View Full Version : DFW, Texas Team Looking For Players!!!

06-06-2002, 08:14 PM
i think this is the right forum....anyways...

I am starting over with new players, the last 2 werent dedicated enough. Here is what im looking for:

A player that is:

-Has their own Equipment
-Can make it to practices about twice a month
-Is ubder 16, mabey older but you know what i mean.

The team IS sponsered, we practice at either Fun on the Run or Mad Ivans (FOTR most) we might also practice a few times at midcities, but not as much. The sponser gives us paint for $35 a case. This is a ROOKIE team, it doesnt matter what you have, i am 13, and the captain, i have been playing for 2 years, you also need to have enough money too practice, i will not give you free paint.

Team Site:

Team Name:
No Direction

I am the captain, never been to a tourny, i was going to the paintball MAX one but my teammates dissapeared, if you come fast enough the team is still registered, all you need to do is send them your part of the team fee ($20 per player)



06-07-2002, 01:35 AM
up!!! we still need one more!!!

06-07-2002, 03:52 PM

*~LigHt U UP~56*
03-14-2006, 10:32 PM
sup, i tried to email yall, but it didnt work, could you email me your practice schedual to
[email protected] i may come see yall. also, do you have jerseys, if i go, how can i tell its the team, and not somone else, thanks

03-15-2006, 06:39 PM
Ummm.... I saw Madd Ivans.... then I looked at the date posted...

Congrats you pulled up a thread from 2k2.....

03-16-2006, 11:15 PM
ya, the mad ivans part threw me off to, and i was really excited for a second :rolleyes:

Dye Angel Guy
03-17-2006, 06:39 PM
If you know any place down there looking for a full time Aviation consultant or manager and even a professional pilot job opening I would gladly relocate. FYI, I am only 22.

Just thought I would toss that out there.

2002, wow. I never look at the dates. If it is at the top of the pile I just assume...