View Full Version : PayPal Redeemed!!!

06-03-2002, 10:15 PM
A few weeks ago I complained about user C45P312 not shipping goods after I payed $60 via PayPal. When I hadn't heard from him in over three weeks, I contacted PayPal to file a complaint. It has taken another week, but C45P312 has responded to my complaint, check out this post script...

"p.s.s. i cant use my ATM card, is that what happens if you file a complaintwith paypal? first time for me bro .. .hehehe"

I feel much better knowing Paypal can do something like this, and really stick it to a non-cooperative seller. I'm sticking with PayPal!


06-04-2002, 09:01 AM
I think you should read Paypal Warning (http://www.paypalwarning.com). You may feel a little differently about using their service.

06-04-2002, 10:44 AM
Meh, I've had nothing but good experiences with PayPal. Mind you, I don't keep a ballance there. :p

06-04-2002, 06:12 PM
I pay with a credit card, i don't retain a balance on Paypal. The great thing about them being able to freeze the account is that charlatan businesses can be held accountable for not shipping goods!


06-05-2002, 07:41 AM
The other great thing about them freezing accounts is that they like to pick on both sides of a bad transaction sometimes and you have no recourse. Paypal is a charlatan buisness.

06-06-2002, 03:16 PM
I have never had a problem with Paypal. The rates are low and the security is high.

A buyer gets:

A record of having paid (unlike sending an MO in the mail "I didn't get your money.")

A fast means of paying from fast shipping

A secure way to pay by credit card

Probably more, but those reasons are good enough for me

A seller gets:

Fast payment

Secure funds (electro checks don't bounce)

A dirt cheap way of accepting credit cards

Probably more, but those reasons are good enough for me

PAYPALWARNING IS OBNOXIOUS! It is not cool when somebody refuses to pay by paypal because they are scared! Did anybody notice that all the frozen accounts involved several thousand dollor purchases? Recieving that much money IS suspicious. It must stink to have your account frozeen, and it must stink to have you goggles crack and get hit in the eye. The fact is, while both those things can happen, I bet they only ACTUALLY occur a few times every year worldwide.

All and all, paypal never hurts a buyer, and sellers should just keep thier money in their bank instead of leaving $17,000 in thier account to get frozen (P.S. frozen money gets given to the complainers; ALL OF IT. If they whine about $20 and you have 30 grand in your account, they get 30 grand!!! All this info is in the user agreement you agreed to. Keep it in your bank account boys and girls!) Whith those precautions, DON't WOUS OUT! USE PAYPAL!

06-06-2002, 03:45 PM
Just keep your head in the sand. I'm sure your tune will change if/when something happens to you. I truly hope your experance with paypal never get like some of the many horror stories on paypal warning (http://www.paypalwarning.com).

Take a look at c2it. In many ways they match paypal's level of service. They are however free for all transactions in the US. They are also an online branch of citibank. They are fully FDIC insured and regulated as a bank. paypal is neither.

I don't avoid paypal because I'm "scared" I avoid them because I'm not stupid. I'm not going to give an buisness a chance to screw me over with little or no recourse. Companies like paypal are evil, you just won't see it till something goes wrong.

Here is a good example: