View Full Version : I am not proud of what I have done

06-03-2002, 10:03 PM
This is going to be a rant/vent, so if you don?t want to read hit back now. But I have to vent.

I was with a group of friends at the river swimming today having a good time like many afternoons. The part of the river we swim at has a rope swing and lately the current has been next to nothing, so it is more of a pond.
There were about 7 of us and a group of about 10-13 other guys there. A couple of them were drunk so we just swung out and stayed out. We were about 40 feet off shore and had been out there about 20 minutes when I herd the words ?brass eagle? and I looked back into shore. Didn?t see anything so I just ignored it. A few minutes latter we hear several shots ring out and I see one of the idiots firing out into the water. He wasn?t firing anywhere near us but it was still very aggravating. I could see from where I was that it was a spyder or a spyder clone so I knew that this so STUPID NEWBY that doesn?t deserve to even touch a marker. I warned him right then that none of those balls better come even near us. His comment was ?what the hell are you going to do about it.? My remark was ?can you say full auto??

Well we sort of ignored them and went about our business still in the same area and all the while keeping a close eye on them. They passed the gun around through several of them, one guy shot two shots, and they both broke in the barrel. Then the third and fourth shot did pretty much the same thing. He then pointed the gun not at us, but towards the water but at a shallow angle?and pulled the trigger. The ball skipped once about 20 feet off the shore and then 1 foot in front of my fiancé, the balls final break was square on her forehead. If the ball had been 1/2 an inch lower, and either to the right or left, it would have hit her in her eye. She was about 4 feet off to my right and all I could do was watch. The ball broke and was pink shell/fill. My immediate thought was blood but I knew better. Within half a second I was swimming faster than an Olympic class swimmer towards shore with a friend right on my heals.

I tore up the shore and I have never seen a man so scared of me in my life. This guy was a little larger than me (I am not a big guy either) and he cowered as I screamed. All he could say was I am sorry I didn?t mean to. I just ran back to water as she swam out and helped guide her to shore. After making sure she was ok, as ok as she could be considering what had just happened; a friend that was right behind her who told me that his z-micro warped mag was in his car. I said give me your keys. I ran the 1/3 mile back to his car and loaded up while the rest of my friends were getting out of the water. The owner of the micro showed up as I was finishing loading a pod with my girl right behind. He gave me a towel to cover the marker and we ran back towards the SOB. We reached his crew about half way back to the river with him in the far back of his group. As I ran up to the first guy I threw the towel off and he saw the monstrosity. He could have out ran Forrest Gump when he saw me with it. I never caught him, I didn?t really care to. I just wanted to scare the hell out of him. I think I accomplished that.

I am not proud that I took advantage of having the marker or the fact that I pulled it out in the open. I know better than to do that, but I had to. I wanted to show him what a real paintball gun looks like. Not that piece of crap Wal-Mart special he had.

On the bright side, Jenni is doing fine, still a little shaken up and has a small bruise on her forehead. But she will be ok, hopefully that entire crew of retards will think twice before bringing a marker out into the open again. It just doesn?t belong there.

You guys may say it is a good way to get new people into the sport, I say it is a tragedy waiting to happen. Jenni could have been permanently injured because of this crap. I am so very thank full she isn?t.

06-03-2002, 10:10 PM
I think I would have stopped at the point when he was cowering away from you. But In the heat of the moment, you can kinda lose your mind for a second. But you didnt shoot at him, and thats good. Shows you have a bit more maturity than him. Just try to keep your cool next time.

06-03-2002, 10:12 PM
i would have grabed the gun from him and beat the hell outta him with it

Tactical Neural Implant
06-03-2002, 10:19 PM
Well, I'm glad your fiance came out o.k. I understand why you would want to get back at him, and I also applaude you for using control.

06-03-2002, 10:24 PM
Sorry man, With any situation when someone removes the safety of you or your groupe you should remove the threat, you did that , then you took it one step too far. Now i know this was an attack on your fiance, if anyone was to shoot my girl friend he better know how to drop me, cause a 245lbs pissedoff line backer is not something you want in your face. Should have simply grabbed his marker and tossed it as hard as you could into the lake, then possibly him.

Stupid people do stupid things, they have a way to removing themselves from society, the bad part is they take some smart people with them.

06-03-2002, 10:24 PM
I fully understand your duress, I would have done much the same, at the first (though more than words would have flown as I came out of the water).

However, you exercised very poor judgement in retreiving the marker from the car and returned, bent on vengeance. This could have ended very ugly, and sad for all concerned.

Thank God your fiance' is well and relatively unharmed. You on the other hand, in your state of mind, could have wreaked much more physical damage, possibly permanent, to a drunk fool who simply didn't know better.

