semi-Only Board) is faster then the multi-mode. The switch on the board is capable of a rate-of-fire of around 66 bps. Mind you this is the switch, not the marker itself. The switch on the SOB doesnt have a built in delay like the multi-mode board. The multi-mode board has a 1/16 sec delay built it, meaning that it is only able to achieve 16 bps.

Lastly, and prolly most importantly what do people do with them, parts that should/need to be upgraded from stock?

First thing I think you should get is the SOB, and then a delrin bolt to cut down on maintanence and operating pressure. After that its a matter of personnel taste; you can get a volumizer for better LP operation, different trigger, different trigger frames, better barrels, etc.

I use to own one, so if you have any questions please feel free to email me.


Krazy Ivan
05-31-2002, 08:33 AM
Cool, Thanks bro. I was looking into buying a high-end electro maybe near the end of the summer, it was down to the timmy, or emag

05-31-2002, 09:08 AM
Having owned both markers, I can tell you that I liked my timmy far better then my EMag. Also you may wish to consider an Impulse. Ive had an impulse also, and highly regret having traded it away. With the new cricket board they are easier to adjust and are very fun to shoot.

The EMag is nice, but I found it to be rather bulky and just could never get comfortable with it. I am a great snap shot but always had the worst time trying to get comfortable with the emag front battery.

I found the timmy/impulse to be much easier to shoulder quicker and with a regular sized fore-grip much easier to snap shoot with. Also the vision eye is a great help in keeping down breaks. Granted Mag's will eventually have one also, but leemy only knows when they will release this.

I would say go with a timmy or impulse ... but thats my opinion.


05-31-2002, 10:54 AM
The Timmy rarely breaks paint period. It's fast -ROF, lightweight, and very accurate. It's like shooting an autococker only with more range. Shoots really flat, ease of maintainence rivals my old mags, and the Semi Only Board is insanely fast. I currently shoot a GZ as my main marker and I can say this honestly and proudly, all motorized hoppers, even the original HALO can't feed my beast fast enough.
On a side note, I can't wait for the HALO B to be released maintstream...

05-31-2002, 11:42 AM
It's fast -ROF, lightweight, and very accurate.

The only thing in there that beats the emag is its weight. Accuracy has nothing to do with gun and the GZ does not have the capabilities to reach 26bps.

It's like shooting an autococker only with more range.

You should know that range has nothing to do with the gun unless you're talking about a flatline.

all motorized hoppers, even the original HALO can't feed my beast fast enough.

Are you claiming you can pull the trigger at 18bps? or even 20? This is not a flame, i'm just wondering how you could possibly make all these claims. Most of this is not true, and what is true is heavily exagerated.

Krazy Ivan
05-31-2002, 11:47 AM
sorry but I was soured on impy's near their inception and I never really looked back. I'm working at about $600-700 so I would have to get a used emag, or a new Timmy. I also had a bad experience with a used gun, so that was kind of leaning me toward a new timmy also. I think the timmy is very high in the rankings now, next to a used angel.

Heh, yes I know I am a little sour on used guns but I mean hey, a used angel is still and angel none the less!

05-31-2002, 11:55 AM
I bought my mag used and have had it for a number of years with not a single problem. I bought it from somethone who had it for 5 years and got it new. The thing works like a charm and is extremely reliable. There's a reason why they're made out of stainless steel.

If you went with a used emag, it would be damn close to as good as a new emag, the only difference would be you don't have a recipt directly from the place of its original purchase. The gun will work great forever, that's what they're made to do.

I'm not saying you should buy an emag, and i'm not trying to tell you not to buy a timmy, rather i'm just informing you of the quality of the products you will potentially purchase.

Consider this, when you purchase an Angel or a Cocker or a Timmy, they always advertise what year it is. The 2000 cockers are much differnt from the 2002 cockers and the 2000 Angels, once again, are much different from the 2002 Angels. Given they are still Angels and Cockers, their performance values change over the years of their production.

Now look at the mag. My mag is about 8 years old and it's still the same exact design. It's the design that has worked for years and will continue to work for years to come. In this sense, a used mag is just as good as a new one. But a used 2000 Angel is 2 years old in the year 2002.

Ninja B0Y
05-31-2002, 12:48 PM
ummm, no.

05-31-2002, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Bartleby
Now look at the mag. My mag is about 8 years old and it's still the same exact design. It's the design that has worked for years and will continue to work for years to come. In this sense, a used mag is just as good as a new one. But a used 2000 Angel is 2 years old in the year 2002.
but then you remember that level 10 is comming out. the emag went from emag to extreme to C+C and now they're throwing in ACEs. that's not really staying the same.
get a timmy, I love both of mine. I just lend out my old minimag now.

Krazy Ivan
05-31-2002, 01:51 PM
Ironically, the used gun I bought was a automag classic powerfeed. Given it had an 8-hole mod on it with some other "custom" things, but it just didn't shoot right. It wouldn't keep up to 280 fps without shootdown, massive shootdown that is.

I have a Minimag now, and I love it. Bought it brand new a year and a half ago.

05-31-2002, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by covadsucks
On a side note, I can't wait for the HALO B to be released maintstream...
the halo B has been released... it goes for around 150 with the colored shells (which are so beautiful).

05-31-2002, 03:28 PM
bartleby -wake up. I can hit string well over 16 a sec...I've outshot my original HALO like nothing. SO YEAH -I am claiming to hit 16+.

Since when did I ever say the Timmy can hit more than 26bps??? Since when have I ever said the Retro valve is not the fastest valve available???

So then tell me why I can shoot farther with my autococker than you can with yer "8 year old mag"???

Most of this is not true??? You need to put your money where yer mouth is...Show up at Shatnerball, you'll get to be the first one to see what's not true when I paint you and yer "Wondermag" whatever color you want...

05-31-2002, 03:55 PM
easy on there big fella. rather than ranting on and on about little magic elves, why don't you venture on down to Tom's Tech Tips and see for yourself. I'm not saying just because Tom said it, it must be right. What i'm saying is that it's simple physics. A ball leaving a barrel at 300fps in a cocker will travel just as a ball leaving a barrel at 300fps in a mag. The difference in accuracy remains in the paint to barrel match. The only way to achieve a farther shot is to use a flatline, or by some other means apply a backspin to the paintball. It's simple fact, i don't care what you claim.

So, to go along with the subject, to tell you why you can shoot farther with you autococker than i can with my mag is really quite simple...you can't. It's not physically possible unless you have some sort of backspin applied to the ball. Don't bother arguing against that.

I'm sorry if i accused you of saying that the Timmy was faster than the mag, that was not my intension. But the sheer thought that you even claim you can reach 16bps is rather amusing. While i won't be at Shatnerball, i urge you to video yourself pulling off this amazing stunt and posting it here for all the world to see.

As for painting me up, i prefer the color purple as that goes along with my color scheme, the only problem is that challenge park is strictly field paint so we'd have to settle for yellow.

Enjoy :D

Lone Gunman
05-31-2002, 04:37 PM
I would have to agree with Bartleby. I believe it is near humanly impossible to shoot any gun, paintball or conventional, 16 cps without some type of help. You would be the fastest trigger, or close to the fastest trigger in the world if you could pull 16 times a second.

Correction: 16+ cps

05-31-2002, 04:39 PM
I don't believe you can shoot further with your Cocker then he can with his Mag if they are both shooting at the same velocity. I've seen, with my own eyes, too many tests for that.