View Full Version : Armed Forces? I need advice.

05-31-2002, 08:05 PM
I need some advice on what to do with my life, no big deal right?:rolleyes: Basicially my situation is this, im 20 years old, i've wasted 2 years of college, i have no money and i have zero clue what i want to do with my life. When i graduated from high school i never considered going into the armed forces, but now that i find myself with too many paths while having little confidence in my decisions. I know that going somewhere, whether it be the Army, the Marines, or whatever branch, i know that it will lead me in the right direction. So basicially im looking for advice on what to do, and also some personal stories on what you've experienced through your experiences in the armed forces, good and bad. Thanks!

05-31-2002, 08:17 PM
Go to your local recruiter...talk to them.

05-31-2002, 08:40 PM
Go to your local recruiter...talk to them.
NOOOOOOOOO! LOL Sorry, but I think that is a bad mistake.

Recruiters are out to SELL you the job. They have quotas to fill and jobs to put people in. You want to know about each service go to each of their main web sites and read them. Also talk to people who have been in.

Keep one thing in mind… most jobs in the military will NOT help you when you get out, no matter how much they try to tell you they will. Don’t believe me? Ask a former service member what they are doing NOW, and then ask what they did in the Service…. Most times it will not even be close. There are a few exceptions, but normally the jobs people do in the service are of little importance when they get out… the EDUCATION they got IS. ;)

Do your research FIRST. See what jobs actually WILL help you when you get out, if that is your goal. OR make sure you get as much Education as you can while you are in. Even if you plan to make it a career. Plans don’t always go like folks thought they would.

The military is a great thing, but always remember that the needs of the service will ALWAYS be more important than YOUR needs to them. And if they don’t need you any more, that is it…. So get out of it what YOU can. Also, as has been mentioned many times here on AO… being a Service Member actually takes away many of the “rights” civilians take for granted. This is an odd paradox since it will be YOU that helps protect them.

It is great to serve your country, and I encourage folks to do so…. but do so with open eyes. I would not trade my years in the service for anything... but it isn't all peaches and cream.

05-31-2002, 09:35 PM
Thanks shartley, that was the advice i was looking for. I am definently not going to a recruiter if i don't know everything that i can know. My research is going well. ;)

05-31-2002, 10:11 PM
just to add...talk to people who are currently in the service not retired...the military has changed a lot in the past 10 years and even more so in the past 50, if i were you id call a relative or CLOSE family friend or friend to get their opinion if possible id recomend ROTC or OCS if your aimming for a career

06-01-2002, 04:45 PM
I agree w/Shartley...to a point. Definitely steer clear of recruiters...they will bug you incessantly. As far as getting job training...it really depends on what you want to do. Try to picture yourself 10 years from now...waht you want to be doing. The military can be a great place...depending on your MOS, your duty station, your chain of command...there are a lot of variables that need to be taken into consideration. I definitely recommend a 2 yr hitch to start; that will give you a feel. Just remember this; you will be moving every year or so...although, they are trying to change that, at least in the Army. So, if you plan on starting a family, you may want to seriously weigh all your options.
Anyway, good luck on what you want to do. As a side note; if you want all the high speed stuff like airborne, ranger, and all that, go young. It hurts WAY too much going through all that after 27 yrs of age!;)

Tactical Neural Implant
06-01-2002, 04:55 PM
I also agree with Shartley. Also just to give you options consider the Reserves and the Guard .(National or Air) In that way you can continue to work in the civilian world and possibly stay closer to home.

06-02-2002, 12:14 AM
going in with no goals or direction might not give you what you are looking for.

if you are 20 and have NO IDEA what you want to do with your life maybe you should figure that out before locking yourself into a place that could potentially hold you back from what you really want to do.

also seeing that you live in toledo check out the Air National Guard. They have some F-16s at Toledo Express which would not be too bad of a drive for you. I also hear they are a realy close-nit bunch out there and really like to hire people from their own base for the pilot jobs, if becomming an officer and flying F-16s interests you. Recruiters may tell you stuff about the guard, but most of the stuff the Army told me I found out was just lies (literally not true). Haven't signed yet, but I plan to ship out after the fall semester if I could just lose these last 10 lbs! (lost almost 20 already, gooo me:) )

06-02-2002, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by bsusigep18
I need some advice on what to do with my life, no big deal right?:rolleyes: Basicially my situation is this, im 20 years old, i've wasted 2 years of college, i have no money and i have zero clue what i want to do with my life. When i graduated from high school i never considered going into the armed forces, but now that i find myself with too many paths while having little confidence in my decisions. I know that going somewhere, whether it be the Army, the Marines, or whatever branch, i know that it will lead me in the right direction. So basicially im looking for advice on what to do, and also some personal stories on what you've experienced through your experiences in the armed forces, good and bad. Thanks!

