View Full Version : Hopper opinions please

06-06-2002, 10:58 PM
Okay, I have finally decided that I need to get a motorized hopper, but I'm not sure what to get. I'm going to tell all of you right now that a Warp is out of the question and not even a future possibility, so don't say because it will work well with a warp. I don't care if it will or not. The hoppers that are availible in my area are
1) Revolution 9V
2) Ricochet 9V
3) Zap 404 9V

Now I know it's not much of a choice, but if you had to decide between the 3 of these which would you choose?

06-06-2002, 11:10 PM
i'd go with the 9volt revolution then maybe later you can turn it into a 12volt

06-07-2002, 05:12 AM
9V revvy. With the addition of a X-Board and the new paddles, you have a hopper identical to the current 12V

06-07-2002, 07:47 AM
go with the 9V. you can upgrade it later with the X-board or turborev, which will turn it into a 12V.

06-07-2002, 08:06 AM
Get a Halo!!!

06-07-2002, 08:46 AM

06-07-2002, 10:02 AM
if you don't mind my asking...what do you have against warps?

06-07-2002, 10:50 AM
id rather have a halo but what ever you can afford should be the one for you

Load SM5
06-07-2002, 01:12 PM
Out of your choices I would go with the Ric.

But I would look at a cheap used revy and get a turborev board and impellar.

06-07-2002, 01:13 PM
go with the ricochet

06-07-2002, 01:29 PM
If you are truly stuck with 9v, get the Rico. The 9v Revvy is just not fast/sure enough for a 'Mag.

I can't imagine why no Pball store near you has any 12v Revvy's though. If one becomes available, I would suggest getting it, instead of the Rico.:cool:

06-07-2002, 01:41 PM
Get the 9v revvie then buy the 12v turbo upgrade with impeller.

Best hopper I've ever used.


06-07-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by Bartleby
if you don't mind my asking...what do you have against warps?

I tried one out on a classic mag w/ p/f at a nearby store to me. Dry fired a few shots, and it just didn't feel right too me. The gun felt lopsided in weight, and aside from that it gave me a feeling of cramming my hand to the trigger.

Originally posted by Army
I can't imagine why no Pball store near you has any 12v Revvy's though

The reason is the 2 stores that are in the area that sell exclusively pball stuff just bite.

06-07-2002, 07:44 PM
umm i guess if u cant get a HALO or a 12v revvy with Xboard then i would rather have a Ric then a 9v revvy have u looked at any of the online stores like Paintballgear.com u can just order whever u want from them but if u can find a HALO get it its a little more weight then the revvy but mine has cause me no problems at all and it feeds very reliabley

06-10-2002, 02:34 PM
i would get the 9v revvy

06-10-2002, 08:53 PM
go with a ricochet. i had a regular 9volt rev before they had the new boards and paddles and i easily out shot it. it had poor response time when it jammed. if you do get a 9v rev update it and you should be good to go.

06-10-2002, 09:13 PM
spend the money and get a 12volt revv its worth it, and you wont want to upgrade after using it for a month

06-10-2002, 09:29 PM
Heck I got a Ric AK at D-Day and that beats my 12vlt Revvy

The way Rics work isthe paddles only move when a ball brushes a little sensor so basically you have intellifeed. The paddles move when a ball is shot..

06-10-2002, 10:04 PM
Hey all,
Thanks for the opinions, and why with the bad choices that I had for my area. I'm going to be picking up the 9V Rico, cuz from what I'm hearing it sounds like the least of the 3 evils, until I can find a 12V somewhere. I'll let you know how it worked out once I get some time to break it in.

06-11-2002, 04:03 AM
I'd go to Wicked Air Sportz and pick up a TurboRev package. It works better than anything I've tried (not the new Rico AK's, though, will soon) and I love it. What ever floats your boat.


06-13-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by OldSchoolMag
I'd go to Wicked Air Sportz and pick up a TurboRev package.

If I was in Texas I would probably have considered it...

06-14-2002, 06:52 PM
They're in Texas? Crazy. I meant go online. Wicked Air Sportz (http://www.wickedairsportz.com)


06-14-2002, 11:35 PM

07-02-2002, 08:07 AM
I love my 12V Revy … I would not even bother with ANY 9V system personally, but that is a personal thing.

Bob Mundon
07-02-2002, 09:46 AM
why would you even get a 9m revy? you can find alot of sites selling 12v revys with xboards for like 45 bucks.

07-02-2002, 09:46 AM
I have a Ricochet. I bought it over any of them. The way they treat buyers is great. I had a problem with mine so I e-mailed them and they said send it in and they will be giving me a new one (with the o-rings...I do not know if you can even get these in the stores yet..). Not bad. And the look much better than the Revi.

07-02-2002, 10:58 PM
12v turbo rev

07-03-2002, 07:02 AM
you should go for a halo b here
now halo b is a option for you and if your posting on this board you have computer access meaning the halo b is available in your area if your not using a warp the halo b is your best friend trust me i have owned the rico and the 12 volt rev and they dont even come close to the halo b

07-03-2002, 10:42 AM
I love my ricochet. It feeds well and I like the game timer. I had one of the first runs of the ricochet (the one's with the weaker plastic). It cracked at the feed neck. I called them up and they shipped me a new shell, no questions asked.

07-03-2002, 07:47 PM
HALO is a 9V .

07-03-2002, 09:57 PM
i say go for the rico, but the 9vt revvy does hold more, hmmm, you decide, but i think thge rico is more promising