View Full Version : Stock Impulse or VERY UPGRADED Black Dragun

05-31-2002, 11:45 PM
ok, im in a delema(sp?). should i get an almost fully upgraded black dragun w/ 12v w/ x-board & vortex impellar or a stock impulse w/ a 9v revy w/ x-board. i can buy alot of stuff if i get the black dragun but if i get an impulse i will only have a 9v revy. any helps appreciated.

05-31-2002, 11:47 PM
Impy. You can always upgrade from there.

06-01-2002, 12:14 AM
in my opinion, there's no delima. Impy, all the way. here's some reasons why . . . . better made. better customer service. more reliable. (MUCH MORE RELIABLE). out of all the hundred or so black draguns ive seen to date. . . (and yes i have seen that many - - if ya dont believe me, pm me and ill explain further. . .) well, lets just say you get what you pay for. you buy a $250 gun and get just that. . a $250 gun. you buy a 500 or so gun - - - you see the point. The black dragun is a good value for its price. . . its NOT the next best paintball thing since the motorized hopper.

Please note that im not saying black draguns will not shoot well. Ive seen several of them that do. . . but for every one that performs flawlessly, there are at least two that have to be re-cocked repeatedly during games (even on nitro. . ). Sure, thats just a simple adjustment of the sear, but the *ahem* INEXPENSIVELY made parts contribute to this.

i only reccomend the black dragun to someone who is determined to have 'angel firepower' but just either dosent want to spend that much, or cant.

If ya buy an escort that will go as fast as a corvette,- - - - why ever buy a corvette? Simple answer, in my opinion. The escort is just not designed to perform like that. . . just like a spyder * oops. . . i meant to say black dragun. . . * ;) is not designed to perform at the same level as an Emag. or an Angel, or an impy, for that matter.

Anyway, thats enough ranting on that subject. . . like i said before, if you want some more info on this, pm me. Alot of it I'd rather not publish in an open forum (and believe me. . there are some other good reasons to go impy. . . )

Hope this helps,


06-01-2002, 01:53 AM
dragons are crap
go with the imp

06-01-2002, 07:10 AM

06-01-2002, 08:53 AM
Impulse all the way :) I've heard too many good things about them.

Black Draguns, it seems, every other person owns one and every other person has a problem with them.

06-01-2002, 01:18 PM
Go for the Impulse. Dragons are just electro spyders.

06-01-2002, 11:39 PM
mostly, this is just to be different, but also i dont like sp that much.... black dragun

06-01-2002, 11:50 PM
Imp all the way some of my friends picked up a vision impulse and they really like them, no problems so far plus i've seen some heavily upgraded impulses and i'll just say they can't be GREAT guns.

draguns are just a blowback with an e-frame slapped on 'em

06-02-2002, 12:04 AM
BD, these guns are great, especially for 85 bucks. Impulses have numerous problems

too tall
first show low
weird reg setup that doesnt work right part of the time

Ive got a friend with an electro spyder and another with an eclipse impulse. I like the spyder better. I dont give a shiz about looks, or value or whatever. The electro spyder (and all black draguns ive shot) are better shooting guns with less performence problems. I say bd with a cp set upgraded trigger, a reg of your choice, a halo, and a nice tank. Boom whoop on impulses. If i were to buy a cheap electro thats not a BD, id get a bushmaster over an impulse anyday, after that a matrix if i could find one. If u can afford it get a used timmy, they are the best guns around for the money.

to all the people who say is just a blowback with an electro frame slapped on it. An emag is just a blow forward with an electro frame slapped on it. And how much do emags cost? :p

06-02-2002, 12:15 AM
spyders and spyder clones are just waiting to have problems, you have sear wear very quickly, your velocity is controled by a spring, and most of the guns are made with quantity in mind not quality, spend the few extra bucks, it's worth it

impulses use maxflow regs, and everyone i know that has an impulse (about %60 of the people at my field have one) works with very few problems if not any, yeah there is that first shot problem but the tapeworm fixes that i think

and as far as the emag goes, have you ever seen a spyder go 20bps? :D