View Full Version : ematrix questions

06-04-2002, 08:41 AM
im looking at the ematrix. i have a few questions, what custom ematrix's r out and their specs, and price.

can u get the matrix with a autockoer threaded low rise breech?

06-04-2002, 02:42 PM
i dont think that there are any custom(meaning other companies making one) matrixes out right now that are still being made, theres the tequila matrixs(lets not get into a plural matrix fight guys) and another one i cant think of the name of but only 15 or so of them were made.

and it is cocker threaded and i think it comes with a low rise breach which of course you can buy at the matrix center or something if it doesnt

06-04-2002, 04:17 PM
matrix's are pretty nice guns, but i wouldnt go for one.
There accuracy isnt what its cracked up to be( i know all guns shoot similer with the same barrel/paint blah blah) still i wasnt impressed, they have speed, but what gun in that price range doesnt?
i'd stick with a mag, no leaking probs, smaller, durable, better company backing it ect. For the same price pick up a used emag lol

06-04-2002, 06:32 PM
Aardvark is releasing the tequila as like a permanent thing now, and they're also making the entity for a limited(not sure how many) time or amount or something like that. They got a forum thats pretty much just concentrating on these two right now.

06-04-2002, 07:12 PM
the entity isnt a limited run... they are going to make as many as people want to buy.. same with the tequila sunrise

The site for matrix accessories and talk is http://aardvarkdirect.com/

I think the price for the entity and tequila are 1200 and 1300 I THINK, but im not sure...

the stock breech is a autococker breech, and the feed tube is removable inwhich you can add a lowrise or whatever you want...

www.fearfactorypb.com is coming out with a angel feed tube adaptor so you can use any of the angel feed tubes on the matrix.. which in case you didnt know.. there are MANY different angel feed tubes.
Hope this helps

06-05-2002, 10:22 AM
where is the best place for me to pick one of these up at?

Aardvark and Shocktech r a little pricey for me. i would wanna keep ut under $1000.

is this a good way to go... get a stock ematrix then add a low rise and a front lpr reg?

i will be running a flatline air tank and a freak barrel system. this be a good setup?

hows the matrix on air use? i was getting 1400 shots from a 3000psi tank on my freeflow. how will a matrix stack up?

06-05-2002, 10:29 AM
if you get a matrix
get a stock one... buy a lpr (trinity), buy a bolt kit (better effiencey) and thats about all you need

06-05-2002, 11:05 AM
i was readiong about the bolt kit... what is the new chip they r talking about?

what is the shots per tank range i should expect

will a low rise be a bad add on?

can i ask u y u baught the matix? and thanks for the speedy respnce.

everyone else thanks a bunch as well.

06-05-2002, 02:55 PM
well the newer ones arent as much as a gas hoog as it used to be but a bolt kit and trinity make it one of the best guns available. a low rise wouldnt be a problem i would think but it would be good if you had a warpfeed obviously :D. the new chip if im not mistaken is a lcd thing or something but i cant remeber(so many electros so little time :D)

06-05-2002, 04:04 PM
thanks. info i needed to know

E==Mag MAN
06-05-2002, 09:08 PM
......there efficienty still sucks balls. My teamamte has his beloved matrix....i think my mags blows it away but its still nice. Well anyways with bolt mod/trinity u only get a hopper with 1500 pounds of air i mean a hopper....that blows thatts with the 2 mods. If you want a matrix get a used lcd for 700 its the same thing with nice efficienty and it looks nicer...that means crap though but to some people its everything

06-06-2002, 08:33 AM
200 balls with 1500 psi in what size tank?

I routinely get over 800 shots with 3,300-4,000 psi (not getting full fills due to the field's fill tnak not being up to 4,500) 68ci tank. That's with the stock barrel, stock (original design) bolt, stock chip, and low pressure recock reg (KAPP).

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

06-06-2002, 09:06 AM
For the price of a tequila you could almost get a Extreme Emag.

E==Mag MAN
06-07-2002, 05:21 PM
my teamates matrix i tested today befor i posted this:) i filled his gay tank 68 , 3000 he got 511 shots with all mods and KAPP REG