View Full Version : My AGD service story...a little long.

06-07-2002, 12:02 AM
About a month ago I noticed that my Emag trigger was not working in Emode. It was working one day and then, after I charged the battery, it quit.

I checked everything closely, couldn't find anything wrong, and then came here for help. BlackVCG and RobAGD as well as several others were very helpful, but ultimately we couldn't straighten it out. The final suggestion was to try replacing the HES harness, which I did without success.

I called AGD and got an RA number, but forgot to ask how long it would take. I Second Day Aired it to AGD on a Thursday, figuring that overnight arriving on Friday wouldn't do me a lot of good. I called on Tuesday to make sure it had arrived on Monday and Jon told it was there but that the techs hadn't had a chance to look at it. He then told me it would be done by the 17th. I was a little panicked, since I have a tourney on the weekend before that. He talked to the techs and they told him they would try to get it done and out by next Wednesday so I could have it for my tourney. I had resigned myself to having to use my son's gun, my old Classic mag, for that tourney and booting him back to a Tippman 98. (He adjusts to new guns faster than I do and can shoot a 98 almost as fast as a mag!)

Today, Saul put in my thread that it was fixed and would be out soon. That is almost a week sooner than they thought they MIGHT be able to do it. That is the best definition of customer support that I can imagine! Saul and Jon, Thanks for all your help!!

Tom, congratulations on your work ethic and for the excellent people you have working for you that also demonstrate that ethic. I was always a dedicated AGDer, but now I will tell everyone I know about it!

By the way Saul, did you install that Level 10 stuff I asked about? ;)

Thanks again!


06-07-2002, 08:54 AM
i think AGD has best customer service obviously....

is there a "best paintball company " award?

if so,AGD already has its name on it

06-07-2002, 12:28 PM
Well, I'm glad that you got to play in the tourney. Just another reason to buy AGD, great customer service.