Hi bsusigep18,

I wasn't in the military, but I dated someone who was in the 82nd Airborne. Even if you decide to join the military, you still have to choose an MOS, so you kind've have to have an idea of what you want to do. My ex-boyfriend was in demolitions. He worked really long hours, and was always in the field. A friend of mine was also in the army, but he had an administrative job and basically worked 8 - 5. Being in the military is tough. I have a lot of respect for men and women in the military, because they put up with so much and get very little in return. It's a big decision.

When I was 20 I had no idea what I wanted to do either. I decided on college, but changed my major a few times. :rolleyes:

06-02-2002, 07:59 AM
I am currently a Drill Sergeant and see new recruits who come in for all the wrong reasons, all the time. Out of a 70 person platoon on day one, we may seperate about 10 for behavior, injury, or other reasons. I don't think the military should be viewed as a "Last Resort", as it seems you are. I guess the real question is "What do you hope to get out of military service?". The answer to that will drive what job and which branch you go for.
The Army is a great place, I would not have stayed in here for 12 years if Ii didn't enjoy it, but it is a SERVICE. Meaning...service to your country.


As a side note; if you want all the high speed stuff like airborne, ranger, and all that, go young. It hurts WAY too much going through all that after 27 yrs of age!

You ain't kiddin' brother! I went through Ranger school at 28 and it was a kick in the a$$! But I made it. :D

06-02-2002, 01:54 PM
one thing i have never been able to figure out. are you able to choose what part of the military you go in(such as combat administrative etc)

06-02-2002, 02:59 PM
It's my understanding that you have to take a test. Your score will determine what you are qualified for. It should give you several options to choose from. But don't quote me, I could be wrong.

06-02-2002, 04:41 PM
TDS is correct...you need to take the ASVAB. Score well on that, then see what each service has to offer. And recruiters dont really lie...they nedver did. They just dont tell the whole truth. So, take the test, score well, see what everyone offers, then decide. But, like Doobie said...dont do it as a last resort. You will be miserable.
To Doobie, a quote; "there is a fine line between hard and retard, and you crossed it." :D j/k. 28 huh? Man, that is old for a ranger though. Bet it felt real good to graduate, knowing you beat out all the tough talking kids huh? Me, I stayed straight leg...got out after 3 yrs then went Guard. I enjoy (or did, till I got activated) civilian life too much now. But, my hat is off to you, I know how tough a school that is. My bro was one down in GA...3rd bat I believe? Anyway, just wanted to ramble...

06-02-2002, 05:32 PM
The ASVAB isnt that tough so dont worry about it, I think once you place above 50 there are few to no restrictions.

When you go to the MEPS (which will probably be the worst day of your life, "hurry up and wait" has new meaning...) you do your physical and then you talk to a liason who looks at your ASVAB score, physical, and what you want, and gives you a list of available jobs, where you'll go to basic at, etc. Still no guarentee that you'll get to STAY at the job you pick, but I believe the Army does offer a chance to get out if you finish basic and your AIT and they no longer need you at that position. Not sure what the penelties for that would be though.

06-02-2002, 11:01 PM
hey ryan!

i also struggled after my second year in college...trust me, thats the toughest...its all downhill after that

stay in skool, get your degree...im not saying this because im anti-military (im not)...my dad was in the army for 28 years, and i spent about 4 years working in civil service and as a contractor with the military...and i really really enjoyed it...

anyway, although i have the highest respect for people that chose the armed forces, it was not the decision for me...course, it might be right for you, but my advice to you is to finish your edge-u-katshun first


06-03-2002, 11:44 AM
Be a pain when you are with the liason. they wont show you all the availible jobs... they will show you the ones they want to sell. they will probably want you. just dont settle for a crap job.

06-03-2002, 05:14 PM
what kinda questions are on that type of test? something like "when mixing chemicle X with chemical Y it makes..."
a. c4
b. hydro bomb
c. spudzooka :D
d. old smelly pie

or is it like "to shoot you..."
a. pull the trigger
b. stick your finger up the barrel
c. look down the barrel with your eye
d. aim it at your groin and see how far the trigger goes back before it shoots

06-03-2002, 10:03 PM
lol there are some engine questions. one section is 4 boxes filled with shapes and you have to decide if you put the shapes together what it would look like. some basic math. theres more but i cant remember.

06-04-2002, 01:37 PM
there is a section where you get a bank of words with 4-digit numbers assigned to them. and each question is a number. and you have to choose the right word.
4758- panda 5639- cat 6324 cheese 1284-monkey


you get 3 minutes or so to answer 70-80 questions.
the math section is easy. 8-9th grade math.

06-04-2002, 02:26 PM
i got it i got it ITS B CHEESE! :D

06-06-2002, 11:54 AM
yeah, don't worry about the ASVAB. It's like an easy version of the SAT. When I say easy, I mean EASY.

As to military preperation for civilian careers. Depends.

Wanna be a civvy pilot, go be a pilot.
Wanna work in aerospace? Military is a great start.
Wanna work in intelligence? It helps.

Beyond that? My impression is that it's not really that helpful.