View Full Version : Removing Stock Frame

canada kicks @ss
06-06-2002, 03:51 PM
OK, I feel like a total n00b about this, but I'm buying an I-frame, and there's only one problem. I can't separate the frame from the body rail. Both screws are removed, but that's as far as I've got (don't wanna do anthing that might mess it up), so I was just wondering how you do it. This is just a guess, but do I have to remove the pin between the triggern and sear, and the sear and pin will pull out of the top of the rail? Not sure how old this mag is, as I bought it used (also don't have the video), but I think it's about 2-3 years.
Thanks for any help.

Will Wood
06-06-2002, 03:54 PM
If the gun is disassembled, and you took out the screw between the trigger and trigger gaurd, but still doesn't come out...that's odd

06-07-2002, 01:17 PM
When you remove the body tube from the body rail you will need to dump the sear assembly out of the rail. Now.. once you have the body rail clean with no screws or sear assembly in it simply work the grip frame off the rail. Pull a little at the front.. then pull a little at the back. You should eventually be able to work them apart. There is a brass bushing that goes through the hole that the field strip screw uses (back screw hole). This (when brand new) can be tight.. and its supposed to be. It keeps the rail from falling off the frame when you disassemble the gun. Hope this helps.

06-07-2002, 02:38 PM
Frausty...that pic makes me cringe and tingle every time I see it.
Canada...it should just come apart. If not...try to see whats holding it together. It may just be stuck together with old paint or something. But, after you remove the 2 screws, it should just separate. Be careful with the little parts though...

canada kicks @ss
06-07-2002, 04:57 PM
OK, I had no problem at the end with the bushing. What is holding it in is at the very middle, which is why I think it's the sear. Also, the sear ***'y didn't want to be just "dumped out" and refuses to budge. Tried several things, like pulling the trigger and pulling the sear up, but that doesn't work. My thought is to take out the trigger, untread the rod joinging the sear to the trigger, and try that, as that is what I think is holding it in. Just thought of this now, but the spring on the grip frame looks to be jury-rigged, and that's the reason for it getting jammed. I'll get a pic in a little bit.

canada kicks @ss
06-07-2002, 05:14 PM
Sorry about the quality of this pic. That small line is the spring, wrapped around the arm of the sear. I'm guessing that if I remove this spring, I'll likely not get it back in again, so I'll have to wait until my I-frame comes in to take it out.

canada kicks @ss
06-07-2002, 05:15 PM
Here's another with the spring highlighted, as it's rather hard to see.

06-07-2002, 05:45 PM
Um, thats not an AGD trigger is it? I cant tell what kind it is...or waht that spring does. It shouldnt have anything to do with the operation of the sear. I really dont know what to tell you.

canada kicks @ss
06-07-2002, 05:56 PM
It says right underneath the hexagonal screw hole that it's an AGD carbon fiber frame, so the spring was either broken somehow, or was put like that intentionally, as a custom trigger job. Either way, it's gonna be a problem to get out. Just wondering, do I-frames come with new springs and sears? Since the sear's removable, I doubt they would, but if I don't get a new spring, there could be trouble...

06-07-2002, 06:05 PM
Its certianly not a stock sear. Does the gun fire once on the pull and once on the releace?? the only thing I can think of is you -might- have an autoresponce trigger, or someone put in a home-made 'return spring' which you could probably take out without effecting anything, other than maybe having the spring return the trigger, which is really a bit of a waste of time.

Mags dont use springs on the sears or in the trigger mechinism at all, it was put there by somebody, or its an autoresponce frame, Id say those are really your only two possibilites.

canada kicks @ss
06-07-2002, 10:11 PM
Judging by the fact that it's wrapped around and through the sear ***'y, and since there's no auto response trigger made by AGD that I've heard of, I'm guessing this is a homemade job. My only though on what it could do is maybe prevent the sear from hitting the back of the frame (instead just going straight up), thus shortening the trigger pull. And no, it doesn't fire twice. Since this is the only mag trigger I've ever shot, there's nothing for me to compare it to in terms of trigger pull.
And two more things: if mags don't use return springs, how do they return the trigger? Also, what is the cylindrical cavity directly underneath the sear for? I just assumed it was were the spring should go (but couldn't figure out how that would return the trigger, as it would only push the sear up) as it seemed the perfect diameter and length to fit that spring in.

06-08-2002, 04:14 AM
The mag retuns the trigger by using the little on/off pin. When the mag has finished firing the ball the bolt comes back, the on/off pin comes out, pushes down on the back of the sear assembly, forcing the front up to cock the bolt and the rest of it, that long bit to push out the trigger.

06-08-2002, 01:02 PM
my guess is to remove that spring from the sear, cuz just assuming sense its wrapped up there maybe its wraped up more in the top part of the grip.. and probably preventing it from coming apart.

06-08-2002, 05:42 PM
rip that pos spring outta there :mad:

...nicely of course :)

canada kicks @ss
06-10-2002, 02:26 PM
OK, I pulled that spring out and.....
the mag blew up in my hands j/k
it shoots fine, the trigger seems a bit more "snappy"but maybe a little longer. But it can still spray more paint than anyone else I play with :D. My one concern now it that, when fired when it's not gassed up, the trigger doesn't return. Also, the sear rod is very tight and won't thread out by hand (dunno if it's supposed to). Should I just put some oil on it, and hope for the best, or is this something I should worry about (like, for example, it doesn't extend far enough out of an I-frame to completely fire the gun).
Thanks for all your help in identifying this little problem.

06-10-2002, 02:52 PM
it wont return when not gassed up. The pressure pushed out the on/off pin which pops back the trigger.