It is good that you came here to "confess". You didn't have to, and none of us would have ever known. Your relating this story to all of us just may divert a tragedy in the future, if we all keep this in mind as a lesson learned.

Thank you for being honest. Dave:cool:

06-03-2002, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Army

Thank God your fiance' is well and relatively unharmed. You on the other hand, in your state of mind, could have wreaked much more physical damage, possibly permanent, to a drunk fool who simply didn't know better.

He actually wasn't drunk, just a couple of the older farts that were there. he was one of the younger ones about my age...20. I wasn't going to shoot him and never intended to, like i said, i just wanted to scare him and basically show him that there is always a bigger fish.

I know by doing what i did, all the old cliches come into play....i sank to his level blah blah blah....But i needed to. I just had to. I guess i had to put the scare into him that he put into me when he shot her...:(

Originally posted by Army

It is good that you came here to "confess". You didn't have to, and none of us would have ever known. Your relating this story to all of us just may divert a tragedy in the future, if we all keep this in mind as a lesson learned.

I do sort of feel like i sinned. I told Jenni that had to get on the computer when i got home and post this here. It does make me feel better now.
I can't even begin to explain the rage and horror i felt when it happened. I have never felt anything like that before. It makes me sick when i think of the rage and adrenaline that ran through me for those 10-15 minutes.

I must admit, 3-4 years ago when i was far less mature, i would have broken the guys nose. He should be thankfull too.

06-03-2002, 10:56 PM
I would have kicked the ever lovin' christ out of them. Plain and simple. If not possible, I would have unloaded every single ball I had.

Poor judgement: yes
Bad reflection on paintball: yes

But sorry if that was my wife that nealry lost her eye, that SOB would have nearly lost his life.

06-03-2002, 10:59 PM

My mind went Gump right now!

"Kevin! why did you DO that?"
"Jenniii, you're my giirl....I love yoou."


06-03-2002, 11:57 PM
ok there would have been 2 hits between me and that guy me hitting him and him hitting the ground. :D thank god yuor girlfriend is alright and thank god you didn't shoot that guy. but if worst came to worse and he would have tried hitting you rip the barrel off as quick as yuo can and bam lights out. < don't ever do this you could kill someone.

06-04-2002, 12:07 AM
it's a very good thing you didn't rip on him, and I'm sure he's one less idiot to be caught on the field. ans I know how it feels to be hit in the face, I've had it happen to me before. I can't describe the feeling I had, like I could knock the snot out of Satan himself, but I held back. Boyyy am I glad I did. If I hadn't, I would have been thrown out of and barred from S.C. Village for life. Not good. I also understand the rage you felt, nobody can hold back when it comes to the safety of their loved ones. Good job on keeping your finger static.

the JoKeR
06-04-2002, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by thecavemankevin
I do sort of feel like i sinned.

Then do 10 Hail-Emags and loan your gun to a newbie the next time you play. :cool:

06-04-2002, 06:52 AM
Sadly it seems that there is an abundance of dumb-***'s that congregate at the James and just do stupid stuff

06-04-2002, 07:02 AM
I think what you did was a little too far, but in the same circumstance, I probably would've done something similar. Anyway, instead of going for the marker, I think you should've gone for a cell phone. Having the police show up to haul his useless *** to jail for assault would've scared him a lot more.

06-04-2002, 07:30 AM
OK, I can see everything you did up until you didnt break his face. I, and about everyone else here, would have just punched him a good one and then left. You could probably cause him more pain and bigger bruises by just hitting him.

Patron God of Pirates
06-04-2002, 07:37 AM
Loading a hopper would have been way to controlled an action for me. I would have destroyed his Marker and thrashed him if he tried to stop me.

06-04-2002, 07:52 AM
I would have thrown his POS in the lake.

06-04-2002, 07:58 AM
You handled that a lot better than I ever would have in that situation. I know had I been there in that positiion and that happened to me and my g/f, I probably, would end up in jail. I know my temper and after I unloaded a hopper or 2 on the mofo who pulled that, I would probably unload with my fists too. I hate to admit to that, but that's the truth. I'm glad your girl is okay, and nothing worse happened. I thik you handled the situation as best you could given the circumstances, and what you had available.

06-04-2002, 07:59 AM
Caveman, I understand your frustration, and I can't say I would not have done EXACTLY what you did, I may have done worse I'm an x-Special Forces officer with a really bad temper. However your fiance is ok, and you did not get arrested!!! What I know I would have done, is thrown his marker in the drink, so he would have needed a scuba diver to find it.

