View Full Version : Whhy Dont You All Get A Matrix

06-03-2002, 11:08 AM
I dont see why you all waste your time with these salad shooters... I mean get a Matrix and hook a warp feed up to it and then put 18volt to it b/c the 9 volt aint even close to being fast enough... You wont ever need a squggie again... and you can use the gun for ever.... I mean who really wants a gun that aint no count.... A mag that was 10 years ago... I mean i would rather have a good upgraded spyder... All the mags just need to be donated to some people thats less fortunate.... and you all need to go back to the drawing board... Not saying AIR GUN DESIGNS is a bad company just need some better guns... They saved me when thay came out with the warp feed... Just make something besides a mag...
Thank you.... Brian (Artic Field Mouse)

06-03-2002, 11:11 AM

06-03-2002, 11:12 AM

ur funny...

i DO like the matrix though....

06-03-2002, 11:12 AM
Im with you shartley.


06-03-2002, 11:14 AM
Before this turns into a flame fest, it's getting closed. I have a suggestion for you Slogo7. If you want to tell people to get another gun, don't slam another product at the same time. It makes you look narrow minded and like a complete fool. If you want to stay around, that's fine, but if you continue to act like this you will be asked or forced to leave.