View Full Version : problem with mag-kinda.

06-06-2002, 09:43 PM
ok. well. i got a mag. uh yeah duh. ok. one. the trigger is HARDER then hell. how might i go to make that better? its a used gun with the intelliframe. one of my teammates know a lot about mags and he just said the sear needs to be worn in. but yeah i want other advice too.. and ok. second part. when you go to pull the trigger, it lets out air.. thats IF i don't pull the trigger all the way, if i pull it all the way it fires and all. when i hold the trigger down to split the main parts up, it doesn't like.. just when i push the trigger a little it does.. eh?? why what do i need to change? i'm guessing it has something to do with the on off pin. but, helppppp.

06-06-2002, 10:38 PM
Someone adjusted the trigger rod, which is basically a bad thing to do. The timing is all off.

I would suggest that you contact AGD, send it to them, and spend the few bucks ($45) to have it rebuilt to factory specs. They will replace anything that needs to be replaced, and adjust the rod to proper length. You'll also get some free AGD stickers too:)

Go up to the "Forum + Chat" button, let the menu drop, and click on "Contact Us":cool:

06-06-2002, 11:09 PM
i read that its the power spacer or something... some guy had the leak problem too and he said that ficed it.
but i don't want to go and send the gun in just for th trigger alone..it only had one star left..and don't really want to use it just yet..want to play with it a little..

06-07-2002, 12:26 PM
I'd install the next shorter spacer in the PT. This should sure the leaking down the barrel when you slightly pull the trigger. It may even help soften up the trigger. If this doesn't work.. I'd call AGD.

06-07-2002, 02:31 PM
well i'm on automag's store now getting ready to buy somestuff.. parts kit, spacers. nubbins, bumper, z lock pin, and the sear...anythign else i should get?

just got done shooting it, barely had any air left, only got like, 30 good shots out of it, but DAMN.. this thing has mad accuracy..i hit the SAMEE spot 6 times in a row from like 50 feet away..most guns i shoot don't do that good. just wow. heh. ok. and yeah i do have a leak down the barrel. so, i guess those spacers will do it.


06-08-2002, 09:10 PM
hey dude my mag does the same thing if you half pull the trigger its known as Half stroking, it also will chop your paint. all you have to do is get used to the trigger and used to full stroking it.similar to cockers

06-08-2002, 09:41 PM
no..its nothign like that..i've shot a cocker and no..just no.it leaks down the barrel when you pull it just a LITTLE. i mean, damn, it doesn't matter if i have my saftey on or off, if its on and pull the trigger, even that little amount will make it start to leak (intelliframe) so... like someone said.. im'a change the pt spacer.

06-09-2002, 11:18 AM
when your gun is gassed up, and your trigger is just resting, can you see air beteween the rod and the trigger? if you cant, the rod is too long. you may also want to change the PT spacer.