View Full Version : Who's playing where this weekend?

06-05-2002, 09:36 PM
Hey I was just wondering who was playing where this weekend (6/8 & 6/9) in the Metro Detroit Area. I've been playing for the past few weeks at my usual field, and I'm getting bored with there. (I actually know the field as well as the owner does, if not better). So I was wondering where other people in the Detroit area play, and if you're playing. if you could post the field name, costs, and general area of the field I'd appreciate it.

06-06-2002, 07:24 AM
I'll either be at Lone Wolf in lapeer or Killer in Salem on saturday. Syn is planning on going to Killer, sat as well.
I can't remember lone wolf's site, try a search but killer's site has directions and what not at www.killerpaintball.com

futureball (whitmore lake) is having their big game this weekend too, don't know anybody that will be there.

06-06-2002, 08:04 AM
yup, myself, my woman and most likely tato will be at the killer field first thing saturday, i was talking to ken (the owner) and he said that he has had a pretty steady crowd (60ish) most days they have been open.

if you haven't been there, you might want to think about checking it out. its $10 to get in and BYOP.

lonewolf's site is http://lonewolfpaintball.com - but they are a bit pricey for my taste (not to mention about twice as far away)

06-06-2002, 08:07 AM
does killer still have the deal going where you buy a case of paint from them and you can play for $5?

06-06-2002, 08:13 AM
don't quote me on it, but i believe thats the case, thats how it has always been (since they ran games at LoneWolf indoor) by and large, they have some of the best paint prices around aswell.

if anyone is going, but can't make it to the store for paint, lemme know and i can do a mass purchase when i truck out there tomorrow, call them after 11 @ 248-615-0000 for prices and answers to questions about their current stock

06-06-2002, 10:35 PM
Yeah I have to afree their paint prices are pretty good if you're a member.

On a different note, I was wondering if anyone is playing on Sunday? I just got word from my boss that we're going to be short staffed (as usual) on saturday and since I'mthe low man, I have to work.

Also on this related topic, thanks for the info on LW in Metamora, but I hate to say this, but that is my usual field that I play at. So if someone is playing on sunday somewhere other than LW let me know I have a newbie coming with me and I don't want to see him get surronded by Cocker Jocks all day...

Finally, Has anyone played at a field in Monroe on Monroe St. Run by S&I paintball. It's all day for $10 and only $70 per 2000 case (not sure what brand of paint is used though). Any info on this field would be great to know too. Thanks

06-07-2002, 07:28 AM
never heard of the field in monroe.
I don't think I'll be playing on sunday. I'm planning on painting my house. That and my friend is having an all day BBQ-watch the wings game party that I'll be recovering from.

06-07-2002, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by wyn1370
never heard of the field in monroe.

They just opened up last week or the week before. A few long time downriver players at the store didn't even know about it until a few days ago.

06-07-2002, 08:08 AM
I used to live downriver. Too bad they didn't open up months ago, I might not have moved (well yeah I would have, but at least I could have got a few games in). Gonna have to go check it out one of these weekends when I'm down that way visiting.