Temo Vryce
06-04-2002, 08:12 AM
The answer is simple. Have him charged with assult. I realise that this is bad for paintball but it's better than lighting the guy up.

Personally if it was me. I wouldn't have gone for my mag, I would have shown how hard it is to pick your teeth up when your eyes are swollen shut. Again this is the wrong thing to do, but when someone does something like that to someone you love, all rational thought goes out the window. I'm glad that you didn't do anything stupid in the long run.

06-04-2002, 08:28 AM
did i read it wrong or did you say that you
loaded up a pod??!?!?!?!

how was that gonna scare him

i think that you were gonna shoot him but then you cameto your senses

stupid is
as stupid does

06-04-2002, 09:32 AM
I have to give you some much needed respect as you didn't fly off the handle. Also.. to those that would have unloaded a hopper or two.. sounds like the first thing that would come to mind, but remember.. that one shot on his fiances forehead would have been a lot easier to explain as accidental than 200+ all over ol' boys body. I'd just popped him once... in his "member" you know what I mean.

Caveman.. I'm really glad your fiance is ok. I mean.. its kinda like the man upstairs was already looking out for you and her. As Army said.. live and learn. Next time.. walk up to the offender.. don't say anything.. look him dead in the eyes and land one solid punch, square in the middle of his face. Then turn around and walk off. This would have accomplished what you wanted.. an eye for an eye. I believe cops would have let you go with a warning as both of you had physically assaulted someone. Yours was a crime of passion though.. so its not a sin in my book.

06-04-2002, 11:04 AM
wow, i havent been on here for a good while.

That story really irratates me, irresponsible people and drinking just dont mix. You NEVER strike, or cause physical pain to a lady, plain and simple. If that were me, that man would have had to have been taken out in an ambulance. You should have beaten the living crud out of that guy when he was scared of you. You should have just started swinging and never stopped.

Im sorry to those that would not have handled this situation this way. I know that I sound extreme, but the way I see it is, if you harm a lady, I will harm you a 100 fold. This is just my personal philosophy, when it comes to ladies.

I am very glad to here that she is ok, that could have been devastating.

take it easy all

06-04-2002, 11:37 AM
Next time go to the public pool

06-04-2002, 11:57 AM
OK, here's what I would have done in a similar situation over here in Germany:

1) Pull out my service ID,
2) declare myself "on duty",
3) explain to that guy that he's gonna be charged with a) assault (using a firearm) [German laws do treat paintguns as firearms], b) illegal carrying of a firearm (Assuming the place is public property) c) shooting outside a shooting facility,
4) ask for some piece identification,
5) just in case he doesn't want to identify himself: Arrest him on the spot and charge him with armed resistance to a police officer,
6) confiscate his paintgun (as evidence and for later destruction).
7) just in case he doesn't want to give me the paintgun: Take it with force and charge him with armed resistance to a police officer.

I love it when the law is on my side :D

06-04-2002, 12:17 PM
so,what did you do "wrong"?

06-04-2002, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Timmee
I think what you did was a little too far, but in the same circumstance, I probably would've done something similar. Anyway, instead of going for the marker, I think you should've gone for a cell phone. Having the police show up to haul his useless *** to jail for assault would've scared him a lot more. Couldn't have said it better myself.

06-04-2002, 02:56 PM
what would have been better is if you took him and tossed him into the water and buried his gun under the shore or threw it at the guy's head.

believe me i would probably be in jail if someone did that its hard to get me pissed but when you do you better run

06-04-2002, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner

its hard to get me pissed but when you do you better run

I am very much the same way...or i used to be. Like i said, a few years ago it would have been very different. She has forced me to learn to control my anger a great deal over the past 3 years. Part of me regrets not dropping the jerk, but in the end i am glad i didn't. Jen would have been extremely upset with me if i had, and her happiness and saftey is far more important to me than my own. so i deffinatly don't want her mad at me.

But thank you guys very much for you support. I still can't describe the sickness that comes over me every time i replay the shot in my mind.

06-04-2002, 05:02 PM
I know what you mean.. I won't discuss details but I get sick to my stomach when a certain thought crosses my mind.

06-04-2002, 05:58 PM
If i were in that situation, i'd be in jail and that guy'd be in the hospital or the morgue.

Some people need a kick in the teeth to understand things.

06-04-2002, 08:06 PM
I would have done the same thing... in fact i have done the same thing. i got majorly pissed at someone and ran back to my house pulled out the beast. ran back and unleashed fury. the only shots i fired were about 5 feet in front of me at the ground but they ran and have never bothered me again.

06-04-2002, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Army

My mind went Gump right now!

"Kevin! why did you DO that?"
"Jenniii, you're my giirl....I love yoou."
