View Full Version : Frontplayer with Copper X-treme pict

06-02-2002, 03:38 PM
Yup.. this is as good as it gets guys..

06-02-2002, 03:47 PM
niiiice yuo shoot your e-mag with yuor whole finger lol

06-02-2002, 03:51 PM
Well.... As you may see, I'm kinda in a tight lie here.. still, with my shooting style I can deliver about 20 BPS.. you beat that?

06-02-2002, 04:44 PM
20 bps

im sorry tahts just plain funny

06-02-2002, 04:54 PM
Its not so funny. With the AGD 2.21 softwear in the xtreems and the ACE, you have the option of setting the rate of fire to 20 BPS. The marker can handel it and the warpfeed can handel it. The only problem is that the VL Revolution can't. You need to strap a HALO on that baby, and you are ready to rock.

06-02-2002, 05:35 PM
yea the gun and warp can, but u cant. theres no way in the world u can shoot 20bps so stop lying

E==Mag MAN
06-02-2002, 05:59 PM
LOL if u really believe that............Were did u go wronge its just plain commom sense that no human can pull a trigger 20 times a second. I can shoot my emag at 14 balls a second maybe just maybe if i really get goin but thats only in a game if even.

Temo Vryce
06-02-2002, 06:21 PM
Hey don't trash the guy for taking a rough est. on how fast he can shoot, and who's to say that he can't shoot that fast? If you fan the trigger you can really make it sing. 20 is a littel much but then again, anything is possible.

06-02-2002, 06:40 PM
he would go in the paintball hall of fame for the fastest finger ever.

06-02-2002, 06:46 PM
hybrid mode + fanning? its a possiblility. i doubt it tho

although my Emag regularly outshoots my HALO

06-02-2002, 06:52 PM
Copper-TOP you rockZ my SockZ!

06-02-2002, 07:06 PM
OK first of all I would be will to bet that he is run reactive E mode with a set up that damn close to run away fa. Knowing John S he has that thing set to the raged edge of "semi Only"



BTW - Ironic as it maybe, I was tested for FA today, the day AFTER I burned up my FA board. Kinda funny is a sad way

06-02-2002, 07:49 PM
beat that!! i wasn't makin fun of you bro chill out jeesh big deal yuo can shot fast because someone handed you a gun if someone handed me that gun i would fan on it too.

06-02-2002, 08:36 PM
not entirely on topic, but has to do with fast rof. first time i picked up a real cocker i could do about 9 holding the grip frame, NOT fanning, because it is a waste of paint since you are extremely inacurate unless you get really good at it. just thought it was cool i could shoot the cocker faster than the owner & the rest of the team. btw, it was an sto.

another funny thing, 20 minutes later the best i could do with an eclipse was about 6-7, explain that to me.

06-02-2002, 09:07 PM
I hate you Copper-Top:D Send me a Pewter xtreme please. Thanks alot:D

06-02-2002, 10:01 PM
hmmm fannings the only thing i do i think, 20bps please itmay be set at that but your not shootin it ive gotten 14 on both my angels now and my revy skipped but the batteries were low(12v/xboard/jmj impeller)

06-03-2002, 10:16 AM
Ok. Im still a bit short of 20 bps. But even with 20 bps and the ace on, my good old 18 volt revy' hass a pretty hard time keeping up with me. Even with 16 bps it still worked very hard.

Last turnament i played, players and marshalls made remarks to the head-marshal that i was posably playing with an iligal marker due to my rate of fire. Lucky fore me he had tried it and replyed backt to them "....nope, ther is noting wrong with that gun. He's jsut ablel to shoot it that fast." Belive you me, there was some pretty long faces on the field that day.

And when it comes to the Xtreme: SEEING IS BELIVING!!!!!!;)

Creative Mayhem
06-03-2002, 10:34 AM
You can shoot 20BPS? HAHAHA

Hey, If you believe that, I've got some swamp land in Florida for sale.....

06-03-2002, 12:46 PM
People, I don't doubt sunrise. I have seen some weird stuff in my day and I am sure he can get pretty close to what he says. After shooting my emag I can see how it is possible. Good for you Sunrise. And for everyone else who is wasting time doubting him...get a life. This is not worth debating. Peace be with you.:D

06-03-2002, 12:57 PM
I believe him....I routinely shoot 25bps...I use a warp with a bigger motor and a C Halo which is gear driven with a belt that slips so all the advantages or gears and belts. I also have a mechanical finger, in fact my fingers were used in the T-1000 from terminator so I guess that makes me a movie star. And best of all my paintballs are heat seaking.

06-03-2002, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Hysperion
I believe him....I routinely shoot 25bps...I use a warp with a bigger motor and a C Halo which is gear driven with a belt that slips so all the advantages or gears and belts. I also have a mechanical finger, in fact my fingers were used in the T-1000 from terminator so I guess that makes me a movie star. And best of all my paintballs are heat seaking.

lol hahaahahahahah that is the bets thing hhaha

06-03-2002, 02:30 PM
hhaha lol thats good stuff

anyway i made a recording of me shooting how do i get it online(i cant count how many balls a second it is too fast for me) and that isnt my fastest ive gotten about 2 bps more.

lol whenever i shoot everyone is like "holy ****ing **** ****!!!!" etc its funny cuz i got checked by 4 refs in one game to see if i was using electro even though it was a cocker(i know they have electros but they from my knowlege are all SOB's meaning semi only boards)

Temo Vryce
06-03-2002, 02:59 PM
You guys need to really relax. Copper-Top said that he could shoot 20bps. Sure that might be a little off. Hell he might not even be hitting 12bps. The point is, YOU DON'T KNOW. How can you say that he can't shoot that fast. Hell I once watched a friend of mine basically stop a tournament using a smart mag with a VL2000. One by one every player on the field (9 out of 10) stopped firing just to hear him. it lasted all of about 5 seconds. If I was to take a guess I would have said that he reached 12 maybe 13 bps. This was a stock SmartMag double 20 oz Bottles on remote with 2 expantion chambers. I can't remember forsure but he might have had an RG-1 as well. It was one of those things that you had to be there to hear it. Strider can vouch for this one as he was in that game.

The point I'm trying to make is that you can't say what someone can and can't do until you've seen them try. If Copper-Top says he can hit 20 bps. I'll believe him, he might only be hitting 16 or 17 but can you honestly tell the difference by just listening to someone shoot? I sure can't, and I don't know anyone who can. That's why we have machines that can check this for us. Instead of trashing the guy and telling him that he's lying. Take a step back and think about about the speed records that have been broken in other sports. Humans are getting faster, stronger, and smarter in every sport. Just because you can't beat 6bps doesn't mean that he get to 20bps.

Now let's pray to the Paintball Gods that Tom and the rest of the AGD staff can the Extreme and lvl10 mods done for us quickly so we can see if we can hit 20bps. We've seen the videos we know that 20bps and be handled by the extreme while in FA. Who says that someone can't fire that fast in Hybrid. Until you seen him shoot, who are you to say he can't do it.

06-03-2002, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
hhaha lol thats good stuff

anyway i made a recording of me shooting how do i get it online(i cant count how many balls a second it is too fast for me) and that isnt my fastest ive gotten about 2 bps more.

lol whenever i shoot everyone is like "holy ****ing **** ****!!!!" etc its funny cuz i got checked by 4 refs in one game to see if i was using electro even though it was a cocker(i know they have electros but they from my knowlege are all SOB's meaning semi only boards)

just zip it up and put it on the boards like that

and if you want to know how fast you are shooting just cut a second out of there and put it on sound recorder and slow it down like 2-3 times and count that is what i do and i can shoot 12-13 as fast as i can on my retro with the pressure to 950 lol hehe i will try and get my wave file up.!

Mag pusher
06-03-2002, 03:59 PM
You guys really need to cool down, to my knowledge most of you have'nt even seen an xtreem e-mag. At the Campaign Cup last year Coppertop really made some heads turn coz of his rof, and he has been getting faster ever since. Sunrise, our team-boss tried out a Halo a couple of weeks ago, and it could'nt keep up with the rof on his mag with the ace activated and the sps set at 20 bps.
Thanks to Temo Vryce for beeing openminded and giving fresh member Coppertop the benefit of doubt!!!

Temo Vryce
06-03-2002, 04:25 PM
Like I said I've seen some pretty wild stuff. 20 bps? That is a little hard to swollow but I'm sure he get get pretty close. Unitl I can see him shoot in person, I'll trust you both to be on the level.

06-03-2002, 04:53 PM
yeah i have to agree with Temo on this one theres no way i know if he can or not so why say that he cant anything is possible ;)

06-03-2002, 06:20 PM
for all you naysayers out there. Have you shot your emags at high ROF's? Have you changed your emags yet? Imagine having the time and the know how to get a few extra shots per second?

I am having a ruff time shooting the Micro E over 11 a second with the hopper I got (12v revy w/o X) Having it set at 14 meant that I outran the hopper on my 3rd shot.

I can imagine that someone who wants to play with the hall sensor adjustment and a little fine tuning to the trigger rod and the stops on the trigger, could achieve a rediculous ROF.

Do I beleive 20 bps? I dunno, 18 I can see pretty easily. 20bps would be like the holy grail.

on a side note.
over 11 bps, an object 2 fet wide going 15 miles an hour will get hit by balls traveling 300 fps


06-03-2002, 07:46 PM
I believe him. Hybrid + walking the trigger + a fast finger = very high rof. If he says he can get 20 then I'll believe him because of who he is and what he is using.

E==Mag MAN
06-05-2002, 08:46 PM
lol why are u defending him cant he defend himself..... im sorry if the electronics in my e-mag are capable of 20 why would HIS ELELCTRONICS be easier to get that high...second OMG OMG OMG i bet i havnt seen a E-MAG EXTREM must mean i cant shoot 20 bps but u guys can cause u have seen them and shoot them BIG DEAl. its a different body BOO HOO i dont have one lol u guys are a funny bunch.also u sound like a newbi with the fanning of the trigger if u quote fan the trigger then u must look like a idiot on the field if when u say u fan the trigger mean really fanning it...

06-05-2002, 08:56 PM
Please use punctuation. I can't even read your post.

06-05-2002, 08:58 PM
I beleive ya man...

I dont know 20, but i've seen 19 in hybrid over a balls per second chrono with paint through a warp..

Comments above me are why I refuse to state how fast I am until I have video over a BPS chrono to prove it (read next few weeks)


06-05-2002, 09:29 PM
The refs at our field said there was a guy with an E-mag up there once and they ran him through a chrono and he was shooting 23 bps.

Don't know how valid that is though.

06-05-2002, 09:32 PM
i love your gun dude.

06-06-2002, 11:40 PM
dude i don't see what everyone is still arguing about i shoot 25 bps so it's entirely possible that he's hitting 20. in fact my gun has a reactive valve that can shoot up to 26bps, I can't 2hand-fan the trigger fast enough yet to hit 26 but soon....

06-07-2002, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Hysperion
dude i don't see what everyone is still arguing about i shoot 25 bps so it's entirely possible that he's hitting 20. in fact my gun has a reactive valve that can shoot up to 26bps, I can't 2hand-fan the trigger fast enough yet to hit 26 but soon....

this is a question i am asking i am not being rude or mean. But are you serious???!!!!!

06-07-2002, 11:07 AM
roflmao no....

Temo Vryce
06-07-2002, 12:16 PM
Two points for honesty.

Now how do you do a 2 handed trigger fan and still hold the mag?

Wait... I don't think I want to know the answer to that one.

06-07-2002, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Temo Vryce
Two points for honesty.

Now how do you do a 2 handed trigger fan and still hold the mag?

Wait... I don't think I want to know the answer to that one.

haha lol hy[ersion i hope you don't think i was serious!!!!

06-07-2002, 03:02 PM
You guys need to ease up.

Don't rip somebody apart when they claim something. I don't care what it is. For all we know Coppertop could have a spaztic finger and reach that rof.

I get accused of being f/a all the time and everybody I play with wants me on their team. Even when guys get a new gun nice or cheap they want me to shoot it so they can see what it is capable of. I've done this to emags, cockers, angels...even tippman 98's, A5's, spyders and so forth. My personal favorite was the stingray. I ripped loose with that piece of crap and everybody was looking at me. The ref at the chrono was laughing his butt off.

Bottom line is Paintball is a recreational sport to be loved by everyone. If I told you I could shoot half court shots and make 70% of them you may not believe me but I doubt you would go out of your way to badmouth what I said. If you did I might not ever want to play basketball with you again (and you don't know that I'm not a 44% 3 point shooter). If we keep doing this there won't be anybody left to play with.

Get the picture?

Kaiser Bob
06-07-2002, 03:59 PM
The beauty of a HES actuated trigger system is that with tweaking of the magnet position and such you can make the HES go nuts by getting the trigger in that gray area of field strength of on/off. If the new software can go to 20 cps that means that it will now read more of that gray area as shots, making it easier to achieve a sick ROF. Same theory applies somewhat to microswitches, but dosent have near the potential for sustained high ROF as the HES. My next mission is to find a board or hope for a software update that will allow even higher cps :-D

PS- Feel free to correct me if you think ive made any grevious errors.

Mag pusher
06-11-2002, 02:23 PM
Thanks to all you guys sticking up for Copper-TOP, it's good to see after all that flaming. For the rest of you I hope you get to see John Sosta in action one day with his xtreem, now that's fast!!! I hope the lvl 10 is ready soon, so you guys can get a chance to test them. To make a long story short, it's INSANE

06-11-2002, 03:21 PM
One thing I would like to point out. Just because he can pull the trigger at 20 bps doesn't really mean that 20 balls are coming out every second. Example: He fires 3 shots at a bunker cross field, then looks over his shoulder to see a guy about to bunker him. He pulls the trigger 5 times so fast that the guy doesn't make it one more step before he's hit. Does that mean he just shot 20 balls at him? No. But he very well could have pulled the trigger fast enough to have hit the 20 bps rate. Follow me? I believe it's more then possible to achieve 20 bps in a high adrenaline situation. Everybody's heard a story of someone lifting a car off of someone in a time of need. People can do miraculous things when they need to. So yes I believe he could pull 20 bps, but probably not all the time. I believe it would be very hard to just pick up a marker and sling 20 balls over a chrono in 1 sec. Impossible......no, anything's possible with practice. One things for sure, I wouldn't want to be the guy that just peeked over his bunker. :D

06-11-2002, 04:52 PM
20bps, well, if he can, then so be it, if he can't so be it. 20bps, thats like what in a minute thats 32 dollars a minute. and only about 10 dollars of the paint actually hits someone.

06-11-2002, 06:51 PM
I've seen 20 before.

Matrix with Red Bolt Kit, sweet trigger job, 12V warp, and fanning the trigger. It hit 20 in bursts over a BPS/FPS chrony.

06-11-2002, 07:02 PM
Hey it's anyone's perogative(sp) to belive what they want. I personally don't care if people over the internet belive what I say. Let the flamers flame, who cares. If he can wow great, if he can't then he's another internet liar. Either way if you don't belive him just say so, there is no need to go all out flame war on him. I'd personally want to see it before I state yes or no.

06-11-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by obsolete898
Either way if you don't belive him just say so, there is no need to go all out flame war on him.

no, if you don't believe him oh well, keep it to yourself and not make a big deal about it.