View Full Version : Shocker Opinions?

Patron God of Pirates
06-05-2002, 10:01 AM
Among my Rec team I was the first to go High end. I did allot of research, at stores and on the web, an got myself an (RT Pro) Automag *self thumbs up*.

Now the rest of my team is upgrading from their Tippy's and Spyders. A teammate of mine was even on here recently asking about Mag pros and Cons.

My team captain has never been convinced of the value of high ROF. He wanted something quiet and accurate, so he got a Shocker 4x4.

In an effort to be educated, I have been looking around for Shocker Pros and Cons. So i figured I would ask the populace here on AO what they thought of them.

So, without further gilding the lily, what do you think of Shockers?

06-05-2002, 10:03 AM
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THEM! they are sooo underated. U just have to get a NEW one otherwise you will have reliablity problems. But they are such good guns. Ive never seen one break a ball, they dont kick much at all. gimmie one over an angel or emag any day.

06-05-2002, 10:05 AM
the first thing people notice is the size. it is pretty bulky. i like this as it makes a nice steady shooting platform. it comes with an AA barrel i believe so it is accurate. you can also get it with a maxflo, so you will have a good consistant reg. it is not efficient at all with HPA, so get a big tank. co2 works very good on it, but it needs anti-siphon and an on/off. it has a nice trigger and i like the way the new ones feel.

06-05-2002, 10:10 AM
their triggerframe is far forward... it makes it REALLY comfortable, and it doesnt feel bulky at all. I can manuver one better than an e-brick.

06-05-2002, 10:16 AM
It is very quiet and you barely feel the gun move when you fire it. But check one out in person to see if you can live with its size and bulk.

Patron God of Pirates
06-05-2002, 10:25 AM
He got it tricked out immediately. It was used once and returned according to the store. It has the front mounted Max Flow, High Rise Powerfeed, and a new trigger frame (I don't know which but it has about a 1/2 mm pull). He's running a 68/3000 Nitro Duck for now but intends to get a bigger tank.

He's having some type of problem with the input pressure and velocity control. He had to set it well above the recommended input to get to 280 fps, and he says it's kicking like a mule at that input. I'd give details, but that is all he told me.

06-05-2002, 05:19 PM
here is my story

2 guys i play with alot ordered straight from smartparts, the new dream shocker or whatever u call it with turbo mode,
1st took 3 weeks to get them because they make them when they are ordered, both with custom fade one shows up scratched all to hello, the other perfect, returned the one and and recives another after 2 more weeks , and uses a different style battery, "a 9 volt" the first ones came with a cordles telephone type supposed to last 1000.000 shots, the 2nd shocker my friend recives the threds on the gun are screwed up so he has to send it back again

when i spend 2 grand on a marker+2 88ci tanks i expect more

but know for the good, the first shocker that came shoots like a dream,11 bps turbo mode rips, and the with the stock freak kit it is accurate as a crap, i mean really really acurate even constant at 11bps,,, but he has had several problems with the battery running out and had to get 2 new ones because the 1st one was dead upon shippment,,,
and its supposed to be a lifetime battery because with the type of battery that they sent in his shocker is not rechargeable..... so make sure it uses the 9volt one

06-05-2002, 09:47 PM
Well the only problems with shockers is that they're notorious gas hogs (youd better have at least an 88/45 if you're planning on using compressed) and they look big. Otherwise, I must say that they are some of the smoothest shooting guns around. Very stable, great with co2, and they got lotsa space for some cool anno. I personally liked the old dome switches myself, because you could limit the trigger travel to just that of the dome switch and it gave better trigger response than doing that with a micro switch does. But they're great guns for the money.

06-05-2002, 10:46 PM
Their big, very big. My friend has one. Stock barrel is HUGE(16"). Way too big for my taste. Gas-Hogs, low-pressure operation, not low enough to pinch though.

Smart Parts for some reason includes a non-rechargable shocker specific battery that once depleted must be replaced by buying one from smartparts.

Also, for some reason vert. feed is $100 more:confused:

I named alot of bad things, but they aren't BAD markers. Just not the kind of marker i like.

06-07-2002, 03:05 PM
shockers have nice trigger pull, don't break paint, and are accurate. They are also very big, and require a large tank, 88 at least, because they are insane gas hogs. They do works fine on co2, which is a plus. A great back player gun. one of my teamates stays back with his shocker and sprays the other team like crazy.
They are known to have defects. So - good for a backplayer.

06-16-2002, 09:50 AM
Here's my experience with the shocker line of guns - I had a shocker S/F. When it worked, it worked very well. When it broke, it broke bad. I had more troubles with the gun than not so i sold it. I got it when the new 4x4's and S/F had just came out. I think part of the problem might of been their instructions for the use of the gun with oil - as shockers today are lubed on grease, i believe. But needless to say, i returned my gun to SP many many times until i just got fed up with it and sold it. The newer ones might work better than the previous ones, although i haven't shot one since.

06-16-2002, 10:17 AM
The cool thing about the 2002 Shockers is that they come with a composite bolt instead of the old aluminum ones. This helps to increase efficiency like a Delrin bolt would. Shockers are intensly great guns and I would recommend them to everyone who wants a tgreat gun. Plus they come in Pee Pee Yellow like mine HERE! (http://www.ameritech.net/users/davesuematmike/ShockerGood.JPG)

06-16-2002, 10:36 AM
They definately eat up way too much gas, way too much !
Plus it weighs a ton.
Not too good of a choice if you ask me.
I would get an Impulse instead if you wanna get an E Pneu.

06-16-2002, 10:41 AM
Ok, many people seem to not understand this. The new Shockers weigh about 1oz. heavier than an Impulse. They are only 1cm. longer and 1cm. wider and 1cm. shorter in height. They're also a bunch more balanced. It's not that big of a difference.

06-16-2002, 01:25 PM
I'm not a big fan og them. their a little to heavy and blockish looking for me