View Full Version : Long Island Big Game photo's

06-03-2002, 12:05 PM
For anyone that doesn't know, I am a member of the Canadian Contingent Rec Team, I make what has now become an annual trip over for the Long Island Big Game. It's huge fun and this years was no exception. I'll be back next year for anyone in the area who wants to say Hi.

OK a few piccies for you guys...


First the Can Con tank :) It ran on 'Flintstone power' and was great fun to shoot out of. Myself and 'Durty Dan' were power at one point and Dan couldn't see out as we had to raise it to a height that I could carry it... he just took directions from me.

At one point I took off my battle back, placed in in front of me and then just kept shooting through 5 pods with my Race Spearhead... Uwe who built the tank turned to me and said 'now I have a gunner' :) The sounds of the race cocker inside it were just awesome!

That's me with the Bandanna... a foot taller than everyone else :)


Oh and here is that very shiney cocker... with a clear blue Halo B ;)


Can you tell what I forgot?

Me playing stock class... It was hilarious and fantastic... I think Punisher is going to have a phantom work order for me soon...


And conducting a round of the 'Weakest Link' by torchlight and after a lot of white port (I converted the Canadians) and a few beers to many. I was still able to read though :) (just)


In all an absolutely fantastic trip!


06-03-2002, 01:33 PM
Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Great pictures!

06-03-2002, 01:48 PM
Cool pictures Manike! :D

06-03-2002, 02:04 PM
Yeah it was an amazing time.

I love my 'road trips' to the states as I get to see and hang out with a huge number of friends, many of which I first met on the net, on forums like this :)

I often think how lucky I am that it's such a small world and how paintball allows me to travel and have so much fun and meet so many cool people.

Further planned trips to the USA this year include the Spplat game and the World Cup. I hope to see more of you guys then.


06-03-2002, 02:11 PM
btw, your cocker and halo have that dreamy look :p

06-03-2002, 03:18 PM
That big game was Great. Red Team all the way.!!

06-03-2002, 03:37 PM
hmmm, yess, sooooo how can i get ahold of one of those clear halos?????

06-03-2002, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
btw, your cocker and halo have that dreamy look :p

But I don't? :( :D

Icom, Red team? Nah silver banded mercenaries! I got to shoot at everyone :)

magman007, sorry I have no idea... I was given mine ;)


06-03-2002, 09:35 PM
Someday....someday....they'll have a big game out here in California......*sigh*

Looks like way too much fun Simon, glad you could do it!:cool: