View Full Version : E-mag - strengths/need improvements

06-05-2002, 10:12 AM
I've owned a powerfeed (which I prefer b/c it's easier to clean and you can turn off the powerfeed) E-mag for almost a year and I have the following observations.

1. The only time I have broken any paint was when the batteries in my hopper died. I don't understand where the "Mags break a lot of paint" rumor comes from.

2. The valve and electronics performs flawlessly. The ability to switch to manual mode saved me the one time I forgot to charge my battery. The quality of design and construction service is excellent.

3. The battery foregrip is quite comfortable and is not unduly heavy. However, the battery does not hold its charge for more than a week.

My only criticism with the stock E-mag is its ergonomics. First, the weight. Although the E-mag is not substantially heavier than other guns, the weight distribution (back-heavy) makes it feel heavier than it is. The culprits are the body rail, sight rail and the grip frame. There is a lot of excess metal on the body rail and grip frame so AGD or an after-market manufacturer ought to produce a lighter version of these components. The elaborate sight rail (and the six screws that hold it) should be replaced with a simple grooved rail bonded onto the body. In addition to saving weight it is easier to clean without the many nooks in the current rail in which paint and dirt accumulate. Keep a sight rail - I use a dot sight and with the E-mag's accuracy it works.

The second area needing improvement is the grip frame. As I mentioned previously the huge grip frame contributes to the weight and balance issue. BBT has the right idea with the SFL E-mag by milling down the grip. The wide, thick grip frame coupled with the flat grip panels makes the E-mag uncomfortable to hold and hinders the high rate of fire that it is capable of achieving. I just bought an angel and the grip frame and weight distribution makes all the difference in the world. I personally do not like the shape of the double trigger that comes stock on the E-mag and the angel. It is a matter of personal preference. While there are several choices of angel triggers there are currently no after-market triggers available for the E-mag. I for one prefer a straighter trigger like the blade trigger.

I realize that the SFL E-mag and the Extreme E-mag address some of these issues I have described. However, they cost an extra $400-$500 than a stock E-mag and they don't offer the choice of powerfeed. I want a no nonsense performer. Give me a lightened body rail, grip frame and blade trigger and I'm good to go. I don't want to pay extra for fancy milling or rainbow colors.

The bottom line is that E-mag owners need more choices. Part of the appeal of autocockers is the wide array of choices players have; buy a stock gun and upgrade (cosmetic as well as functional) or choose from a variety of fully-assembled custom autocockers (ie Eclipse, freeflow, etc.). For whatever reason companies like DYE, Planet Paintball (Eclipse) and KAPP are not making after-market parts for E-mags and that is a shame. Modified Paintball is working on a Magnum E-mag project and I look forward to see what they come up with. I hope that AGD as well pays attention.

06-05-2002, 10:17 AM
The standard colored e-mags have exactly as you describe. AGD has milled out the body rail to 1/3 the wt and cut down the grip's backstrap and put finger grooves up front.

Some guy on this board is making custom blade triggers that are the same shape as AGD's inteliframe trigger.

All the items you mention exist.

06-05-2002, 11:22 AM
they are actually really hard on paint becase they cant pinch balls, and they dont have anti chop features. SO yes,they are harder on paint. If you stand up and fire afull hopper with fresh batteries your fine. But the way i play i do a lot of jumping diving and slideing while fireing, emags just break paint in those situations.

06-05-2002, 11:37 AM
they are actually really hard on paint becase they cant pinch balls

I've seen a tweaked autococker pinch paint, also a matrix... even read about an angel being set up to pinch paint.?(don't know if this is true or not) Just wondering, but are there any other markers out there that also pinch paint?

06-05-2002, 12:12 PM
Bah why pinch paint when you can actually feed it....

Honestly Ever since I got my warp and halo I barely remember the last time I broke paint in any of my 3 mags.

Last time I broke paint in my e-magnum is when I outran the halo during a 20 BPS demo.

I havent broke paint in my warpfed RT as of yet.

The last time I broke paint in my classic mag is when I had my revy.

06-05-2002, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
The standard colored e-mags have exactly as you describe. AGD has milled out the body rail to 1/3 the wt and cut down the grip's backstrap and put finger grooves up front.

Some guy on this board is making custom blade triggers that are the same shape as AGD's inteliframe trigger.

All the items you mention exist.

When and where are these parts available???

06-05-2002, 03:03 PM
Veteranmag, I agree 100%, especially w/ giving E-MAG owners a choice to customize their markers, which I would love to do. Especailly by shedding more than a few onces here and there.

The marker is GREAT, however I'd like to have the same luxury as Cocker owners, customize. Although, I believe this will happen in the not so distant future, or at least I hope so.

06-05-2002, 03:24 PM
Bah why pinch paint when you can actually feed it....

well... what about people new to the marker?.. a "short stroker" would love a pinch far more than a chop. (Machanical marker of course)

06-05-2002, 04:05 PM
Coming from a shocker when i got my E-mag earlier this year i didn't notice a weight issue at all! I think the emags aren't heavier enough to cause any concern, lift some weights if you have problems, lol.

The battery grip fit my hands perfectly.. By looking at the pictures i thought it would be too big, but no, i loved it.

Put the warp feed on any mag and your set, little to zero breaks will ever happen.

And newer cockers all stop on the balls, i can tune basically any cocker post 2k and stop on a ball.

06-05-2002, 04:45 PM
Here's the frame that comes on all colored E-Mags. It's gutted out as much as possible without compromising overall strength of the frame.


Here's the gutted rail. The weight savings is very noticeable. Again, this has been gutted as much as possible without making it fragile.


E==Mag MAN
06-05-2002, 09:03 PM
as far as being hard on paint invest in warp hell i shoot it upside down sometimes .....nto for long but howmany other guns cna shoot upsidedown. ITS MANDITORY FOR ME NOW great for tape

06-05-2002, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by liigod
they are actually really hard on paint becase they cant pinch balls, and they dont have anti chop features. SO yes,they are harder on paint. If you stand up and fire afull hopper with fresh batteries your fine. But the way i play i do a lot of jumping diving and slideing while fireing, emags just break paint in those situations.
your stupid, emag breaks no more paint then any other openbolt marker while running, sliding and jumping, ive NEVER had a break unless i tried to shoot 18 bps on a revvy.
Any emag owner will tell you that your full of ****.

06-05-2002, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Bonx0007

When and where are these parts available???

Here and now...

They are genuine AGD parts and they are available now.

I forgot the name of the person who made the blade triggers though, sorry.

06-06-2002, 12:10 PM
Butterfingers, when you mean that the lightened grip frame and rail body are "available now" do you mean by purchasing a new colored E-mag?

The point of my initial post to advocate more choices for E-mag owners.

Some would say that the E-mag is not "that" heavy and you just need to "deal with it". But why? Why not offer choices that allow different players (ie smaller players, or players who want to tack on a warp feed, 88 cubic inch tank, or whatever) to use the E-mag? I think the battery pack foregrip is fine, but a lot of people post that they want something smaller or thinner or in a different location. Are people not buying the E-mag because they "just wish the _______ was different...?

If the lighter frame and rail are "available now", why aren't they being sold now as an after-market part like the inteliframe? Why do current E-mag owners have to purchase a new colored E-mag to get it? I for one, like the black teflon E-mag.

Yes, I saw the thread where a fella is thinking about making a blade trigger if there was enough interest. In any event, that is only one alternative trigger. Different people like different trigger shapes. Also, as an individual it will likely cost him more to produce it than a company who mass-produces them. Why isn't AGD or other manufacturers getting into the act?

E==Mag MAN
06-07-2002, 05:26 PM
Sorry if i may say a gun can not be perfect in everyway u talk how to lighten this fix that i understand why. But everyone gun can not be perfect if you want a e-mag you are goin to have a heavy gun. If you buy a matrix or shocker you are goin to have ****ty air effieciency if you buy a cocker You cant screw with it unless you know what your doing.Each gun has its Unfixable probs the e-mags weight is one. you can make it lighter but it will never be like a bushy. So why does everyone keep *****ing about it.

Originally posted by liigod
they are actually really hard on paint becase they cant pinch balls, and they dont have anti chop features. SO yes,they are harder on paint. If you stand up and fire afull hopper with fresh batteries your fine. But the way i play i do a lot of jumping diving and slideing while fireing, emags just break paint in those situations.

your stupid, emag breaks no more paint then any other openbolt marker while running, sliding and jumping, ive NEVER had a break unless i tried to shoot 18 bps on a revvy.
Any emag owner will tell you that your full of ****.


Kaiser Bob
06-07-2002, 05:56 PM
AGDE has already stated its coming out with a whole line of things like C&C battery packs, round batteries, C&C gripframes supposedly lighter than the colored ones, etc. Just hold your horses.

E==Mag MAN
06-07-2002, 06:13 PM

06-07-2002, 10:46 PM
well mine never stopped breaking paint and i am an emag owner so ur full of bs Brian68Mag... All that thing ever did was break paint HALO or revvy or warp

06-07-2002, 10:55 PM

Sorry things didnt work out for ya.

Of all of my 3 mags I rarely break paint. Rarely meaning an avg of 1:6000.

I suspect near zero breaks if we werent shooting at 20 BPS FA. All of which were chops, no barrel bursts.

Your gun is the exception not the norm.

Some guys are just unlucky with mags...

E==Mag MAN
06-08-2002, 01:35 PM
well if your mag broke that much paint can you say "user fault" my e-mag rarly broke paint like 1 ball in a couple cases my friends matrix breaks more paint

06-08-2002, 01:44 PM
want customization?....get a cocker...want an Emag.....get one!!! nuff said...lets not cry about it

06-11-2002, 10:13 AM
Barretc, you're missing the point of my post. Why should someone be persuaded to buy a cocker (and why should AGD lose a customer) just because he perfers the grip frame or some other component of a cocker over a mag? The point is not that "we cry about it [the lack of aftermarket components]", but rather to discuss the issue among the AO community and perhaps AGD and other manufacturers may take notice.

If the E-mag was a faulty design that has little potential for improvement then this discussion is moot. But on the contrary, the E-mag is a solid design and with the availability of ergonomic options the E-mag can be improved and can meet different individual's needs.

In the auto industry a long time ago they used to say that "you can get any color Ford Model T you wanted... so long as it was black." There was one model, one style, take it or leave it. Do you think that this attitude could survive in today's auto industry?

A product is developed, areas of improvement are identified and modifications are made. Customers are happy (they get what they want), the manufacturer are happy (the makes money).

06-11-2002, 12:20 PM
im not saying "go buy a cocker" Infact I fall short with cockers (or atleast i never had any luck with them). Im jsut saying that AGD is not gonna go and change the whole design bc one person doesnt like it.

06-11-2002, 12:22 PM
short and sweet....