View Full Version : A Silly Idea?

06-03-2002, 01:11 PM
i was bored today and came up with an idea. what if you took your drop forward and turned it around? it would place the the air directly under the marker giving you more stability and balance, right? here is a quick illistartion i did using adobe 7.0 and pics off of paintballgear.com. sorry abouth the detail i threw it together in 2 mins. tell me what you think:

06-03-2002, 01:17 PM
I've done that before with my flatline, it's kinda nice to use, but you can't shoulder the gun at all. I liked it cause it was a really small package.

06-03-2002, 01:30 PM
(Note: Reposted because the other thread is gone.)
I thought about that idea for the Black Magic last July. It was also brought up on another forum that it has been done before and is sort of the way it was with the old VMs. (I am not a Paintball Equipment or History Buff though.)

Here is a very quick concept image I did showing that setup.

I would have to argue that the balance would not be as bad as some might think. You do not shoot a Paintball Marker (for the most part) like a hand gun. You shoot it like a long-arm. I find when I shoot mine, I use the tank as a stock into my shoulder, and pull back with my non-firing hand on the front grip. This takes ALL the weight of the marker. Only when walking around am I holding the marker with all the weight supported by the trigger grip/frame. (Note: This was in regards to a comment PotatoBoy posted in the OTHER thread just like this one.. grrrr Sorry… good post though PB. I wonder where it all went.)

Thus, a marker that has more weight at the front is not necessarily a BAD thing, it could actually help steady the marker when shooting (like weights on a bow, or heavy barrels on a sniper rifle). The majority of the weight would be supported by your non-firing hand anyway. I tested this out with my RTP, and found that when in “firing” position, I could take my hand totally off the trigger/frame and the marker was still held in position as if I had my hand ON the trigger/frame. Simply put, if you are firing the marker AND supporting it with your firing hand, you will most likely be less accurate and slower with your shots anyway.

I could be wrong, but just checked and sure enough, to get faster shots off, I had virtually NO pressure on the marker with my firing hand, it was all with my shoulder and non-firing hand. I hope that made sense.

06-03-2002, 01:57 PM
i did that with my flatline. actually works out very nicely. i held my trigger frame with one hand and my other hand gripped underneath the tank. it acted as a very nice shooting platform.

06-03-2002, 02:33 PM
ill try that on my cocker right now since i gotta fiddle with the grip anyway(damn trigger stop keeps unscrewing) ill post pics later if i like the feel

06-03-2002, 02:44 PM
I've seen a few people play like that over here, its quite nice, and it'll balance a tippmann with a 20 ounce bottle perfectly. Not my cup of char though, nothing to keep your gun straight.

06-03-2002, 03:00 PM
I used my flatline tank/shocktech drop like that a long time ago and it was very compact and really cool. I got a lot of uniqe looks and comments. I cant remember any but at my field it was original and after I did that...the next weekend I went their and 2 ther people had their guns like that.I was like "hehe" and didn't say anything. it has its good parts and bad parts. you cant shoulder the gun at all, but I dont shoulder my gun. I just hold it closed to my head but dont have anything resting on me, so ofr me it is actually a good setup but its looks weird, which I like. but theirs always the smart *** that has to say something to you about it and then it jst gets on your nerves and crap like that

06-03-2002, 03:25 PM
well i just did it and ill give you my report

1. screwing in the tank is harder because you have to move the hose out of the way or something(good thing i had macroline)
2. felt alot lighter
3. first attempt i felt alot of recoil(wasnt thaat much but still was a lot after having feeling none before)
4. second attempt i noticed no recoil after i decided i liked it and cut up a new macro line hose

06-03-2002, 05:00 PM
Here's Minimag2002's original idea, converted to .jpg

06-03-2002, 07:07 PM
I love how there is an Armageddon reg going into a Screw in On/Off ASA

:-P I have never experimented with the idea, but i dont really like stocks all that much.

06-03-2002, 09:36 PM
i know i realized it after i posted im just tryng to get the main idea across.

06-03-2002, 10:31 PM
They only work if you have a stock, it causes the marker to be front heavy. Never a good layout.

06-04-2002, 02:36 PM
the point is to not have a stock(which was the tank originally) if im not mistaken

06-04-2002, 09:10 PM
If you have this setup and no stock dont expect to be able to shoot accurately, especially when snapshooting.

06-04-2002, 09:23 PM
i would have a tank way smaller than 48 ci then... Something like a 20 ci 4500 psi tank even though it would be custom made... I would also have thought to drop it back a lot more...

06-04-2002, 10:19 PM
here's my version of the idea... kidna off scale but o well...

edit: lol, i made a nifty little photoshopped part on the emag... lets see who finds it first for a little game...

06-04-2002, 10:23 PM
I don't kno but it looks kinda not helpful. But if it works for do it.

06-04-2002, 11:30 PM

FooTemps: Low rise vert feed with blade trigger

Well, my friend did it on his model 98.. called it "terrorist style," guess from the AK or something.
It works ok, but you need a stock like in shartley's picture to steady it.

As for my own setup, well my tank is dropped far enough forward that it wouldn't make that much of a difference forward or backward, but I still have about 3 inches of tank out the back of the marker so I can shoulder it.
(I'm a pretty small guy compared to a lot of more "hefty" guys here.. 5'6" 115, so the setup fits me just fine, not too compact)