View Full Version : i have the opposite of bolt stick

06-01-2002, 09:05 AM
I see a lot of people ask about bolt stick, but i have the opposite of it. When i gas my mag up it fires once and constantly leaks air out of the front. The only way i can stop this is if i hold the trigger back and then it still likes to fire really short bursts of air. I need a lot of help on it.
I just recently put a new sear and a spring in it and it still didn't work if you could help me please i would greatly appreciate it.

06-01-2002, 09:23 AM
Okay, first thing to do is pull out the on/off assembly. Replace the on/off TOP o-ring. This is the small white teflon o-ring at the very bottom of the hole that seals on the top of the on/off pin. There are two white teflon o-rings in the on/off assembly. One is pressed into the on/off bottom piece. Replace the other one. Now test the gun and see what it does when you hold the trigger back. It should seal completely and you shouldn't hear a leak. If it's still leaking when you release the trigger, replace the PT o-ring by unscrewing the PT tip with a nickel and then drop out the PT spacer. There should be a yellowish o-ring below that.

Go here and if you put your mouse pointer over the parts it will identify them for you so you know which o-rings to replace. Also, pay attention to how everything goes back together to make sure you're assembling the gun properly.


01-18-2005, 02:23 AM
turn up your velocity that is what worked for me

01-18-2005, 05:08 AM
also what "spring" are you talking about?